__gnu_cxx(3cxx) | __gnu_cxx(3cxx) |
__gnu_cxx - GNU extensions for public use.
Implementation details not part of the namespace __gnu_cxx interface.
GNU typelist extensions for public compile-time use.
struct __alloc_traits
Uniform interface to C++98 and C++11 allocators. struct
Policy for shared __pool objects. class __mt_alloc
This is a fixed size (power of 2) allocator which - when compiled with thread
support - will maintain one freelist per size per thread plus a
global one. Steps are taken to limit the per thread freelist sizes
(by returning excess back to the global list). class
Base class for _Tp dependent member functions. struct
Policy for individual __pool objects. class __pool
Data describing the underlying memory pool, parameterized on threading
support. class __pool< false >
Specialization for single thread. class __pool< true >
Specialization for thread enabled, via gthreads.h. class __pool_alloc
Allocator using a memory pool with a single lock. class
Base class for __pool_alloc. struct __pool_base
Base class for pool object. class __rc_string_base
class __scoped_lock
Scoped lock idiom. class __versa_string
Template class __versa_string. struct _Caster
struct _Char_types
Mapping from character type to associated types. class
An example allocator which uses a non-standard pointer type. struct
class _Pointer_adapter
class _Relative_pointer_impl
A storage policy for use with _Pointer_adapter<> which stores the
pointer's address as an offset value which is relative to its own address.
class _Relative_pointer_impl< const _Tp >
class _Std_pointer_impl
A storage policy for use with _Pointer_adapter<> which yields a standard
pointer. struct _Unqualified_type
struct annotate_base
Base class for checking address and label information about allocations.
Create a std::map between the allocated address (void*) and a datum for
annotations, which are a pair of numbers corresponding to label and
allocated size. class binary_compose
An SGI extension . class bitmap_allocator
Bitmap Allocator, primary template. struct char_traits
Base class used to implement std::char_traits. struct character
A POD class that serves as a character abstraction class. struct
Base struct for condition policy. struct constant_binary_fun
An SGI extension . struct constant_unary_fun
An SGI extension . struct constant_void_fun
An SGI extension . class debug_allocator
A meta-allocator with debugging bits. class enc_filebuf
class enc_filebuf. struct encoding_char_traits
encoding_char_traits class encoding_state
Extension to use iconv for dealing with character encodings. struct
Thown by exception safety machinery. class free_list
The free list class for managing chunks of memory to be given to and returned
by the bitmap_allocator. class hash_map
class hash_multimap
class hash_multiset
class hash_set
struct limit_condition
Base class for incremental control and throw. class malloc_allocator
An allocator that uses malloc. class new_allocator
An allocator that uses global new, as per [20.4]. struct project1st
An SGI extension . struct project2nd
An SGI extension . struct random_condition
Base class for random probability control and throw. struct rb_tree
class recursive_init_error
Exception thrown by __cxa_guard_acquire. class rope
struct select1st
An SGI extension . struct select2nd
An SGI extension . class slist
class stdio_filebuf
Provides a layer of compatibility for C/POSIX. class stdio_sync_filebuf
Provides a layer of compatibility for C. class subtractive_rng
struct temporary_buffer
class throw_allocator_base
Allocator class with logging and exception generation control. Intended to be
used as an allocator_type in templatized code. struct
Allocator throwing via limit condition. struct throw_allocator_random
Allocator throwing via random condition. struct throw_value_base
Class with exception generation control. Intended to be used as a value_type
in templatized code. struct throw_value_limit
Type throwing via limit condition. struct throw_value_random
Type throwing via random condition. class unary_compose
An SGI extension .
typedef void(* __destroy_handler) (void *)
template<typename _Tp > using __int_traits =
__numeric_traits_integer< _Tp >
Convenience alias for __numeric_traits<integer-type>. typedef
__versa_string< char, std::char_traits< char >,
std::allocator< char >, __rc_string_base >
typedef __vstring __sso_string
typedef __versa_string< char16_t, std::char_traits<
char16_t >, std::allocator< char16_t >,
__rc_string_base > __u16rc_string
typedef __u16vstring __u16sso_string
typedef __versa_string< char16_t > __u16vstring
typedef __versa_string< char32_t, std::char_traits<
char32_t >, std::allocator< char32_t >,
__rc_string_base > __u32rc_string
typedef __u32vstring __u32sso_string
typedef __versa_string< char32_t > __u32vstring
typedef __versa_string< char > __vstring
typedef __versa_string< wchar_t, std::char_traits< wchar_t
>, std::allocator< wchar_t >, __rc_string_base >
typedef __wvstring __wsso_string
typedef __versa_string< wchar_t > __wvstring
typedef rope< char > crope
typedef rope< wchar_t > wrope
enum { _S_num_primes }
enum _Lock_policy { _S_single, _S_mutex, _S_atomic
void __atomic_add (volatile _Atomic_word *, int) noexcept
void __atomic_add_dispatch (_Atomic_word *__mem, int __val)
void __atomic_add_single (_Atomic_word *__mem, int __val)
template<class _Tp > void __aux_require_boolean_expr (const _Tp
template<typename _ToType , typename _FromType > _ToType
__const_pointer_cast (_FromType *__arg)
template<typename _ToType , typename _FromType > _ToType
__const_pointer_cast (const _FromType &__arg)
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Size , typename
_OutputIterator > std::pair< _InputIterator, _OutputIterator
> __copy_n (_InputIterator __first, _Size __count, _OutputIterator
__result, std::input_iterator_tag)
template<typename _RAIterator , typename _Size , typename _OutputIterator
> std::pair< _RAIterator, _OutputIterator > __copy_n
(_RAIterator __first, _Size __count, _OutputIterator __result,
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Distance > void
__distance (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Distance
&__n, std::input_iterator_tag)
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Distance > void
__distance (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator
__last, _Distance &__n, std::random_access_iterator_tag)
template<typename _ToType , typename _FromType > _ToType
__dynamic_pointer_cast (_FromType *__arg)
template<typename _ToType , typename _FromType > _ToType
__dynamic_pointer_cast (const _FromType &__arg)
void __error_type_must_be_a_signed_integer_type ()
void __error_type_must_be_an_integer_type ()
void __error_type_must_be_an_unsigned_integer_type ()
_Atomic_word __exchange_and_add (volatile _Atomic_word *, int) noexcept
_Atomic_word __exchange_and_add_dispatch (_Atomic_word *__mem, int
_Atomic_word __exchange_and_add_single (_Atomic_word *__mem, int __val)
template<class _Concept > constexpr void __function_requires ()
template<typename _Type > bool __is_null_pointer (_Type *__ptr)
template<typename _Type > bool __is_null_pointer (_Type)
bool __is_null_pointer (std::nullptr_t)
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 > int
__lexicographical_compare_3way (_InputIterator1 __first1,
_InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2)
int __lexicographical_compare_3way (const char *__first1, const char
*__last1, const char *__first2, const char *__last2)
int __lexicographical_compare_3way (const unsigned char *__first1,
const unsigned char *__last1, const unsigned char *__first2, const unsigned
char *__last2)
template<typename _Tp > const _Tp & __median (const _Tp
&__a, const _Tp &__b, const _Tp &__c)
Find the median of three values. template<typename _Tp , typename _Compare
> const _Tp & __median (const _Tp &__a, const _Tp
&__b, const _Tp &__c, _Compare __comp)
Find the median of three values using a predicate for comparison.
