DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / ibutils / ibdmsh.1.en

ibdmsh - InfiniBand data model - an extentended TCL shell

ibdmsh is a TCL shell extended with interface for the IB data model. To use this shell you will write TCL code that directly access the IB data model objects and functions.

The following sub sections provide detailed definition for those objects and API.

The following constants are used by the node object type field


[ Constant : int ] $IB_SW_NODE = IB_SW_NODE

[ Constant : int ] $IB_CA_NODE = IB_CA_NODE

The following constants are used as argument bits for the global variable $FabricUtilsVerboseLevel

[ Constant : int ] $FABU_LOG_NONE = 0x0

[ Constant : int ] $FABU_LOG_ERROR = 0x1

[ Constant : int ] $FABU_LOG_INFO = 0x2

[ Constant : int ] $FABU_LOG_VERBOSE = 0x4

Log level: set to FABU_LOG* values

[ Global : int ] $FabricUtilsVerboseLevel

This section describes the various object types exposed by IBDM.

IBDM exposes some of its internal objects. The objects identifiers returned by the various function calls are formatted according to the following rules:

Fabric: fabric:<idx>

System: system:<fab idx>:<sys name>

SysPort: sysport:<fab idx>:<sys name>:<port name>

Node: node:<fab idx>:<node name>

Port: port:<fab idx>:<node name>/<port num>

IBDM Objects are standard Swig-Tcl objects. As such they have two flavors for their usage: Variables, Objects.

For each object attribute a "get" and "set" methods are provided.
The format of the methods is: <class>_<attribute>_<get|set>.
The "set" method is only available for read/write attributes.

   set nodes [ibdm_get_nodes]
   set node  [lindex $nodes 0]
   IBNode_numPorts_get $node

Given an object pointer one can convert it to a Tcl "Object"
using the following command:
<class> <obj_name> -this <obj pointer>

   Once declared the <obj-name> can be used in conjunction to
   with the standard "configure" and "cget" commands.
   Example (following the previous one):
   IBFabric VaTech -this $fabric
   VaTech cget -NodeByName
   To delete an object symbol (and enable its mapping to another
   pointer) use:
   rename <obj name> ""
   for example:
   rename VaTech ""

The following are the different fields and methods of the IB Port class which describes an IB device (chip) physical port.

[ Member data: returns IBPort * ] -p_remotePort
Port connected on the other side of link
[ Member data: returns IBSysPort * ] -p_sysPort
The system port (if any) connected to
[ Member data: returns IBNode * ] -p_node
The node the port is part of.
[ Member data: returns int ] -num
Physical ports are identified by number.
[ Member data: returns unsigned int ] -base_lid
The base lid assigned to the port.
[ Member data: returns IBLinkWidth * ] -width
The link width of the port
[ Member data: returns IBLinkSpeed * ] -speed
The link speed of the port
[ Member data: returns unsigned int ] -counter1
A generic value to be used by various algorithms
[ Constructor: returns IBPort * ] IBPort name p_nodePtr number
IBPort constructor
[ Member : returns new_uint64_t ] guid_get
Obtain the guid of the port
[ Member : returns void ] guid_set guid
Modify the guid of the port
[ Member : returns new_string ] getName
Get the port name: A device port connected to system port (front panel) returns the front panel port name.
[ Member : returns void ] connect p_otherPort ?width? ?speed?
Connect the port to another node port with optional width and speed parameters
[ Member : returns int ] disconnect
Disconnect the port. Return 0 if successful

The IB Node class represents a single IB Device (chip)

[ Member data: returns string * ] -name
Name of the node (instance name of the chip)
[ Member data: returns IBNodeType ] -type
Either a $IB_SW_NODE or $IB_CA_NODE
[ Member data: returns uint16_t * ] -devId
The device ID of the node
[ Member data: returns uint16_t * ] -revId
The device revision Id.
[ Member data: returns uint16_t * ] -vendId
The device Vendor ID.
[ Member data: returns string * ] -attributes
Comma-sep string of arbitrary attributes k=v
[ Member data: returns uint8_t ] -rank
The rank of the node (0 is a root)
[ Member data: returns IBSystem * ] -p_system
What system we belong to
[ Member data: returns IBFabric * ] -p_fabric
What fabric we belong to.
[ Member data: returns unsigned int ] -numPorts
Number of physical ports
[ Member data: returns vec_pport * ] -Ports
Vector of all the ports
[ Member data: returns vec_vec_byte * ] -MinHopsTable
A table of the number of hops required to get from each port to each target LID
[ Member data: returns vec_byte * ] -LFT
The LFT of this node (for switches only) which is a long vector of target ports - index is the LID
[ Member : returns new_uint64_t ] guid_get
Obtain the node GUID
[ Member : returns void ] guid_set guid
Set the node GUID
[ Constructor: returns IBNode * ] IBNode name n p_fab p_sys t np
[ Member : returns IBPort * ] makePort num
Create a new port by its number (if required) return the port pointer
[ Member : returns IBPort * ] getPort num
Get a port by number num = 1..N:
[ Member : returns void ] setHops p_port lid hops
Set the min hop for the given port (* is all) lid pair
[ Member : returns int ] getHops p_port lid
Get the min number of hops defined for the given port or all
[ Member : returns IBPort * ] getFirstMinHopPort lid
Scan the node ports and find the first port with min hop to the lid
[ Member : returns void ] setLFTPortForLid lid portNum
Set the Linear Forwarding Table for the given LID
[ Member : returns int ] getLFTPortForLid lid
Get the LFT for a given LID
[ Member : returns void ] repHopTable
Dump out the min hop table of the node

