DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / inventor-doc / SoSpaceballButtonEvent.3iv.en
SoSpaceballButtonEvent(3IV)() SoSpaceballButtonEvent(3IV)()

SoSpaceballButtonEvent — spaceball button press and release events

SoEvent > SoButtonEvent > SoSpaceballButtonEvent

#include <Inventor/events/SoSpaceballButtonEvent.h>

(SoSpaceballButtonEvent::isButtonPressEvent(EVENT, SoSpaceballButtonEvent::BUTTON))
(SoSpaceballButtonEvent::isButtonReleaseEvent(EVENT, SoSpaceballButtonEvent::BUTTON))

enum Button {

SoSpaceballButtonEvent::ANY Any spaceball button

SoSpaceballButtonEvent::BUTTON1 Spaceball button 1

SoSpaceballButtonEvent::BUTTON2 Spaceball button 2

SoSpaceballButtonEvent::BUTTON3 Spaceball button 3

SoSpaceballButtonEvent::BUTTON4 Spaceball button 4

SoSpaceballButtonEvent::BUTTON5 Spaceball button 5

SoSpaceballButtonEvent::BUTTON6 Spaceball button 6

SoSpaceballButtonEvent::BUTTON7 Spaceball button 7

SoSpaceballButtonEvent::BUTTON8 Spaceball button 8

SoSpaceballButtonEvent::PICK Spaceball pick button


Methods from class SoSpaceballButtonEvent:


static SoType getClassTypeId()

void setButton(SoSpaceballButtonEvent::Button b)

SoSpaceballButtonEvent::Button getButton() const

static SbBool isButtonPressEvent(const SoEvent *e, SoSpaceballButtonEvent::Button whichButton)

static SbBool isButtonReleaseEvent(const SoEvent *e, SoSpaceballButtonEvent::Button whichButton)

Methods from class SoButtonEvent:

void setState(SoButtonEvent::State s)

SoButtonEvent::State getState() const

Methods from class SoEvent:

virtual SoType getTypeId() const

SbBool isOfType(SoType type) const

void setTime(SbTime t)

SbTime getTime() const

void setPosition(const SbVec2s &p)

const SbVec2s & getPosition() const

const SbVec2s & getPosition(const SbViewportRegion &vpRgn) const

const SbVec2f & getNormalizedPosition(const SbViewportRegion &vpRgn) const

void setShiftDown(SbBool isDown)

void setCtrlDown(SbBool isDown)

void setAltDown(SbBool isDown)

SbBool wasShiftDown() const

SbBool wasCtrlDown() const

SbBool wasAltDown() const

SoSpaceballButtonEvent represents spaceball button press and release events in the Inventor event model.



static SoType getClassTypeId()

Return the type id for the SoSpaceballButtonEvent class.

void setButton(SoSpaceballButtonEvent::Button b)

SoSpaceballButtonEvent::Button getButton() const

Set and get which spaceball button generated the event.

static SbBool isButtonPressEvent(const SoEvent *e, SoSpaceballButtonEvent::Button whichButton)

static SbBool isButtonReleaseEvent(const SoEvent *e, SoSpaceballButtonEvent::Button whichButton)

Returns whether the passed event is a spaceball button press or release event of the passed button. When SoSpaceballButtonEvent::ANY is passed, this returns TRUE if the event represents a button press or release of any spaceball button.

SoEvent, SoButtonEvent, SoKeyboardEvent, SoLocation2Event, SoMotion3Event, SoMouseButtonEvent, SoHandleEventAction, SoEventCallback, SoSelection, SoInteraction, SoXtDevice