crope::reference __mutable_reference_at (crope &__c,
std::size_t __i)
template<typename _Tp , typename _Integer > _Tp __power (_Tp __x,
_Integer __n)
template<typename _Tp , typename _Integer , typename _MonoidOperation >
_Tp __power (_Tp __x, _Integer __n, _MonoidOperation __monoid_op)
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _RandomAccessIterator ,
typename _RandomNumberGenerator , typename _Distance >
_RandomAccessIterator __random_sample (_InputIterator __first,
_InputIterator __last, _RandomAccessIterator __out, _RandomNumberGenerator
&__rand, const _Distance __n)
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _RandomAccessIterator ,
typename _Distance > _RandomAccessIterator __random_sample
(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _RandomAccessIterator __out,
const _Distance __n)
template<typename _ToType , typename _FromType > _ToType
__reinterpret_pointer_cast (_FromType *__arg)
template<typename _ToType , typename _FromType > _ToType
__reinterpret_pointer_cast (const _FromType &__arg)
_Slist_node_base * __slist_make_link (_Slist_node_base *__prev_node,
_Slist_node_base *__new_node)
_Slist_node_base * __slist_previous (_Slist_node_base *__head, const
_Slist_node_base *__node)
const _Slist_node_base * __slist_previous (const _Slist_node_base
*__head, const _Slist_node_base *__node)
_Slist_node_base * __slist_reverse (_Slist_node_base *__node)
std::size_t __slist_size (_Slist_node_base *__node)
void __slist_splice_after (_Slist_node_base *__pos, _Slist_node_base
*__before_first, _Slist_node_base *__before_last)
void __slist_splice_after (_Slist_node_base *__pos, _Slist_node_base
template<typename _ToType , typename _FromType > _ToType
__static_pointer_cast (_FromType *__arg)
template<typename _ToType , typename _FromType > _ToType
__static_pointer_cast (const _FromType &__arg)
size_t __stl_hash_string (const char *__s)
unsigned long __stl_next_prime (unsigned long __n)
template<typename _TRet , typename _Ret = _TRet, typename _CharT ,
typename... _Base> _Ret __stoa (_TRet(*__convf)(const _CharT *,
_CharT **, _Base...), const char *__name, const _CharT *__str, std::size_t
*__idx, _Base... __base)
void __throw_concurrence_lock_error ()
void __throw_concurrence_unlock_error ()
void __throw_forced_error ()
template<typename _String , typename _CharT = typename
_String::value_type> _String __to_xstring (int(*__convf)(_CharT *,
std::size_t, const _CharT *, __builtin_va_list), std::size_t __n, const
_CharT *__fmt,...)
template<typename _InputIter , typename _Size , typename _ForwardIter >
std::pair< _InputIter, _ForwardIter >
__uninitialized_copy_n (_InputIter __first, _Size __count,
_ForwardIter __result)
template<typename _InputIter , typename _Size , typename _ForwardIter >
std::pair< _InputIter, _ForwardIter >
__uninitialized_copy_n (_InputIter __first, _Size __count,
_ForwardIter __result, std::input_iterator_tag)
template<typename _RandomAccessIter , typename _Size , typename
_ForwardIter > std::pair< _RandomAccessIter, _ForwardIter >
__uninitialized_copy_n (_RandomAccessIter __first, _Size __count,
_ForwardIter __result, std::random_access_iterator_tag)
template<typename _InputIter , typename _Size , typename _ForwardIter ,
typename _Allocator > std::pair< _InputIter, _ForwardIter >
__uninitialized_copy_n_a (_InputIter __first, _Size __count,
_ForwardIter __result, _Allocator __alloc)
template<typename _InputIter , typename _Size , typename _ForwardIter ,
typename _Tp > std::pair< _InputIter, _ForwardIter >
__uninitialized_copy_n_a (_InputIter __first, _Size __count,
_ForwardIter __result, std::allocator< _Tp >)
void __verbose_terminate_handler ()
A replacement for the standard terminate_handler which prints more information
about the terminating exception (if any) on stderr. std::size_t
_Bit_scan_forward (std::size_t __num)
Generic Version of the bsf instruction. template<typename _ForwardIterator
, typename _Allocator > void _Destroy_const (_ForwardIterator
__first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Allocator __alloc)
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Tp > void
_Destroy_const (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last,
std::allocator< _Tp >)
template<class _CharT , class _Traits > void _Rope_fill
(std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__o, std::size_t
template<class _CharT > bool _Rope_is_simple (_CharT *)
bool _Rope_is_simple (char *)
bool _Rope_is_simple (wchar_t *)
template<class _Rope_iterator > void _Rope_rotate (_Rope_iterator
__first, _Rope_iterator __middle, _Rope_iterator __last)
template<class _CharT > void _S_cond_store_eos (_CharT &)
void _S_cond_store_eos (char &__c)
void _S_cond_store_eos (wchar_t &__c)
template<class _CharT > _CharT _S_eos (_CharT *)
template<class _CharT > bool _S_is_basic_char_type (_CharT *)
bool _S_is_basic_char_type (char *)
bool _S_is_basic_char_type (wchar_t *)
template<class _CharT > bool _S_is_one_byte_char_type (_CharT *)
bool _S_is_one_byte_char_type (char *)
template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type
airy_ai (_Tp __x)
float airy_aif (float __x)
long double airy_ail (long double __x)
template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type
airy_bi (_Tp __x)
float airy_bif (float __x)
long double airy_bil (long double __x)
template<class _Operation1 , class _Operation2 >
unary_compose< _Operation1, _Operation2 > compose1
(const _Operation1 &__fn1, const _Operation2 &__fn2)
An SGI extension . template<class _Operation1 , class _Operation2 ,
class _Operation3 > binary_compose< _Operation1, _Operation2,
_Operation3 > compose2 (const _Operation1 &__fn1, const
_Operation2 &__fn2, const _Operation3 &__fn3)
An SGI extension . template<typename _Tpa , typename _Tpc , typename
_Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote_3< _Tpa, _Tpc, _Tp >::__type
conf_hyperg (_Tpa __a, _Tpc __c, _Tp __x)
float conf_hypergf (float __a, float __c, float __x)
long double conf_hypergl (long double __a, long double __c, long double
template<class _Result > constant_void_fun< _Result >
constant0 (const _Result &__val)
An SGI extension . template<class _Result >
constant_unary_fun< _Result, _Result > constant1 (const
_Result &__val)
An SGI extension . template<class _Result >
constant_binary_fun< _Result, _Result, _Result >
constant2 (const _Result &__val)
An SGI extension . template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Size
, typename _OutputIterator > std::pair< _InputIterator,
_OutputIterator > copy_n (_InputIterator __first, _Size __count,
_OutputIterator __result)
Copies the range [first,first+count) into [result,result+count).
