DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / libstatgrab-dev / sg_get_host_info_r.3.en
sg_get_host_info(3) sg_get_host_info(3)

sg_get_host_info, sg_get_host_info_r, sg_free_host_info - get general operating system statistics

#include <statgrab.h>

sg_host_info *sg_get_host_info
(size_t *entries);

sg_host_info *sg_get_host_info_r
(size_t *entries);

sg_error sg_free_host_info
(sg_host_info *data);

These calls return details on the operating system and the machine it's running on.

API Shortcut

function returns data owner
sg_get_host_info sg_host_info * libstatgrab (thread local)
sg_get_host_info_r sg_host_info * caller

The sg_host_info buffer received from sg_get_host_info_r() must be freed using sg_free_host_info() when not needed any more. The caller is responsible for doing it.

The structure returned is of type sg_host_info.

typedef enum {

sg_unknown_configuration = 0,
sg_hardware_virtualized } sg_host_state;

typedef struct{

char *os_name;
char *os_release;
char *os_version;
char *platform;
char *hostname;
unsigned bitwidth;
sg_host_state host_state;
unsigned ncpus;
unsigned maxcpus;
time_t uptime;
time_t systime; }sg_host_info;
The operating system name. (eg. SunOS or Linux)
The operating system release. (eg. 5.8 or 5.9 or Solaris)
The version level of the OS.
The hardware platform (architecture) the OS runs on.
The name of the machine.
The uptime of the machine in seconds.
The timestamp when the above stats where collected in seconds since epoch



2019-03-08 libstatgrab