DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / libstdc++-10-doc / __gnu_cxx::rope.3cxx.en
__gnu_cxx::rope< _CharT, _Alloc >(3cxx) __gnu_cxx::rope< _CharT, _Alloc >(3cxx)

__gnu_cxx::rope< _CharT, _Alloc >

Inherits __gnu_cxx::_Rope_base< _CharT, _Alloc >.

typedef _Rope_RopeConcatenation< _CharT, _Alloc > __C
typedef _Rope_RopeFunction< _CharT, _Alloc > __F
typedef _Rope_RopeLeaf< _CharT, _Alloc > __L
typedef _Rope_RopeSubstring< _CharT, _Alloc > __S
typedef __alloc_traits< _Alloc >::template rebind< __C >::other _CAlloc
typedef __alloc_traits< _Alloc >::template rebind< _CharT >::other _DataAlloc
typedef __alloc_traits< _Alloc >::template rebind< __F >::other _FAlloc
typedef __alloc_traits< _Alloc >::template rebind< __L >::other _LAlloc
typedef __alloc_traits< _Alloc >::template rebind< __S >::other _SAlloc
typedef _Rope_const_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > const_iterator
typedef const _CharT * const_pointer
typedef _CharT const_reference
typedef std::reverse_iterator< const_iterator > const_reverse_iterator
typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type
typedef _Rope_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc > iterator
typedef _Rope_char_ptr_proxy< _CharT, _Alloc > pointer
typedef _Rope_char_ref_proxy< _CharT, _Alloc > reference
typedef std::reverse_iterator< iterator > reverse_iterator
typedef std::size_t size_type
typedef _CharT value_type