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Tp , typename _Size >
void count (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, const _Tp
&__value, _Size &__n)
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Predicate , typename _Size
> void count_if (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last,
_Predicate __pred, _Size &__n)
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Distance > void
distance (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Distance
template<typename _Tpa , typename _Tpb , typename _Tpc , typename _Tp >
__gnu_cxx::__promote_4< _Tpa, _Tpb, _Tpc, _Tp >::__type hyperg
(_Tpa __a, _Tpb __b, _Tpc __c, _Tp __x)
float hypergf (float __a, float __b, float __c, float __x)
long double hypergl (long double __a, long double __b, long double __c,
long double __x)
template<class _Tp > _Tp identity_element
(std::multiplies< _Tp >)
An SGI extension . template<class _Tp > _Tp
identity_element (std::plus< _Tp >)
An SGI extension . template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename
_InputIterator2 > int lexicographical_compare_3way
(_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2
__first2, _InputIterator2 __last2)
memcmp on steroids. template<class _Ret , class _Tp , class _Arg
> std::const_mem_fun1_t< _Ret, _Tp, _Arg > mem_fun1
(_Ret(_Tp::*__f)(_Arg) const)
template<class _Ret , class _Tp , class _Arg >
std::mem_fun1_t< _Ret, _Tp, _Arg > mem_fun1
template<class _Ret , class _Tp , class _Arg >
std::const_mem_fun1_ref_t< _Ret, _Tp, _Arg >
mem_fun1_ref (_Ret(_Tp::*__f)(_Arg) const)
template<class _Ret , class _Tp , class _Arg >
std::mem_fun1_ref_t< _Ret, _Tp, _Arg > mem_fun1_ref
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 > bool operator!= (_Tp1
__lhs, const _Pointer_adapter< _Tp2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Tp , typename _Poolp > bool operator!= (const
__mt_alloc< _Tp, _Poolp > &, const __mt_alloc<
_Tp, _Poolp > &)
template<typename _Iterator , typename _Container > constexpr bool
operator!= (const __normal_iterator< _Iterator, _Container >
&__lhs, const __normal_iterator< _Iterator, _Container >
&__rhs) noexcept
template<typename _IteratorL , typename _IteratorR , typename _Container
> constexpr bool operator!= (const __normal_iterator<
_IteratorL, _Container > &__lhs, const __normal_iterator<
_IteratorR, _Container > &__rhs) noexcept
template<typename _Tp > bool operator!= (const
__pool_alloc< _Tp > &, const __pool_alloc< _Tp
> &)
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc ,
template< typename, typename, typename > class _Base> bool
operator!= (const __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc,
_Base > &__lhs, const __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits,
_Alloc, _Base > &__rhs)
Test difference of two strings. template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits
, typename _Alloc , template< typename, typename, typename > class
_Base> bool operator!= (const __versa_string< _CharT,
_Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__lhs, const _CharT *__rhs)
Test difference of string and C string. template<typename _CharT , typename
_Traits , typename _Alloc , template< typename, typename, typename >
class _Base> bool operator!= (const _CharT *__lhs, const
__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__rhs)
Test difference of C string and string. template<typename _Tp > bool
operator!= (const _Pointer_adapter< _Tp > &__lhs,
const _Pointer_adapter< _Tp > &__rhs)
template<typename _Tp > bool operator!= (const
_Pointer_adapter< _Tp > &__lhs, int __rhs)
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 > bool operator!= (const
_Pointer_adapter< _Tp1 > &__lhs, _Tp2 __rhs)
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 > bool operator!= (const
_Pointer_adapter< _Tp1 > &__lhs, const
_Pointer_adapter< _Tp2 > &__rhs)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > bool operator!= (const
_Rope_char_ptr_proxy< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x, const
_Rope_char_ptr_proxy< _CharT, _Alloc > &__y)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > bool operator!= (const
_Rope_const_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x, const
_Rope_const_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__y)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > bool operator!= (const
_Rope_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x, const _Rope_iterator<
_CharT, _Alloc > &__y)
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 > bool operator!= (const
bitmap_allocator< _Tp1 > &, const
bitmap_allocator< _Tp2 > &) throw ()
template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _HashFn , class _EqlKey , class
_Alloc > bool operator!= (const hash_map< _Key, _Tp,
_HashFn, _EqlKey, _Alloc > &__hm1, const hash_map< _Key,
_Tp, _HashFn, _EqlKey, _Alloc > &__hm2)
template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _HF , class _EqKey , class _Alloc
> bool operator!= (const hash_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _HF,
_EqKey, _Alloc > &__hm1, const hash_multimap< _Key, _Tp,
_HF, _EqKey, _Alloc > &__hm2)
template<class _Val , class _HashFcn , class _EqualKey , class _Alloc >
bool operator!= (const hash_multiset< _Val, _HashFcn,
_EqualKey, _Alloc > &__hs1, const hash_multiset< _Val,
_HashFcn, _EqualKey, _Alloc > &__hs2)
template<class _Value , class _HashFcn , class _EqualKey , class _Alloc
> bool operator!= (const hash_set< _Value, _HashFcn,
_EqualKey, _Alloc > &__hs1, const hash_set< _Value,
_HashFcn, _EqualKey, _Alloc > &__hs2)
template<class _Val , class _Key , class _HF , class _Ex , class _Eq ,
class _All > bool operator!= (const hashtable< _Val, _Key, _HF,
_Ex, _Eq, _All > &__ht1, const hashtable< _Val, _Key, _HF, _Ex,
_Eq, _All > &__ht2)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > bool operator!= (const
rope< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x, const rope< _CharT,
_Alloc > &__y)
template<class _Tp , class _Alloc > bool operator!= (const
slist< _Tp, _Alloc > &_SL1, const slist< _Tp,
_Alloc > &_SL2)
template<typename _Tp , typename _Cond > bool operator!= (const
throw_allocator_base< _Tp, _Cond > &, const
throw_allocator_base< _Tp, _Cond > &)
template<typename _Tp > bool operator!= (int __lhs, const
_Pointer_adapter< _Tp > &__rhs)
template<typename _Cond > throw_value_base< _Cond >
operator* (const throw_value_base< _Cond > &__a,
const throw_value_base< _Cond > &__b)
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc ,
template< typename, typename, typename > class _Base>
__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >
operator+ (__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base
> &&__lhs, __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc,
_Base > &&__rhs)
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc ,
template< typename, typename, typename > class _Base>
__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >
operator+ (__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base
> &&__lhs, _CharT __rhs)
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc ,
template< typename, typename, typename > class _Base>
__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >
operator+ (__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base
> &&__lhs, const __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits,
_Alloc, _Base > &__rhs)
