mod_mono - apache module that enables ASP.NET pages. Works
together with mod-mono-server.exe
mod_mono is a simple module that works with Apache 2.0 or
It needs mod-mono-server.exe installed on the system. By default,
it will attemp to run mod-mono-server.exe if it doesn't find it's
All the directives but MonoSetServerAlias accept an optional first
argument that is the mod-mono-server instance alias for which the directive
applies. If only one argument is provided for them, thr directive will apply
to the 'default' mod-mono-server instance. Refer to the monodoc
documentation on configuring mod_mono for more examples.
- MonoUnixUmask
- It accepts an octal number as a parameter. The number must be a valid unix
file creation mask value (see umask(2)). The mask will be applied whenever
a directory or file is created from within an ASP.NET application. Default
value: "0077".
- MonoUnixSocket
- It accepts a file name as argument. That file will be a named pipe used to
send/receive data from/to mod_mono to/from mod-mono-server. You cannot use
MonoListenPort and MonoUnixSocket at the same time. Default value:
- MonoListenPort
- TCP port on which mod-mono-server should listen/is listening on. Mutually
exclusive with MonoUnixSocket. When this options is specified,
mod-mono-server and mod_mono will use a TCP socket for communication.
Default value: none
- MonoListenBacklog
- The backlog of connections to set on the listener socket in
mod-mono-server. By default the value is set to 500.
- MonoMinThreads
- The minimum number of threads the threadpool allocates in mod-mono-server.
Increase this value to better handle the sudden arrival of connections.
The default value is determined by the mono runtime.
- MonoListenAddress
- IP address where mod-mono-server should listen/is listening on. Can only
be used when MonoListenPort is specified. Default value:
- MonoRunXSP
- If the value is True, it tells mod_mono to spawn mod-mono-server.exe if
it's not already running. If set to False, most of these directives are
useless. Default value: True
- MonoXSPStartAttempts
- Number of times mod_mono will attempt to start a backend which died. Value
cannot be lower than 0. Default value: 3
- MonoXSPStartWaitTime
- Number of seconds to wait after starting the backend. This is to let the
backend initialize properly before attempting to connect to it. Value
cannot be lower than 2. Default value: 2
- MonoAutoRestartMode
- Set the auto-restart mode for the backend(s). Three modes are available:
None - do not auto-restart, Requests - restart after a configured number
of requests served, Time - restart after the backend has been up for the
specified period of time. Note that if you enable auto-restart you should
consider using off-process state server, since on every restart your
application state will be lost. Default value: None
- MonoAutoRestartRequests
- Number of requests for a backend to serve before auto-restarting. The
value here is taken into account only when MonoAutoRestartMode is set to
Requests. Default value: 10000
- MonoAutoRestartTime
- Time after which the backend should be auto-restarted. The time format is:
DD[:HH[:MM[:SS]]]. Default value: 00:12:00:00
- MonoExecutablePath
(Obsoleted, ignored)
- Don't use this. It is ignored and has been left here for compatibility
purposes. Default value: "/usr/bin/mono"
- MonoPath
- This value will be used to set the MONO_PATH environment variable. Default
value: ""
- MonoServerPath
- The full path to the mod-mono-server script. Default value:
- MonoTargetFramework
- If MonoRunXSP is True, this option selects the .NET framework version to
use. This affects the backend that is started to service the requests. The
MonoServerPath option takes precedence over this setting. Available values
are "2.0", "3.5" and "4.0". Default value:
- MonoWapiDir
- The directory where mono runtime will create the ".wapi"
directory used to emulate windows I/O. It's used to set MONO_SHARED_DIR.
Default value: "/tmp"
- MonoDocumentRootDir
- The directory passed in --root argument when launching
- MonoMaxCPUTime
- If MonoRunXSP is True, CPU time limit in seconds allowed for the spawned
mono process. Beyond that, it will be restarted. If this capability is not
available on your system, the directive will be ignored. Default value:
system default
- MonoMaxMemory
- If MonoRunXSP is True, the maximum size of the process's data segment
(data size) in bytes allowed for the spawned mono process. It will be
restarted when the limit is reached. If this capability is not available
on your system, the directive will be ignored. Default value: system
- MonoApplications
- AddMonoApplications
- This value will be passed to mod-mono-server.exe in the --applications
option. See xsp(1) manual page for details.
- MonoApplicationsConfigFile
- The argument passed in --appconfigfile argument to mod-mono-server.
Default value: NULL.
- MonoApplicationsConfigDir
- The argument passed in --appconfigdir argument to mod-mono-server. Default
value: config/mod-mono-applications
Note that you must specify at least one of MonoApplications,
MonoApplicationsConfigFile and MonoApplicationsConfigDir.
