DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / libembperl-perl / Embperl::Recipe.3pm.en
Recipe(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Recipe(3pm)

Embperl::Recipe - base class for defining custom recipes


Embperl::Recipe provides basic features that are necessary for createing your own recipes. To do so you have to create a class that provides a "get_recipe" method which returns a array reference that contains the description what to do.

The class name
The Embperl request record object (Embperl::Req), maybe a derived object when running under EmbperlObject.
The name of the recipe

The function must return an array that describes the desired action. The array contains a tree structure of providers.

read file data


Gives the file to read
get data from a scalar


Gives the source as a scalar reference
Gives the name under which this item should be cache
parse file into a Embperl tree structure


Gives the source
Syntax to use
compile Embperl tree structure


Gives the source
execute Embperl tree structure


Gives the source
See description of cacheing
See description of cacheing
See description of cacheing
convert Embperl tree structure to string


Gives the source
parse xml source for libxslt


Gives the xml source
parse and compile stylesheet for libxslt


Gives the stylesheet source
do a xsl transformation via libxslt


Gives the parsed xml source
Gives the compiled stylesheet source
Gives the parameters as hash ref
parse xml source for xalan


Gives the xml source
parse and compile stylesheet for xalan


Gives the stylesheet source
do a xsl transformation via xalan


Gives the parsed xml source
Gives the compiled stylesheet source
Gives the parameters as hash ref

Heres an example that show how the recipe must be build:

  sub get_recipe
    my ($class, $r, $recipe) = @_ ;
    my $param  = $r -> component -> param  ;
    my @recipe ;
    push @recipe, {'type'   =>  'file'      } ;
    push @recipe, {'type'   =>  'epparse'   } ;
    push @recipe, {'type'   =>  'epcompile', cache => 1 } ;
    push @recipe, {'type'   =>  'eprun'     }  ;
    my $config = $r -> component -> config  ;
    my $xsltproc = $config -> xsltproc ;
    my @stylesheet =
        { type => 'file',  filename  => $config -> xsltstylesheet, },
        { type =>  $xsltproc . '-compile-xsl', cache => 1 },
        ) ;
    push @recipe, {'type'   =>  'eptostring' } ;
    push @recipe, {'type'   =>  $xsltproc . '-parse-xml', } ;
    push @recipe, {'type'   =>  $xsltproc,   stylesheet => \@stylesheet } ;
    return \@recipe ;

This corresponds to the following diagramm (when xsltproc = xalan):

    +-------------------+   +--------------------+           
    + file {inputfile}  +   +file{xsltstylesheet}+           
    +-------------------+   +--------------------+           
          |                         |                         
          v                         v                         
    +-------------------+   +-------------------+           
    + xalan-parse-xml   +   + xalan-compile-xsl +           
    +-------------------+   +-------------------+           
          |                         | 
          |                         |
          |         +-----------+   |
          +-------> + xalan     + <-+

Take a look at the recipes that comes with Embperl to get more ideas what can be done.

2020-11-09 perl v5.32.0