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc ,
template< typename, typename, typename > class _Base>
__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >
operator+ (__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base
> &&__lhs, const _CharT *__rhs)
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc ,
template< typename, typename, typename > class _Base>
__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >
operator+ (_CharT __lhs, __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits,
_Alloc, _Base > &&__rhs)
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc ,
template< typename, typename, typename > class _Base>
__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >
operator+ (_CharT __lhs, const __versa_string< _CharT,
_Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__rhs)
Concatenate character and string. template<typename _CharT , typename
_Traits , typename _Alloc , template< typename, typename, typename >
class _Base> __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base
> operator+ (const __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits,
_Alloc, _Base > &__lhs, __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits,
_Alloc, _Base > &&__rhs)
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc ,
template< typename, typename, typename > class _Base>
__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >
operator+ (const __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc,
_Base > &__lhs, _CharT __rhs)
Concatenate string and character. template<typename _CharT , typename
_Traits , typename _Alloc , template< typename, typename, typename >
class _Base> __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base
> operator+ (const __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits,
_Alloc, _Base > &__lhs, const __versa_string< _CharT,
_Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__rhs)
Concatenate two strings. template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits ,
typename _Alloc , template< typename, typename, typename > class
_Base> __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >
operator+ (const __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc,
_Base > &__lhs, const _CharT *__rhs)
Concatenate string and C string. template<typename _CharT , typename
_Traits , typename _Alloc , template< typename, typename, typename >
class _Base> __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base
> operator+ (const _CharT *__lhs, __versa_string<
_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &&__rhs)
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc ,
template< typename, typename, typename > class _Base>
__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >
operator+ (const _CharT *__lhs, const __versa_string<
_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__rhs)
Concatenate C string and string. template<class _CharT , class _Alloc >
_Rope_const_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > operator+ (const
_Rope_const_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x, std::ptrdiff_t __n)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > _Rope_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc
> operator+ (const _Rope_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc >
&__x, std::ptrdiff_t __n)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > rope< _CharT, _Alloc
> operator+ (const rope< _CharT, _Alloc >
&__left, _CharT __right)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > rope< _CharT, _Alloc
> operator+ (const rope< _CharT, _Alloc >
&__left, const _CharT *__right)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > rope< _CharT, _Alloc
> operator+ (const rope< _CharT, _Alloc >
&__left, const rope< _CharT, _Alloc > &__right)
template<typename _Cond > throw_value_base< _Cond >
operator+ (const throw_value_base< _Cond > &__a,
const throw_value_base< _Cond > &__b)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > _Rope_const_iterator< _CharT,
_Alloc > operator+ (std::ptrdiff_t __n, const
_Rope_const_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > _Rope_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc
> operator+ (std::ptrdiff_t __n, const _Rope_iterator< _CharT,
_Alloc > &__x)
template<typename _Iterator , typename _Container > constexpr
__normal_iterator< _Iterator, _Container > operator+ (typename
__normal_iterator< _Iterator, _Container >::difference_type __n, const
__normal_iterator< _Iterator, _Container > &__i) noexcept
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > rope< _CharT, _Alloc
> & operator+= (rope< _CharT, _Alloc >
&__left, _CharT __right)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > rope< _CharT, _Alloc
> & operator+= (rope< _CharT, _Alloc >
&__left, const _CharT *__right)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > rope< _CharT, _Alloc
> & operator+= (rope< _CharT, _Alloc >
&__left, const rope< _CharT, _Alloc > &__right)
template<typename _Iterator , typename _Container > constexpr
__normal_iterator< _Iterator, _Container >::difference_type
operator- (const __normal_iterator< _Iterator, _Container >
&__lhs, const __normal_iterator< _Iterator, _Container >
&__rhs) noexcept
template<typename _IteratorL , typename _IteratorR , typename _Container
> constexpr auto operator- (const __normal_iterator<
_IteratorL, _Container > &__lhs, const __normal_iterator<
_IteratorR, _Container > &__rhs) noexcept -> decltype(__lhs.base()
- __rhs.base())
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > std::ptrdiff_t operator-
(const _Rope_const_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x, const
_Rope_const_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__y)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > _Rope_const_iterator< _CharT,
_Alloc > operator- (const _Rope_const_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc
> &__x, std::ptrdiff_t __n)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > std::ptrdiff_t operator-
(const _Rope_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x, const
_Rope_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__y)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > _Rope_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc
> operator- (const _Rope_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc >
&__x, std::ptrdiff_t __n)
template<typename _Cond > throw_value_base< _Cond >
operator- (const throw_value_base< _Cond > &__a,
const throw_value_base< _Cond > &__b)
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 > bool operator< (_Tp1
__lhs, const _Pointer_adapter< _Tp2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Iterator , typename _Container > constexpr bool
operator< (const __normal_iterator< _Iterator, _Container >
&__lhs, const __normal_iterator< _Iterator, _Container >
&__rhs) noexcept
template<typename _IteratorL , typename _IteratorR , typename _Container
> bool operator< (const __normal_iterator< _IteratorL,
_Container > &__lhs, const __normal_iterator< _IteratorR,
_Container > &__rhs) noexcept
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc ,
template< typename, typename, typename > class _Base> bool
operator< (const __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits,
_Alloc, _Base > &__lhs, const __versa_string< _CharT,
_Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__rhs)
