DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / libsctp-dev / sctp_opt_info.3.en
SCTP_OPT_INFO(3) Linux Programmer's Manual SCTP_OPT_INFO(3)

sctp_optinfo - Get options on a SCTP socket.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/sctp.h>

int sctp_opt_info(int sd, sctp_assoc_t id, int opt,
                  void * arg, socklen_t * size);

sctp_opt_info is a wrapper library function that can be used to get SCTP level options on a socket. sd is the socket descriptor for which the option is requested. For one-to-many style sockets, id specifies the association to query. For one-to-one style sockets, id is ignored. opt specifes the SCTP socket option to get. arg is an option-specific structure buffer provided by the caller. size is a value-result parameter, initially containing the size of the buffer pointed to by arg and modifed on return to indicate the actual size of the value returned.

On success, sctp_opt_info returns 0 and on failure -1 is returned with errno set to the appropriate error code.

sctp(7) sctp_bindx(3), sctp_connectx(3), sctp_sendmsg(3), sctp_sendv(3), sctp_send(3), sctp_recvmsg(3), sctp_recvv(3), sctp_peeloff(3), sctp_getpaddrs(3), sctp_getladdrs(3),

2004-01-30 Linux 2.6