KAS(1) | kas | KAS(1) |
kas - kas Documentation
This tool provides an easy mechanism to setup bitbake based projects.
The OpenEmbedded tooling support starts at step 2 with bitbake. The downloading of sources and then configuration has to be done by hand. Usually, this is explained in a README. Instead kas is using a project configuration file and does the download and configuration phase.
Key features provided by the build tool:
This project depends on
To install kas into your python site-package repository, run:
$ sudo pip3 install .
There are (at least) four options for using kas:
Start build:
$ kas build /path/to/kas-project.yml
Alternatively, experienced bitbake users can invoke usual bitbake steps manually, e.g.:
$ kas shell /path/to/kas-project.yml -c 'bitbake dosfsutils-native'
kas will place downloads and build artifacts under the current directory when being invoked. You can specify a different location via the environment variable KAS_WORK_DIR.
$ mkdir $PROJECT_DIR $ cd $PROJECT_DIR $ git clone $PROJECT_URL meta-project $ kas build meta-project/kas-project.yml
$ cd $PROJECT_DIR/meta-project $ git pull $ kas build kas-project.yml
kas sub-commands are implemented by a series of plugins. Each plugin typically provides a single command.
This plugin implements the kas build command.
When this command is executed, kas will checkout repositories, setup the build environment and then invoke bitbake to build the targets selected in the chosen config file.
For example, to build the configuration described in the file kas-project.yml you could run:
kas build kas-project.yml
This plugin implements the kas checkout command.
When this command is executed, kas will checkout repositories and set up the build directory as specified in the chosen config file. This command is useful if you need to inspect the configuration or modify any of the checked out layers before starting a build.
For example, to setup the configuration described in the file kas-project.yml you could run:
kas checkout kas-project.yml
This plugin implements the kas for-all-repos command.
When this command is executed, kas will checkout the repositories listed in the chosen config file and then execute a specified command in each repository. It can be used to query the repository status, automate actions such as archiving the layers used in a build or to execute any other required commands.
For example, to print the commit hashes used by each repository used in the file kas-project.yml (assuming they are all git repositories) you could run:
kas for-all-repos kas-project.yml 'git rev-parse HEAD'
The environment for executing the command in each repository is extended to include the following variables:
This plugin implements the kas shell command.
When this command is executed, kas will checkout repositories, setup the build environment and then start a shell in the build environment. This can be used to manually run bitbake with custom command line options or to execute other commands such as runqemu.
For example, to start a shell in the build environment for the file kas-project.yml you could run:
kas shell kas-project.yml
Or to invoke qemu to test an image which has been built:
kas shell kas-project.yml -c 'runqemu'
Currently, JSON and YAML are supported as the base file formats. Since YAML is arguably easier to read, this documentation focuses on the YAML format.
# Every file needs to contain a header, that provides kas with information # about the context of this file. header:
# The `version` entry in the header describes for which configuration
# format version this file was created for. It is used by kas to figure
# out if it is compatible with this file. The version is an integer that
# is increased on every format change.
version: x # The machine as it is written into the `local.conf` of bitbake. machine: qemux86-64 # The distro name as it is written into the `local.conf` of bitbake. distro: poky repos:
# This entry includes the repository where the config file is located
# to the bblayers.conf:
# Here we include a list of layers from the poky repository to the
# bblayers.conf:
url: "https://git.yoctoproject.org/git/poky"
refspec: 89e6c98d92887913cadf06b2adb97f26cde4849b
A minimal input file consists out of the header, machine, distro, and repos.
Additionally, you can add bblayers_conf_header and local_conf_header which are strings that are added to the head of the respective files (bblayers.conf or local.conf):
meta-custom: |
BBFILES ?= "" local_conf_header:
meta-custom: |
meta-custom in these examples should be a unique name (in project scope) for this configuration entries. We assume that your configuration file is part of a meta-custom repository/layer. This way its possible to overwrite or append entries in files that include this configuration by naming an entry the same (overwriting) or using an unused name (appending).
It's currently possible to include kas configuration files from the same repository/layer like this:
version: x
- base.yml
- bsp.yml
- product.yml
The specified files are addressed relative to your current configuration file.
It's also possible to include configuration files from other repos like this:
version: x
- repo: poky
file: kas-poky.yml
- repo: meta-bsp-collection
file: hw1/kas-hw-bsp1.yml
- repo: meta-custom
file: products/product.yml repos:
url: "https://www.example.com/git/meta-bsp-collection"
refspec: 3f786850e387550fdab836ed7e6dc881de23001b
# Additional to the layers that are added from this repository
# in the hw1/kas-hw-bsp1.yml, we add here an additional bsp
# meta layer:
url: "https://git.yoctoproject.org/git/poky"
refspec: 89e6c98d92887913cadf06b2adb97f26cde4849b
# If `kas-poky.yml` adds the `meta-yocto-bsp` layer and we
# do not want it in our bblayers for this project, we can
# overwrite it by setting:
meta-yocto-bsp: exclude
The files are addressed relative to the git repository path.