Test if string precedes string. template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits
, typename _Alloc , template< typename, typename, typename > class
_Base> bool operator< (const __versa_string< _CharT,
_Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__lhs, const _CharT *__rhs)
Test if string precedes C string. template<typename _CharT , typename
_Traits , typename _Alloc , template< typename, typename, typename >
class _Base> bool operator< (const _CharT *__lhs, const
__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__rhs)
Test if C string precedes string. template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2
> bool operator< (const _Pointer_adapter< _Tp1 >
&__lhs, _Tp2 __rhs)
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 > bool operator< (const
_Pointer_adapter< _Tp1 > &__lhs, const
_Pointer_adapter< _Tp2 > &__rhs)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > bool operator< (const
_Rope_const_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x, const
_Rope_const_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__y)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > bool operator< (const
_Rope_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x, const _Rope_iterator<
_CharT, _Alloc > &__y)
template<typename _Value , typename _Int , typename _St > bool
operator< (const character< _Value, _Int, _St >
&lhs, const character< _Value, _Int, _St > &rhs)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > bool operator< (const
rope< _CharT, _Alloc > &__left, const rope<
_CharT, _Alloc > &__right)
template<class _Tp , class _Alloc > bool operator< (const
slist< _Tp, _Alloc > &_SL1, const slist< _Tp,
_Alloc > &_SL2)
template<typename _Cond > bool operator< (const
throw_value_base< _Cond > &__a, const
throw_value_base< _Cond > &__b)
template<class _CharT , class _Traits , class _Alloc >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__o, const rope< _CharT, _Alloc > &__r)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__os, const __gnu_cxx::beta_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _UIntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__os, const __gnu_cxx::hypergeometric_distribution< _UIntType >
template<size_t _Dimen, typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename
_Traits > std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__os, const __gnu_cxx::normal_mv_distribution< _Dimen, _RealType
> &__x)
template<typename _UIntType , size_t __m, size_t __pos1, size_t __sl1,
size_t __sl2, size_t __sr1, size_t __sr2, uint32_t __msk1, uint32_t __msk2,
uint32_t __msk3, uint32_t __msk4, uint32_t __parity1, uint32_t __parity2,
uint32_t __parity3, uint32_t __parity4, typename _CharT , typename _Traits
> std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__os, const __gnu_cxx::simd_fast_mersenne_twister_engine< _UIntType,
__m, __pos1, __sl1, __sl2, __sr1, __sr2, __msk1, __msk2, __msk3, __msk4,
__parity1, __parity2, __parity3, __parity4 > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__os, const __gnu_cxx::triangular_distribution< _RealType >
template<std::size_t _Dimen, typename _RealType , typename _CharT ,
typename _Traits > std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >
& operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits
> &__os, const __gnu_cxx::uniform_inside_sphere_distribution<
_Dimen, _RealType > &__x)
template<std::size_t _Dimen, typename _RealType , typename _CharT ,
typename _Traits > std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >
& operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits
> &__os, const __gnu_cxx::uniform_on_sphere_distribution< _Dimen,
_RealType > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__os, const __gnu_cxx::von_mises_distribution< _RealType >
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _StoreT >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__os, const _Pointer_adapter< _StoreT > &__p)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__os, const arcsine_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__os, const hoyt_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__os, const k_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__os, const logistic_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__os, const nakagami_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__os, const pareto_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__os, const rice_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream
&os, const annotate_base &__b)
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 > bool operator<= (_Tp1
__lhs, const _Pointer_adapter< _Tp2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Iterator , typename _Container > constexpr bool
operator<= (const __normal_iterator< _Iterator, _Container >
&__lhs, const __normal_iterator< _Iterator, _Container >
&__rhs) noexcept
template<typename _IteratorL , typename _IteratorR , typename _Container
> bool operator<= (const __normal_iterator< _IteratorL,
_Container > &__lhs, const __normal_iterator< _IteratorR,
_Container > &__rhs) noexcept
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc ,
template< typename, typename, typename > class _Base> bool
operator<= (const __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits,
_Alloc, _Base > &__lhs, const __versa_string< _CharT,
_Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__rhs)
Test if string doesn't follow string. template<typename _CharT , typename
_Traits , typename _Alloc , template< typename, typename, typename >
class _Base> bool operator<= (const __versa_string<
_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__lhs, const _CharT *__rhs)
Test if string doesn't follow C string. template<typename _CharT , typename
_Traits , typename _Alloc , template< typename, typename, typename >
class _Base> bool operator<= (const _CharT *__lhs, const
__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__rhs)
Test if C string doesn't follow string. template<typename _Tp > bool
operator<= (const _Pointer_adapter< _Tp > &__lhs,
const _Pointer_adapter< _Tp > &__rhs)
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 > bool operator<=
(const _Pointer_adapter< _Tp1 > &__lhs, _Tp2 __rhs)
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 > bool operator<=
(const _Pointer_adapter< _Tp1 > &__lhs, const
_Pointer_adapter< _Tp2 > &__rhs)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > bool operator<= (const
_Rope_const_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x, const
_Rope_const_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__y)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > bool operator<= (const
_Rope_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x, const _Rope_iterator<
_CharT, _Alloc > &__y)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > bool operator<= (const
rope< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x, const rope< _CharT,
_Alloc > &__y)
template<class _Tp , class _Alloc > bool operator<= (const
slist< _Tp, _Alloc > &_SL1, const slist< _Tp,
_Alloc > &_SL2)
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 > bool operator== (_Tp1
__lhs, const _Pointer_adapter< _Tp2 > &__rhs)
template<size_t _Dimen, typename _RealType > bool operator==
(const __gnu_cxx::normal_mv_distribution< _Dimen, _RealType >
&__d1, const __gnu_cxx::normal_mv_distribution< _Dimen, _RealType