The IBSysPort class represents an IB plug on the system front or back panels

[ Member data: returns string * ] -name
The front panel name (silk) of the port
[ Member data: returns IBSysPort * ] -p_remoteSysPort
If connected the other side sys port
[ Member data: returns IBSystem * ] -p_system
System it benongs to
[ Member data: returns IBPort * ] -p_nodePort
The node port it connects to.
[ Constructor: returns IBSysPort * ] IBSysPort name n p_sys
[ Member : returns void ] connect p_otherSysPort ?width? ?speed?
Connect two SysPorts
[ Member : returns int ] disconnect
Disconnect the SysPort (and ports). Return 0 if successful

The IBSystem class represents an entire chassis

[ Member data: returns string * ] -name
The "host" name of the system
[ Member data: returns string * ] -type
What is the type i.e. Cougar, Buffalo, MTS2400, etc. A corresponding IBNL file should exist - defining this system type
[ Member data: returns IBFabric * ] -p_fabric
Fabric the system belongs to
[ Member data: returns map_str_pnode * ] -NodeByName
Provide the node pointer by its name
[ Member data: returns map_str_psysport * ] -PortByName
A map provising pointer to the SysPort by name
[ Constructor: returns IBSystem * ] IBSystem name n p_fab t
[ Member : returns new_uint64_t ] guid_get
Obtain the system image GUID
[ Member : returns void ] guid_set guid
Set the system image GUID
[ Member : returns IBSysPort * ] makeSysPort pName
Make sure we got the port defined (so define it if not)
[ Member : returns IBPort * ] getSysPortNodePortByName sysPortName
Get the node port for the given sys port by name
[ Member : returns IBSysPort * ] getSysPort name
Get a Sys Port by name

Represents an entire IB subnet made of systems

[ Member data: returns map_str_pnode * ] -NodeByName
Provide a list of node name and pointer pairs
[ Member data: returns map_str_psys * ] -SystemByName
Provide a list of system name and pointer pairs
[ Member data: returns vec_pport * ] -PortByLid
Provides a list of system port name and pointer pairs
[ Member data: returns map_guid_pnode * ] -NodeByGuid
Provides a list of node guid and node pointer pairs
[ Member data: returns map_guid_psys * ] -SystemByGuid
Provides a list of system image guid and system pointer pairs
[ Member data: returns map_guid_pport * ] -PortByGuid
Provides a list of port guid and port pointer pairs
[ Member data: returns unsigned int ] -minLid
Track min lid used.
[ Member data: returns unsigned int ] -maxLid
Track max lid used.
[ Member data: returns unsigned int ] -lmc
LMC value used
[ Member : returns IBNode * ] makeNode n p_sys type numPorts
Get the node by its name (create one of does not exist)
[ Member : returns IBNode * ] getNode name
Get the node by its name
[ Member : returns list_pnode * ] getNodesByType type
Return the list of node pointers matching the required type
[ Member : returns IBSystem * ] makeGenericSystem name
Create a new generic system - basically an empty container for nodes...
[ Member : returns IBSystem * ] makeSystem name type
Create a new system - the type must have a registered factory.
[ Member : returns IBSystem * ] getSystem name
Get system by name
[ Member : returns IBSystem * ] getSystemByGuid guid
get the system by its guid
[ Member : returns IBNode * ] getNodeByGuid guid
get the node by its guid
[ Member : returns IBPort * ] getPortByGuid guid
get the port by its guid
[ Member : returns void ] addCable t1 n1 p1 t2 n2 p2 ?width? ?speed?
Adds a cable given two sets of node type, node name and port number. Optionally use a given width and speed for the connection
[ Member : returns int ] parseCables fn
Parse the cables file and build the fabric
[ Member : returns int ] parseTopology fn
Parse Topology File and build the fabric
[ Member : returns int ] addLink type1 numPorts1 sysGuid1 nodeGuid1 portGuid1 vend1 devId1 rev1 desc1 lid1 portNum1 type2 numPorts2 sysGuid2 nodeGuid2 portGuid2 vend2 devId2 rev2 desc2 lid2 portNum2 ?width? ?speed?
Add a link into the fabric - this will create system and nodes as required.
[ Member : returns int ] parseSubnetLinks fn
Parse the OpenSM subnet.lst file and build the fabric from it.
[ Member : returns int ] parseFdbFile fn
Parse OpenSM FDB dump file and fill in the switches LFT tables
[ Member : returns int ] parseMCFdbFile fn
Parse an OpenSM MCFDBs file and set the MFT table accordingly
[ Member : returns int ] parsePSLFile fn
Parse Path to SL mapping file. Each line with: src_node_guid DLID SL

Used by credit loop check

[ Member : returns int ] parseSLVLFile fn
Parse SLVL tables file. Each line holds: sw_node_guid in_port out_port 0x(sl0)(sl1) 0x(sl2)(sl3)...
[ Member : returns void ] setLidPort lid p_port
Set a lid port
[ Member : returns IBPort * ] getPortByLid lid
Get a port by lid
[ returns IBFabric * ] new_IBFabric
Construct a new fabric
[ returns void ] delete_IBFabric p_fabric
Destruct a fabric

This section provide the details about the functions IBDM exposes. The order follows the expected order in a regular IBDM flow. They all return 0 on succes.

