MooseX::App::Cmd(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | MooseX::App::Cmd(3pm) |
MooseX::App::Cmd - Mashes up MooseX::Getopt and App::Cmd
version 0.34
package YourApp::Cmd; use Moose; extends qw(MooseX::App::Cmd); package YourApp::Cmd::Command::blort; use Moose; extends qw(MooseX::App::Cmd::Command); has blortex => ( traits => [qw(Getopt)], isa => 'Bool', is => 'rw', cmd_aliases => 'X', documentation => 'use the blortext algorithm', ); has recheck => ( traits => [qw(Getopt)], isa => 'Bool', is => 'rw', cmd_aliases => 'r', documentation => 'recheck all results', ); sub execute { my ( $self, $opt, $args ) = @_; # you may ignore $opt, it's in the attributes anyway my $result = $self->blortex ? blortex() : blort(); recheck($result) if $self->recheck; print $result; }
This module marries App::Cmd with MooseX::Getopt.
Use it like App::Cmd advises (especially see App::Cmd::Tutorial), swapping App::Cmd::Command for MooseX::App::Cmd::Command.
Then you can write your moose commands as Moose classes, with MooseX::Getopt defining the options for you instead of "opt_spec" returning a Getopt::Long::Descriptive spec.
After calling "new" this method is automatically run, setting underlying App::Cmd attributes as per its documentation.
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XXXX XXX'XX (Yuval Kogman) <>
This software is copyright (c) 2008 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
2021-03-19 | perl v5.32.1 |