> &__d2)
template<typename _UIntType , size_t __m, size_t __pos1, size_t __sl1,
size_t __sl2, size_t __sr1, size_t __sr2, uint32_t __msk1, uint32_t __msk2,
uint32_t __msk3, uint32_t __msk4, uint32_t __parity1, uint32_t __parity2,
uint32_t __parity3, uint32_t __parity4> bool operator== (const
__gnu_cxx::simd_fast_mersenne_twister_engine< _UIntType, __m, __pos1,
__sl1, __sl2, __sr1, __sr2, __msk1, __msk2, __msk3, __msk4, __parity1,
__parity2, __parity3, __parity4 > &__lhs, const
__gnu_cxx::simd_fast_mersenne_twister_engine< _UIntType, __m, __pos1,
__sl1, __sl2, __sr1, __sr2, __msk1, __msk2, __msk3, __msk4, __parity1,
__parity2, __parity3, __parity4 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Tp , typename _Poolp > bool operator== (const
__mt_alloc< _Tp, _Poolp > &, const __mt_alloc<
_Tp, _Poolp > &)
template<typename _Iterator , typename _Container > constexpr bool
operator== (const __normal_iterator< _Iterator, _Container >
&__lhs, const __normal_iterator< _Iterator, _Container >
&__rhs) noexcept
template<typename _IteratorL , typename _IteratorR , typename _Container
> constexpr bool operator== (const __normal_iterator<
_IteratorL, _Container > &__lhs, const __normal_iterator<
_IteratorR, _Container > &__rhs) noexcept
template<typename _Tp > bool operator== (const
__pool_alloc< _Tp > &, const __pool_alloc< _Tp
> &)
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc ,
template< typename, typename, typename > class _Base> bool
operator== (const __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc,
_Base > &__lhs, const __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits,
_Alloc, _Base > &__rhs)
Test equivalence of two strings. template<typename _CharT , typename
_Traits , typename _Alloc , template< typename, typename, typename >
class _Base> bool operator== (const __versa_string<
_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__lhs, const _CharT *__rhs)
Test equivalence of string and C string. template<typename _CharT ,
template< typename, typename, typename > class _Base>
__enable_if< std::__is_char< _CharT >::__value, bool >::__type
operator== (const __versa_string< _CharT,
std::char_traits< _CharT >, std::allocator< _CharT
>, _Base > &__lhs, const __versa_string< _CharT,
std::char_traits< _CharT >, std::allocator< _CharT
>, _Base > &__rhs)
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc ,
template< typename, typename, typename > class _Base> bool
operator== (const _CharT *__lhs, const __versa_string<
_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__rhs)
Test equivalence of C string and string. template<typename _Tp > bool
operator== (const _Pointer_adapter< _Tp > &__lhs,
const _Pointer_adapter< _Tp > &__rhs)
template<typename _Tp > bool operator== (const
_Pointer_adapter< _Tp > &__lhs, int __rhs)
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 > bool operator== (const
_Pointer_adapter< _Tp1 > &__lhs, _Tp2 __rhs)
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 > bool operator== (const
_Pointer_adapter< _Tp1 > &__lhs, const
_Pointer_adapter< _Tp2 > &__rhs)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > bool operator== (const
_Rope_char_ptr_proxy< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x, const
_Rope_char_ptr_proxy< _CharT, _Alloc > &__y)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > bool operator== (const
_Rope_const_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x, const
_Rope_const_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__y)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > bool operator== (const
_Rope_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x, const _Rope_iterator<
_CharT, _Alloc > &__y)
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 > bool operator== (const
bitmap_allocator< _Tp1 > &, const
bitmap_allocator< _Tp2 > &) throw ()
template<typename _Value , typename _Int , typename _St > bool
operator== (const character< _Value, _Int, _St >
&lhs, const character< _Value, _Int, _St > &rhs)
template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _HashFn , class _EqlKey , class
_Alloc > bool operator== (const hash_map< _Key, _Tp,
_HashFn, _EqlKey, _Alloc > &__hm1, const hash_map< _Key,
_Tp, _HashFn, _EqlKey, _Alloc > &__hm2)
template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _HF , class _EqKey , class _Alloc
> bool operator== (const hash_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _HF,
_EqKey, _Alloc > &__hm1, const hash_multimap< _Key, _Tp,
_HF, _EqKey, _Alloc > &__hm2)
template<class _Val , class _HashFcn , class _EqualKey , class _Alloc >
bool operator== (const hash_multiset< _Val, _HashFcn,
_EqualKey, _Alloc > &__hs1, const hash_multiset< _Val,
_HashFcn, _EqualKey, _Alloc > &__hs2)
template<class _Value , class _HashFcn , class _EqualKey , class _Alloc
> bool operator== (const hash_set< _Value, _HashFcn,
_EqualKey, _Alloc > &__hs1, const hash_set< _Value,
_HashFcn, _EqualKey, _Alloc > &__hs2)
template<class _Val , class _Key , class _HF , class _Ex , class _Eq ,
class _All > bool operator== (const hashtable< _Val, _Key, _HF,
_Ex, _Eq, _All > &__ht1, const hashtable< _Val, _Key, _HF, _Ex,
_Eq, _All > &__ht2)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > bool operator== (const
rope< _CharT, _Alloc > &__left, const rope<
_CharT, _Alloc > &__right)
template<class _Tp , class _Alloc > bool operator== (const
slist< _Tp, _Alloc > &_SL1, const slist< _Tp,
_Alloc > &_SL2)
template<typename _Tp , typename _Cond > bool operator== (const
throw_allocator_base< _Tp, _Cond > &, const
throw_allocator_base< _Tp, _Cond > &)
template<typename _Cond > bool operator== (const
throw_value_base< _Cond > &__a, const
throw_value_base< _Cond > &__b)
template<typename _Tp > bool operator== (int __lhs, const
_Pointer_adapter< _Tp > &__rhs)
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 > bool operator> (_Tp1
__lhs, const _Pointer_adapter< _Tp2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Iterator , typename _Container > constexpr bool
operator> (const __normal_iterator< _Iterator, _Container >
&__lhs, const __normal_iterator< _Iterator, _Container >
&__rhs) noexcept
template<typename _IteratorL , typename _IteratorR , typename _Container
> bool operator> (const __normal_iterator< _IteratorL,
_Container > &__lhs, const __normal_iterator< _IteratorR,
_Container > &__rhs) noexcept
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc ,
template< typename, typename, typename > class _Base> bool
operator> (const __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits,
_Alloc, _Base > &__lhs, const __versa_string< _CharT,
_Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__rhs)
Test if string follows string. template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits
, typename _Alloc , template< typename, typename, typename > class
_Base> bool operator> (const __versa_string< _CharT,
_Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__lhs, const _CharT *__rhs)
Test if string follows C string. template<typename _CharT , typename
_Traits , typename _Alloc , template< typename, typename, typename >
class _Base> bool operator> (const _CharT *__lhs, const
__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__rhs)
Test if C string follows string. template<typename _Tp > bool
operator> (const _Pointer_adapter< _Tp > &__lhs,
const _Pointer_adapter< _Tp > &__rhs)