The include mechanism collects and merges the content from top to bottom and depth first. That means that settings in one include file are overwritten by settings in a latter include file and entries from the last include file can be overwritten by the current file. While merging all the dictionaries are merged recursively while preserving the order in which the entries are added to the dictionary. This means that local_conf_header entries are added to the local.conf file in the same order in which they are defined in the different include files. Note that the order of the configuration file entries is not preserved within one include file, because the parser creates normal unordered dictionaries.
When specifying the kas configuration file on the command line, additional configurations can be included ad-hoc:
This is equivalent to static inclusion from some kas-combined.yml like this:
version: x
- kas-base.yml
- debug.image.yml
- board.yml
Command line inclusion allows to create configurations on-demand, without the need to write a kas configuration file for each possible combination.
Note that all configuration files combined via the command line either have to come from the same repository or have to live outside of any versioning control. kas will refuse any other combination in order to avoid complications and configuration flaws that can easily emerge from them.
kas - setup tool for bitbake based project
usage: kas [-h] [--version] [-d] {build,checkout,for-all-repos,shell} ...
sub command help
Default: False
Checks out all necessary repositories and builds using bitbake as specified in the configuration file.
kas build [-h] [--skip SKIP] [--force-checkout] [--update] [--target TARGET]
[-c TASK]
config [extra_bitbake_args ...]
Default: []
Default: False
Default: False
Checks out all necessary repositories and sets up the build directory as specified in the configuration file.
kas checkout [-h] [--skip SKIP] [--force-checkout] [--update] config
Default: []
Default: False
Default: False
Runs a specified command in all checked out repositories.
kas for-all-repos [-h] [--skip SKIP] [--force-checkout] [--update]
config command
Default: []
Default: False
Default: False
Run a shell in the build environment.
kas shell [-h] [--skip SKIP] [--force-checkout] [--update] [-k] [-c COMMAND]
Default: []
Default: False
Default: False
Default: False
Default: ""
Environment variables | Description |
KAS_WORK_DIR | The path of the kas work directory, current work directory is the default. |
KAS_REPO_REF_DIR | The path to the repository reference directory. Repositories in this directory are used as references when cloning. In order for kas to find those repositories, they have to be named in a specific way. The repo URLs are translated like this: "https://github.com/siemens/meta-iot2000.git" resolves to the name "github.com.siemens.meta-iot2000.git". |
KAS_DISTRO KAS_MACHINE KAS_TARGET KAS_TASK | This overwrites the respective setting in the configuration file. |
KAS_PREMIRRORS | Specifies alternatives for repo URLs. Just like bitbake PREMIRRORS, this variable consists of new-line separated entries. Each entry defines a regular expression to match a URL and, space- separated, its replacement. E.g.: "https://.*.somehost.io/ https://localmirror.net/" |
SSH_PRIVATE_KEY | Path to the private key file that should be added to an internal ssh-agent. This key cannot be password protected. This setting is useful for CI build servers. On desktop machines, an ssh-agent running outside the kas environment is more useful. |
SSH_AUTH_SOCK | SSH authentication socket. Used for cloning over SSH (alternative to SSH_PRIVATE_KEY). |
DL_DIR SSTATE_DIR TMPDIR | Environment variables that are transferred to the bitbake environment. |
http_proxy https_proxy ftp_proxy no_proxy | This overwrites the proxy configuration in the configuration file. |
GIT_PROXY_COMMAND NO_PROXY | Set proxy for native git fetches. NO_PROXY is evaluated by OpenEmbedded's oe-git-proxy script. |
SHELL | The shell to start when using the shell plugin. |
TERM | The terminal options used in the shell plugin. |
AWS_CONFIG_FILE AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE | Path to the awscli configuration and credentials file that are copied to the kas home dir. |
This project uses pip to manage the package. If you want to work on the project yourself you can create the necessary links via:
$ pip3 install --user -e .
That will install a backlink ~/.local/bin/kas to this project. Now you are able to call it from anywhere.
Just run:
$ docker build -t <image_name> .
When you need a proxy to access the internet, add:
--build-arg http_proxy=<http_proxy> --build-arg https_proxy=<https_proxy> --build-arg ftp_proxy=<ftp_proxy> --build-arg no_proxy=<no_proxy>
to the call.
Project home:
Source code:
Mailing list:
This module is the main entry point for kas, setup tool for bitbake based projects
This module contains the core implementation of kas.
This module contains common commands used by kas plugins.
This module contains the implementation of the kas configuration.
This module contains the Repo class.
This module implements how includes of configuration files are handled in kas.
The includes can be specified in two ways: as a string containing the relative path from the current file or as a dictionary. The dictionary should have a 'file' key containing the relative path to the include file and optionally a 'repo' key containing the key of the repository. If the 'repo' key is missing the value of the 'file' key, it is treated the same as if just a string was defined, meaning the path is relative to the current config file. Otherwise it is interpreted relative to the repository path.
The includes are read and merged from the deepest level upwards.
This module contains and manages kas plugins
Daniel Wagner, Jan Kiszka, Claudius Heine
Siemens AG, 2017-2018
March 14, 2021 | 2.3.3 |