- MonoAutoApplication
- Enables or disables automatic ASP.NET applications discovery. By default
it is enabled if you have no application configured. Otherwise, it's
disabled. The possible values are 'enabled' or 'disabled'.
- MonoDebug
- Runs mono in debug mode, which produces stack traces with line numbers.
Default value: False.
- MonoSetServerAlias
- Takes a server alias name. This is to be used inside <Directory> or
<Location>. Default value: 'default' if the directive is not
- MonoSetEnv
- Takes a string of 'name=value' pairs separated by semicolons. For each
pair, it calls setenv (name, value) before running mod-mono-server.
- Takes alias name and a string of the same format and meaning as the
MONO_IOMAP environment variable (see the mono(1) manpage). The effect is
that mod_mono performs the same actions as mono runtime with MONO_IOMAP in
effect, as well as that the MONO_IOMAP variable with the specified value
is exported in the backend environment. This option is necessary when
you're using MONO_IOMAP in your application and there might be static
files with mixed case names - in such case mod_mono attempts to open the
file directly and sends it using apache facilities. Default value:
- MonoMaxActiveRequests
- The maximum number of concurrent requests mod_mono will pass off to the
ASP.NET backend. Set to zero to turn off the limit. Default value: 0.
- MonoMaxWaitingRequests
- The maximum number of concurrent requests mod_mono will hold while the
ASP.NET backend is busy with the maximum number of requests specified by
MonoMaxActiveRequests. Requests that can't be processed or held are
dropped with Service Unavailable. Default value: 150.
- MonoCheckHiddenFiles
- Do not protect hidden files/directories from being accessed by clients.
Hidden files/directories are those with Hidden attribute on Windows and
whose name starts with a dot on Unix. Any file/directory below a hidden
directory is inacessible. This option turns the default behavior of
protecting such locations off. If your application does not contain any
hidden files/directories, you might want to use this option as the
checking process has a per-request cost. Accepts a boolean value - 'true'
or 'false' Default value: true. AppSettings key name:
Note that the configuration below requires the mod_mono module to
be loaded by Apache. How it is done is distribution-specific - please check
your distribution documentation for details.
This one using <Directory>:
Alias /mono "/usr/lib/xsp/test"
AddMonoApplications default "/mono:/usr/lib/xsp/test"
<Directory /usr/lib/xsp/test>
SetHandler mono
<IfModule mod_dir.c>
DirectoryIndex index.aspx
This one using <Location>:
Alias /demo "/usr/lib/xsp/test"
AddMonoApplications default "/demo:/usr/lib/xsp/test"
<Location /demo>
SetHandler mono
If you prefer to .webapp configuration file(s) (see manual page of
xsp), you can change MonoApplications in the above samples by:
MonoApplicationsConfigFile default "/var/www/applications.webapp"
replacing the path to the file with yours.
If you want to use several .webapp files, use this instead:
MonoApplicationsConfigDir default "/var/www/webapp"
and all the .webapp files found in the directory /var/www/webapp will be loaded.
Refer to monodoc documentation on configuring mod_mono for more
mod_mono provides a simple web-based control panel for restarting
the mod-mono-server, which is useful when assemblies need to be reloaded
from disk after they have been changed. To activate the control panel, place
the following in your httpd.conf:
<Location /mono>
SetHandler mono-ctrl
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from
The control panel is then accessible at Clicking the link to restart mod-mono-server
will immediately restart it.
The Order/Deny/Allow access controls above restrict access to the
control panel to the computer with IP address Replace this (or
add more Allow lines) with the IP address of your own computer so that you
can access the control panel. You can also use Apache's htaccess features to
password protect it, too.
It may modify MONO_PATH, PATH and MONO_SHARED_DIR when starting
The MOD_MONO_CCV variable may be used to select which component
will do client certificate validity (CCV) checks. By default both Apache and
Mono will verify the client certificates. This can be changed to either
"apache" or "mono" to limit the validity check to either
environment. This variable can be set using MonoSetEnv to allow different
vhost to use separate validation techniques.
The MOD_MONO_LOCKING_MECHANISM variable may be used to choose the
APR locking mechanism for the dashboard. The currently defined mechanism
not every mechanism may be available for your platform. In such case,
mod_mono will fallback to using the DEFAULT value which lets the APR decide
which locking mechanism to use. DEFAULT is also the default value for the
option if the environment variable is not set or its value is unknown. This
value MUST NOT be set using MonoSetEnv - it MUST be present in
the Apache environment before the module is initialized and its
configuration parsed.
mod_mono was started by Daniel Ridruejo (daniel rawbyte com).
Currently, Marek Habersack ( is the maintainer.
See for details.
Visit for details.