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 > bool operator> (const
_Pointer_adapter< _Tp1 > &__lhs, _Tp2 __rhs)
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 > bool operator> (const
_Pointer_adapter< _Tp1 > &__lhs, const
_Pointer_adapter< _Tp2 > &__rhs)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > bool operator> (const
_Rope_const_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x, const
_Rope_const_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__y)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > bool operator> (const
_Rope_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x, const _Rope_iterator<
_CharT, _Alloc > &__y)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > bool operator> (const
rope< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x, const rope< _CharT,
_Alloc > &__y)
template<class _Tp , class _Alloc > bool operator> (const
slist< _Tp, _Alloc > &_SL1, const slist< _Tp,
_Alloc > &_SL2)
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 > bool operator>= (_Tp1
__lhs, const _Pointer_adapter< _Tp2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Iterator , typename _Container > constexpr bool
operator>= (const __normal_iterator< _Iterator, _Container >
&__lhs, const __normal_iterator< _Iterator, _Container >
&__rhs) noexcept
template<typename _IteratorL , typename _IteratorR , typename _Container
> bool operator>= (const __normal_iterator< _IteratorL,
_Container > &__lhs, const __normal_iterator< _IteratorR,
_Container > &__rhs) noexcept
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc ,
template< typename, typename, typename > class _Base> bool
operator>= (const __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits,
_Alloc, _Base > &__lhs, const __versa_string< _CharT,
_Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__rhs)
Test if string doesn't precede string. template<typename _CharT , typename
_Traits , typename _Alloc , template< typename, typename, typename >
class _Base> bool operator>= (const __versa_string<
_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__lhs, const _CharT *__rhs)
Test if string doesn't precede C string. template<typename _CharT ,
typename _Traits , typename _Alloc , template< typename, typename,
typename > class _Base> bool operator>= (const _CharT
*__lhs, const __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >
Test if C string doesn't precede string. template<typename _Tp > bool
operator>= (const _Pointer_adapter< _Tp > &__lhs,
const _Pointer_adapter< _Tp > &__rhs)
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 > bool operator>=
(const _Pointer_adapter< _Tp1 > &__lhs, _Tp2 __rhs)
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 > bool operator>=
(const _Pointer_adapter< _Tp1 > &__lhs, const
_Pointer_adapter< _Tp2 > &__rhs)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > bool operator>= (const
_Rope_const_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x, const
_Rope_const_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__y)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > bool operator>= (const
_Rope_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x, const _Rope_iterator<
_CharT, _Alloc > &__y)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > bool operator>= (const
rope< _CharT, _Alloc > &__x, const rope< _CharT,
_Alloc > &__y)
template<class _Tp , class _Alloc > bool operator>= (const
slist< _Tp, _Alloc > &_SL1, const slist< _Tp,
_Alloc > &_SL2)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__is, __gnu_cxx::beta_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _UIntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__is, __gnu_cxx::hypergeometric_distribution< _UIntType >
template<size_t _Dimen, typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename
_Traits > std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__is, __gnu_cxx::normal_mv_distribution< _Dimen, _RealType >
template<typename _UIntType , size_t __m, size_t __pos1, size_t __sl1,
size_t __sl2, size_t __sr1, size_t __sr2, uint32_t __msk1, uint32_t __msk2,
uint32_t __msk3, uint32_t __msk4, uint32_t __parity1, uint32_t __parity2,
uint32_t __parity3, uint32_t __parity4, typename _CharT , typename _Traits
> std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__is, __gnu_cxx::simd_fast_mersenne_twister_engine< _UIntType, __m,
__pos1, __sl1, __sl2, __sr1, __sr2, __msk1, __msk2, __msk3, __msk4,
__parity1, __parity2, __parity3, __parity4 > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__is, __gnu_cxx::triangular_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<std::size_t _Dimen, typename _RealType , typename _CharT ,
typename _Traits > std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >
& operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits
> &__is, __gnu_cxx::uniform_inside_sphere_distribution< _Dimen,
_RealType > &__x)
template<std::size_t _Dimen, typename _RealType , typename _CharT ,
typename _Traits > std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >
& operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits
> &__is, __gnu_cxx::uniform_on_sphere_distribution< _Dimen,
_RealType > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__is, __gnu_cxx::von_mises_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__is, arcsine_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__is, hoyt_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__is, k_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__is, logistic_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__is, nakagami_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__is, pareto_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &
operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits >
&__is, rice_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _Tp , typename _Integer > _Tp power (_Tp __x,
_Integer __n)
template<typename _Tp , typename _Integer , typename _MonoidOperation >
_Tp power (_Tp __x, _Integer __n, _MonoidOperation __monoid_op)
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _RandomAccessIterator >
_RandomAccessIterator random_sample (_InputIterator __first,
_InputIterator __last, _RandomAccessIterator __out_first,
_RandomAccessIterator __out_last)
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _RandomAccessIterator ,
typename _RandomNumberGenerator > _RandomAccessIterator
random_sample (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last,
_RandomAccessIterator __out_first, _RandomAccessIterator __out_last,
_RandomNumberGenerator &__rand)
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename
_Distance > _OutputIterator random_sample_n (_ForwardIterator
__first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __out, const _Distance
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename
_Distance , typename _RandomNumberGenerator > _OutputIterator
random_sample_n (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last,
_OutputIterator __out, const _Distance __n, _RandomNumberGenerator
void rotate (_Rope_iterator< char, __STL_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR(char)>
__first, _Rope_iterator< char, __STL_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR(char)>
__middle, _Rope_iterator< char, __STL_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR(char)> __last)
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc ,
