DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / libpcp3-dev / pmiPutValueHandle.3.en

pmiPutValueHandle - add a value for a metric-instance pair via a handle

#include <pcp/pmapi.h>
#include <pcp/import.h>

int pmiPutValueHandle(int handle, const char *value);

cc ... -lpcp_import -lpcp

use PCP::LogImport;

pmiPutValueHandle($handle, $value);

As part of the Performance Co-Pilot Log Import API (see LOGIMPORT(3)), pmiPutValueHandle adds a single value to the current output record for a given metric and instance, using the handle defined by an earlier call to pmiGetHandle(3).

The value should be in a format consistent with the metric's type as defined in the call to pmiAddMetric(3).

No data will be written until pmiWrite(3) is called, so multiple calls to pmiPutValueHandle or pmiPutValue(3) are typically used to accumulate data values for several metric-instance pairs before calling pmiWrite(3).

pmiPutValueHandle returns zero on success else a negative value that can be turned into an error message by calling pmiErrStr(3).

LOGIMPORT(3), pmiErrStr(3), pmiGetHandle(3), pmiPutResult(3), pmiPutValue(3), pmiPutText(3), pmiPutLabel(3) and pmiWrite(3).

Performance Co-Pilot