geocpset - adds control points based on geometric position
geocpset [-o output.pto] input.pto
geocpset is a tool for panoramas which contains featureless
images, e.g. sky images. In this images a control point detector does not
find control points. geocpset analyses the positions of the images in
project files. Then it adds control points to these images which are not
connected by control points. The control points are set only be the
geometric positions of the images and not by the image content. So
geocpset should only used with projects which have assigned rough
image positions.
- geocpset -o
output.pto input.pto
If the --output/-o switch is missing then the suffix
"_geo" is added to the filename.
The indented workflow is
- #1 First create project file
- pto_gen -o project.pto *.jpg
- #2 Then assign rough positions to images
- pto_var --set y=i*20-40,p=0,r=0 -o project.pto project.pto
- #3 Now run a "normal" control point detector, e.g. only on
overlapping images
- cpfind --prealigned -o project.pto project.pto
- #4 And finally connect all unconnected images
- geocpset -o project.pto project.pto
- -o|--output
- Output a pto file with the given filename. If not given it will append
"_geo" to the input filename.
- -e|--each-overlap
- By default geocpset adds only control points to unconnected images.
With this switch you can force to add a geometric control point to each
overlap, which is not connect by control points or linked with image
- --min-overlap=NUM
- By default geocpset takes only image pairs into account which
overlap more than 10 %. If you have very narrow overlaps you can decrease
this value to take also such small overlaps into account, e.g.
- -h|--help
- Display help.
geocpset was written by Thomas Modes. This manpages was
generated by converting the wiki-page on <>
to pod-format by Andreas Metzler.