DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / janino / janinoc.1.en
JANINOC(1) General Commands Manual JANINOC(1)

Janino - a runtime Java Compiler.

janinoc [options] source-file ...

-d output-dir Where to save class files

Where to look for other source files
Encoding of source files, e.g. "UTF-8" or "ISO-8859-1"
More output.
Generate all, no, or only some debugging info.
Issue certain warnings, examples:
	-warn:*		All warnings
	-warn:IASF	Only warn against implicit access to static fields
	-warn:*-IASF	Enables all warnings, except those against implicit access to static fields
	-warn:*-IA*+IASF Enables all warnings, except those against implicit accesses, but do warn against implicit access to static fields
Compile all source files, even if the class files seems up-to-date
Prints a help message

The Janino Team
Arno Unkrig <>
July 2007 Janino