rope (_CharT __c, const allocator_type &__a=allocator_type())
rope (char_producer< _CharT > *__fn, size_type __len, bool __delete_fn, const allocator_type &__a=allocator_type())
rope (const _CharT *__s, const _CharT *__e, const allocator_type &__a=allocator_type())
rope (const _CharT *__s, const allocator_type &__a=allocator_type())
rope (const _CharT *__s, size_type __len, const allocator_type &__a=allocator_type())
rope (const allocator_type &__a=allocator_type())
rope (const const_iterator &__s, const const_iterator &__e, const allocator_type &__a=allocator_type())
rope (const iterator &__s, const iterator &__e, const allocator_type &__a=allocator_type())
rope (const rope &__x, const allocator_type &__a=allocator_type())
rope (size_type __n, _CharT __c, const allocator_type &__a=allocator_type())
allocator_type & _M_get_allocator ()
const allocator_type & _M_get_allocator () const
rope & append ()
rope & append (_CharT __c)
rope & append (const _CharT *__c_string)
rope & append (const _CharT *__iter, size_type __n)
rope & append (const _CharT *__s, const _CharT *__e)
rope & append (const rope &__y)
rope & append (const_iterator __s, const_iterator __e)
rope & append (size_type __n, _CharT __c)
void apply_to_pieces (size_type __begin, size_type __end, _Rope_char_consumer< _CharT > &__c) const
_CharT at (size_type __pos) const
_CharT back () const
void balance ()
const_iterator begin ()
const_iterator begin () const
const _CharT * c_str () const
void clear ()
int compare (const rope &__y) const
const_iterator const_begin () const
const_iterator const_end () const
const_reverse_iterator const_rbegin () const
const_reverse_iterator const_rend () const
void copy (_CharT *__buffer) const
size_type copy (size_type __pos, size_type __n, _CharT *__buffer) const
void delete_c_str ()
void dump ()
bool empty () const
const_iterator end ()
const_iterator end () const
iterator erase (const iterator &__p)
iterator erase (const iterator &__p, const iterator &__q)
void erase (size_type __p)
void erase (size_type __p, size_type __n)
size_type find (_CharT __c, size_type __pos=0) const
size_type find (const _CharT *__s, size_type __pos=0) const
_CharT front () const
allocator_type get_allocator () const
iterator insert (const iterator &__p)
iterator insert (const iterator &__p, _CharT __c)
iterator insert (const iterator &__p, const _CharT *__i, const _CharT *__j)
iterator insert (const iterator &__p, const _CharT *__i, size_type __n)
iterator insert (const iterator &__p, const _CharT *c_string)
iterator insert (const iterator &__p, const const_iterator &__i, const const_iterator &__j)
iterator insert (const iterator &__p, const iterator &__i, const iterator &__j)
iterator insert (const iterator &__p, const rope &__r)
iterator insert (const iterator &__p, size_type __n, _CharT __c)
void insert (size_type __p)
void insert (size_type __p, _CharT __c)
void insert (size_type __p, const _CharT *__c_string)
void insert (size_type __p, const _CharT *__i, const _CharT *__j)
void insert (size_type __p, const _CharT *__i, size_type __n)
void insert (size_type __p, const const_iterator &__i, const const_iterator &__j)
void insert (size_type __p, const iterator &__i, const iterator &__j)
void insert (size_type __p, const rope &__r)
void insert (size_type __p, size_type __n, _CharT __c)
size_type length () const
size_type max_size () const
iterator mutable_begin ()
iterator mutable_end ()
reverse_iterator mutable_rbegin ()
reference mutable_reference_at (size_type __pos)
reverse_iterator mutable_rend ()
rope & operator= (const rope &__x)
_CharT operator[] (size_type __pos) const
void pop_back ()
void pop_front ()
void push_back (_CharT __x)
void push_front (_CharT __x)
const_reverse_iterator rbegin ()
const_reverse_iterator rbegin () const
const_reverse_iterator rend ()
const_reverse_iterator rend () const
void replace (const iterator &__p, _CharT __c)
void replace (const iterator &__p, const _CharT *__c_string)
void replace (const iterator &__p, const _CharT *__i, const _CharT *__j)
void replace (const iterator &__p, const _CharT *__i, size_type __n)
void replace (const iterator &__p, const iterator &__q, _CharT __c)
void replace (const iterator &__p, const iterator &__q, const _CharT *__c_string)
void replace (const iterator &__p, const iterator &__q, const _CharT *__i, const _CharT *__j)
void replace (const iterator &__p, const iterator &__q, const _CharT *__i, size_type __n)
void replace (const iterator &__p, const iterator &__q, const const_iterator &__i, const const_iterator &__j)
void replace (const iterator &__p, const iterator &__q, const iterator &__i, const iterator &__j)
void replace (const iterator &__p, const iterator &__q, const rope &__r)
void replace (const iterator &__p, const rope &__r)
void replace (const iterator &__p, const_iterator __i, const_iterator __j)
void replace (const iterator &__p, iterator __i, iterator __j)
void replace (size_type __p, _CharT __c)
void replace (size_type __p, const _CharT *__c_string)
void replace (size_type __p, const _CharT *__i, const _CharT *__j)
void replace (size_type __p, const _CharT *__i, size_type __i_len)
void replace (size_type __p, const const_iterator &__i, const const_iterator &__j)
void replace (size_type __p, const iterator &__i, const iterator &__j)
void replace (size_type __p, const rope &__r)
void replace (size_type __p, size_type __n, _CharT __c)
void replace (size_type __p, size_type __n, const _CharT *__c_string)
void replace (size_type __p, size_type __n, const _CharT *__i, const _CharT *__j)
void replace (size_type __p, size_type __n, const _CharT *__i, size_type __i_len)
void replace (size_type __p, size_type __n, const const_iterator &__i, const const_iterator &__j)
void replace (size_type __p, size_type __n, const iterator &__i, const iterator &__j)
void replace (size_type __p, size_type __n, const rope &__r)
const _CharT * replace_with_c_str ()
size_type size () const
rope< _CharT, _Alloc > substr (const_iterator __start)
rope substr (const_iterator __start, const_iterator __end) const
rope substr (iterator __start) const
rope substr (iterator __start, iterator __end) const
rope substr (size_type __start, size_type __len=1) const
void swap (rope &__b)

static __C * _C_allocate (std::size_t __n)
static void _C_deallocate (__C *__p, std::size_t __n)
static _CharT * _Data_allocate (std::size_t __n)
static void _Data_deallocate (_CharT *__p, std::size_t __n)
static __F * _F_allocate (std::size_t __n)
static void _F_deallocate (__F *__p, std::size_t __n)
static __L * _L_allocate (std::size_t __n)
static void _L_deallocate (__L *__p, std::size_t __n)
static __S * _S_allocate (std::size_t __n)
static void _S_deallocate (__S *__p, std::size_t __n)