The file holds a set of utilities to be run on the subnet to mimic OpenSM initialization and analyze the results:

[ returns int ] ibdmAssignLids p_smNodePort ?lmc?
Assign LIDs with an optional LMC (multiple LID per port)
[ returns int ] ibdmCalcMinHopTables p_fabric
Calculate and populate the MinHopTables required for running OpenSM style routing.
[ returns int ] ibdmCalcUpDnMinHopTbls p_fabric rootNodesNameRex
Calculate and populate the MinHopTables following Up/Down rule.
[ returns int ] ibdmOsmRoute p_fabric
Route the fabric with OpenSM style routing
[ returns int ] ibdmEnhancedRoute p_fabric
Route the fabric with OpenSM style routing enhanced with better support for LMC > 0
[ returns int ] ibdmFatTreeRoute p_fabric rootNodes
Route the fabric using algorithm that fits only full fat trees
[ returns int ] ibdmFatTreeAnalysis p_fabric
Analyze the fabric to see if it is a fat tree and route it if it is
[ returns int ] ibdmVerifyCAtoCARoutes p_fabric
Make sure all (H)CAs are connected to each other based on the LFT settings
[ returns int ] ibdmVerifyAllPaths p_fabric
Make sure all Switches and (H)CAs are connected to each other based on the LFT settings
[ returns int ] ibdmAnalyzeLoops p_fabric
A rigorous check for credit loops. This algorithm does a full and accurate check but its reporting of credit loop paths is hard to interpret. If you know the roots of the tree (or the tree is symmetrical) it is preferable to use the ibdmReportNonUpDownCa2CaPaths
[ returns list_pnode ] ibdmFindSymmetricalTreeRoots p_fabric
Analyze the tree topology and find the roots of the tree based on its symmetry
[ returns list_pnode ] ibdmFindRootNodesByMinHop p_fabric
Based on the MinHopTable find the roots of the tree. A 5% assymetry is allowed
[ returns int ] ibdmRankFabricByRoots p_fabric rootNodes
Given the list of root nodes (names) rank the nodes (root = 0)
[ returns int ] ibdmReportNonUpDownCa2CaPaths p_fabric rootNodes
Analyze the routes to make sure Up/Down rule is maintained
[ returns int ] ibdmCheckMulticastGroups p_fabric
Verify connectivity of multicast routing
[ returns int ] ibdmCheckFabricMCGrpsForCreditLoopPotential p_fabric rootNodes
Analyze multicast routing to make sure it obeys Up/Down rule
[ returns int ] ibdmLinkCoverageAnalysis p_fabric rootNodes
Prepare a schedule for transmission from a set of sources to destinations such that in each stage there are no links that are over subscribed and after all stages all the links of the fabric were excersized

These functions allows tracing paths reporting back the visited nodes

[ returns int ] ibdmTraceDRPathRoute p_smNodePort drPathPortNums
Trace a directed route path from the given port
[ returns int ] ibdmTraceRouteByMinHops p_fabric slid dlid
Trace a path along the MinHop from the source to destination LIDs
[ returns int ] ibdmTraceRouteByLFT p_fabric slid dlid hops p_nodesList
Trace a path following the LFT updating the hops and node list variables

The following utilities matches two fabrics providing both mismatch messages and a unified fabric

[ returns int ] ibdmMatchFabrics p_spec_fabric p_discovered_fabric anchorNodeName anchorPortNum anchorPortGuid
Match a topology based fabric with a discovered one starting at the enchor port
[ returns int ] ibdmBuildMergedFabric p_spec_fabric p_discovered_fabric p_merged_fabric
After matching using ibdmMatchFabrics populate the "merged fabric" with information merged for the matched nodes

Provide ability to track and report link oversubscription

[ returns int ] ibdmCongInit p_fabric
Initialize the tracking system
[ returns int ] ibdmCongCleanup p_fabric
Cleanup the counters and deallocate
[ returns int ] ibdmCongClear p_fabric
Cleanup counters
[ returns int ] ibdmCongTrace p_fabric srcLid dstLid
Trace a path between the LIDs updating link usage info
[ returns int ] ibdmCongReport p_fabric
Report the resulting congestion information
[ returns int ] ibdmCongDump p_fabric
Dump all congestion tracking info

Eitan Zahavi, Mellanox Technologies LTD,

2020-11-11 IBDM 1.0