DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / libtext-pdf-perl / Text::PDF::Dict.3pm.en
Text::PDF::Dict(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Text::PDF::Dict(3pm)

Text::PDF::Dict - PDF Dictionaries and Streams. Inherits from PDF::Objind

There are various special instance variables which are used to look after, particularly, streams. Each begins with a space:

Holds the stream contents for output
Holds the stream contents in an external file rather than in memory. This is not the same as a PDF file stream. The data is stored in its unfiltered form.
If both ' stream' and ' streamfile' are empty, this indicates where in the source PDF the stream starts.

Outputs the contents of the dictionary to a PDF file. This is a recursive call.

It also outputs a stream if the dictionary has a stream element. If this occurs then this method will calculate the length of the stream and insert it into the stream's dictionary.

Reads in a stream from a PDF file. If the stream is greater than "PDF::Dict::mincache" (defaults to 32768) bytes to be stored, then the default action is to create a file for it somewhere and to use that file as a data cache. If $force_memory is set, this caching will not occur and the data will all be stored in the $self->{' stream'} variable.

Returns the dictionary, which is itself.

$d->copy($inpdf, $res, $unique, $outpdf, %opts)

Copies an object. See Text::PDF::Objind::Copy() for details

2021-01-02 perl v5.32.0