statevars(3U) | InterViews Reference Manual | statevars(3U) |
BrushVar, ColorVar, CompNameVar, FontVar, GravityVar, MagnifVar, ModifStatusVar, NameVar, PatternVar - state variable subject subclasses
#include <Unidraw/statevars.h>
Unidraw predefines several state variable subject subclasses: BrushVar, ColorVar, FontVar, and PatternVar store the graphics state information their names suggest; GravityVar records whether gravity is in effect; MagnifVar records the current viewer magnification; ModifStatusVar records whether state-modifying operations have been applied to a component being edited; NameVar stores a string of interest; and CompNameVar is a NameVar that stores a component and keeps track of its catalog name. These variables represent state that is basic to graphical components and state that is often globally accessible in graphics applications.
Catalog(3U), Component(3U), Editor(3U), StateVar(3U), pspaint(3U)
6 August 1990 | Unidraw |