_RopeRep * _M_tree_ptr

static const size_type npos

enum { _S_copy_max }
typedef _Rope_base< _CharT, _Alloc > _Base
typedef _CharT * _Cstrptr
typedef _Rope_RopeConcatenation< _CharT, _Alloc > _RopeConcatenation
typedef _Rope_RopeFunction< _CharT, _Alloc > _RopeFunction
typedef _Rope_RopeLeaf< _CharT, _Alloc > _RopeLeaf
typedef _Rope_RopeRep< _CharT, _Alloc > _RopeRep
typedef _Rope_RopeSubstring< _CharT, _Alloc > _RopeSubstring
typedef _Rope_self_destruct_ptr< _CharT, _Alloc > _Self_destruct_ptr
typedef _Base::allocator_type allocator_type

static size_type _S_allocated_capacity (size_type __n)
static bool _S_apply_to_pieces (_Rope_char_consumer< _CharT > &__c, const _RopeRep *__r, size_type __begin, size_type __end)
static _RopeRep * _S_concat (_RopeRep *__left, _RopeRep *__right)
static _RopeRep * _S_concat_char_iter (_RopeRep *__r, const _CharT *__iter, size_type __slen)
static _RopeRep * _S_destr_concat_char_iter (_RopeRep *__r, const _CharT *__iter, size_type __slen)
static _RopeLeaf * _S_destr_leaf_concat_char_iter (_RopeLeaf *__r, const _CharT *__iter, size_type __slen)
static _CharT _S_fetch (_RopeRep *__r, size_type __pos)
static _CharT * _S_fetch_ptr (_RopeRep *__r, size_type __pos)
static bool _S_is0 (_CharT __c)
static _RopeLeaf * _S_leaf_concat_char_iter (_RopeLeaf *__r, const _CharT *__iter, size_type __slen)
static _RopeConcatenation * _S_new_RopeConcatenation (_RopeRep *__left, _RopeRep *__right, allocator_type &__a)
static _RopeFunction * _S_new_RopeFunction (char_producer< _CharT > *__f, size_type __size, bool __d, allocator_type &__a)
static _RopeLeaf * _S_new_RopeLeaf (_CharT *__s, size_type __size, allocator_type &__a)
static _RopeSubstring * _S_new_RopeSubstring (_Rope_RopeRep< _CharT, _Alloc > *__b, size_type __s, size_type __l, allocator_type &__a)
static void _S_ref (_RopeRep *__t)
static _RopeLeaf * _S_RopeLeaf_from_unowned_char_ptr (const _CharT *__s, size_type __size, allocator_type &__a)
static size_type _S_rounded_up_size (size_type __n)
static _RopeRep * _S_substring (_RopeRep *__base, size_type __start, size_type __endp1)
static _RopeRep * _S_tree_concat (_RopeRep *__left, _RopeRep *__right)
static void _S_unref (_RopeRep *__t)
static _RopeRep * replace (_RopeRep *__old, size_type __pos1, size_type __pos2, _RopeRep *__r)

static _CharT _S_empty_c_str [1]

class _Rope_char_ptr_proxy< _CharT, _Alloc >
class _Rope_char_ref_proxy< _CharT, _Alloc >
class _Rope_const_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc >
class _Rope_iterator< _CharT, _Alloc >
class _Rope_iterator_base< _CharT, _Alloc >
struct _Rope_RopeRep< _CharT, _Alloc >
struct _Rope_RopeSubstring< _CharT, _Alloc >
template<class _CharT2 , class _Alloc2 > rope< _CharT2, _Alloc2 > operator+ (const rope< _CharT2, _Alloc2 > &__left, _CharT2 __right)
template<class _CharT2 , class _Alloc2 > rope< _CharT2, _Alloc2 > operator+ (const rope< _CharT2, _Alloc2 > &__left, const _CharT2 *__right)
template<class _CharT2 , class _Alloc2 > rope< _CharT2, _Alloc2 > operator+ (const rope< _CharT2, _Alloc2 > &__left, const rope< _CharT2, _Alloc2 > &__right)

class __gnu_cxx::rope< _CharT, _Alloc >" This is an SGI extension.


Needs documentation! See

Definition at line 1524 of file rope.

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