template< typename, typename, typename > class _Base> void
swap (__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >
&__lhs, __versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >
Swap contents of two strings. template<typename _Tp > void swap
(_ExtPtr_allocator< _Tp > &__larg,
_ExtPtr_allocator< _Tp > &__rarg)
template<class _CharT , class __Alloc > void swap
(_Rope_char_ref_proxy< _CharT, __Alloc > __a, _Rope_char_ref_proxy<
_CharT, __Alloc > __b)
template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _HashFn , class _EqlKey , class
_Alloc > void swap (hash_map< _Key, _Tp, _HashFn,
_EqlKey, _Alloc > &__hm1, hash_map< _Key, _Tp, _HashFn,
_EqlKey, _Alloc > &__hm2)
template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _HashFn , class _EqlKey , class
_Alloc > void swap (hash_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _HashFn,
_EqlKey, _Alloc > &__hm1, hash_multimap< _Key, _Tp,
_HashFn, _EqlKey, _Alloc > &__hm2)
template<class _Val , class _HashFcn , class _EqualKey , class _Alloc >
void swap (hash_multiset< _Val, _HashFcn, _EqualKey, _Alloc
> &__hs1, hash_multiset< _Val, _HashFcn, _EqualKey, _Alloc
> &__hs2)
template<class _Val , class _HashFcn , class _EqualKey , class _Alloc >
void swap (hash_set< _Val, _HashFcn, _EqualKey, _Alloc >
&__hs1, hash_set< _Val, _HashFcn, _EqualKey, _Alloc >
template<class _Val , class _Key , class _HF , class _Extract , class
_EqKey , class _All > void swap (hashtable< _Val, _Key, _HF,
_Extract, _EqKey, _All > &__ht1, hashtable< _Val, _Key, _HF,
_Extract, _EqKey, _All > &__ht2)
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > void swap (rope<
_CharT, _Alloc > &__x, rope< _CharT, _Alloc > &__y)
template<class _Tp , class _Alloc > void swap (slist<
_Tp, _Alloc > &__x, slist< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y)
template<typename _Cond > void swap (throw_value_base<
_Cond > &__a, throw_value_base< _Cond > &__b)
template<typename _InputIter , typename _Size , typename _ForwardIter >
std::pair< _InputIter, _ForwardIter >
uninitialized_copy_n (_InputIter __first, _Size __count, _ForwardIter
Copies the range [first,last) into result.
static const _Lock_policy __default_lock_policy
template<class _CharT , class _Alloc > rope< _CharT, _Alloc
> identity_element (_Rope_Concat_fn< _CharT, _Alloc >)
GNU extensions for public use.
Convenience alias for __numeric_traits<integer-type>.
Definition at line 136 of file numeric_traits.h.
Casting operations for cases where _FromType is a standard pointer. _ToType can be a standard or non-standard pointer.
Definition at line 96 of file cast.h.
Casting operations for cases where _FromType is not a standard pointer. _ToType can be a standard or non-standard pointer. Given that _FromType is not a pointer, it must have a get() method that returns the standard pointer equivalent of the address it points to, and must have an element_type typedef which names the type it points to.
Definition at line 68 of file cast.h.
Generic Version of the bsf instruction.
Definition at line 508 of file bitmap_allocator.h.
Referenced by __gnu_cxx::bitmap_allocator< _Tp >::_M_allocate_single_object().
Test difference of two strings.
Definition at line 2389 of file vstring.h.
Test difference of string and C string.
Definition at line 2415 of file vstring.h.
Test difference of C string and string.
Definition at line 2402 of file vstring.h.
Concatenate character and string.
Definition at line 211 of file vstring.tcc.
References __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::append(), __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::push_back(), __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::reserve(), and __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::size().
Concatenate string and character.
Definition at line 241 of file vstring.tcc.
References __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::append(), __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::push_back(), __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::reserve(), and __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::size().
Concatenate two strings.
Definition at line 181 of file vstring.tcc.
References __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::append(), __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::reserve(), and __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::size().
Concatenate string and C string.
Definition at line 224 of file vstring.tcc.
Concatenate C string and string.
Definition at line 194 of file vstring.tcc.
Test if string precedes string.
Definition at line 2428 of file vstring.h.
References __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::compare().
Test if string precedes C string.
Definition at line 2441 of file vstring.h.
References __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::compare().
Test if C string precedes string.
Definition at line 2454 of file vstring.h.
References __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::compare().
Test if string doesn't follow string.
Definition at line 2508 of file vstring.h.
References __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::compare().
Test if string doesn't follow C string.
Definition at line 2521 of file vstring.h.
References __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::compare().
Test if C string doesn't follow string.
Definition at line 2534 of file vstring.h.
References __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::compare().
Test equivalence of two strings.
Definition at line 2338 of file vstring.h.
References __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::compare().
Test equivalence of string and C string.
Definition at line 2375 of file vstring.h.
References __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::compare().
Test equivalence of C string and string.
Definition at line 2362 of file vstring.h.
References __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::compare().
Comparison operators for _Pointer_adapter defer to the base class' comparison operators, when possible.
Definition at line 546 of file pointer.h.
Test if string follows string.
Definition at line 2469 of file vstring.h.
References __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::compare().
Test if string follows C string.
Definition at line 2482 of file vstring.h.
References __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::compare().
Test if C string follows string.
Definition at line 2495 of file vstring.h.
References __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::compare().
Test if string doesn't precede string.
Definition at line 2549 of file vstring.h.
References __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::compare().
Test if string doesn't precede C string.
Definition at line 2562 of file vstring.h.
References __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::compare().
Test if C string doesn't precede string.
Definition at line 2575 of file vstring.h.
References __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::compare().
Swap contents of two strings.
Exchanges the contents of __lhs and __rhs in constant time.
Definition at line 2589 of file vstring.h.
References __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::swap().
Generated automatically by Doxygen for libstdc++ from the source code.
Sun Jan 10 2021 | libstdc++ |