Type::Tiny::Manual::Params(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | Type::Tiny::Manual::Params(3pm) |
Type::Tiny::Manual::Params - advanced information on Type::Params
To get started with Type::Params, please read Type::Tiny::Manual::UsingWithMoo which will cover a lot of the basics, even if you're not using Moo.
The generally recommended way of using Type::Params is this:
sub mysub { state $check = compile( SIGNATURE ); my @args = $check->( @_ ); }
But it is possible to do it in one call:
sub mysub { my @args = validate( \@_, SIGNATURE ); }
There is also a "validate_named" function which acts as a counterpart for "compile_named".
This will generally be slower and less efficient than using "compile" first because Type::Tiny can do a lot of optimizations in that first stage to make the second stage a lot faster. (And the results of "compile" get stored in the "state" variable so that only has to happen once.)
There is rarely a reason to use "validate" and "validate_named", but they exist if you want them.
Multisig allows you to allow multiple ways of calling a sub.
sub repeat_string { state $check = multisig( compile( Int, Str, ), compile_named( { named_to_list => 1 }, count => Int, string => Str, ), ); my ($count, $string) = $check->(@_); return $string x $count; } repeat_string( "Hello", 42 ); # works repeat_string( string => "Hello", count => 42 ); # works repeat_string({ string => "Hello", count => 42 }); # works repeat_string( qr/hiya/ ); # dies
It combines multiple checks and tries each until one works.
"wrap_subs" turns the "compile" idea inside out.
Instead of this:
sub foobar { state $check = compile(Int, Str); my ($foo, $bar) = @_; ...; }
You do this:
sub foobar { my ($foo, $bar) = @_; ...; } wrap_subs foobar => [ Int, Str ];
Or this:
sub foobar { my ($foo, $bar) = @_; ...; } wrap_subs foobar => compile( Int, Str );
This can be faked using positional parameters and a slurpy dictionary.
state $check = compile( Int, slurpy Dict[ foo => Int, bar => Optional[Int], baz => Optional[Int], ], ); @_ = (42, foo => 21); # ok @_ = (42, foo => 21, bar => 84); # ok @_ = (42, foo => 21, bar => 10.5); # not ok @_ = (42, foo => 21, quux => 84); # not ok
From Type::Params 1.009_002, "head" and "tail" options are accepted, which provide another option for mixed named and positional arguments:
state $check = compile_named( { head => [ Int ] }, foo => Int, bar => Optional[Int], baz => Optional[Int], ], );
The "head" is shifted off @_ before @_ is considered as a hash. The "tail" is popped off @_ before @_ is considered as a hash.
Don't you wish your subs could look like this?
sub set_name (Object $self, Str $name) { $self->{name} = $name; }
Well; here are a few solutions for sub signatures that work with Type::Tiny...
Zydeco is a Perl OO syntax toolkit with Type::Tiny support baked in throughout.
package MyApp { use Zydeco; class Person { has name ( type => Str ); method rename (Str $new_name) { printf("%s will now be called %s\n", $self->name, $new_name); $self->name($new_name); } coerce from Str via { $class->new(name => $_) } } class Company { has owner ( type => 'Person' ); } } my $acme = MyApp->new_company(owner => "Robert"); $acme->owner->rename("Bob");
Kavorka is a sub signatures implementation written to natively use Type::Utils' "dwim_type" for type constraints, and take advantage of Type::Tiny's features such as inlining, and coercions.
method set_name (Str $name) { $self->{name} = $name; }
Kavorka's signatures provide a lot more flexibility, and slightly more speed than Type::Params. (The speed comes from inlining almost all type checks into the body of the sub being declared.)
Kavorka also includes support for type checking of the returned value.
Kavorka can also be used as part of Moops, a larger framework for object oriented programming in Perl.
Function::Parameters offers support for Type::Tiny and MooseX::Types.
use Types::Standard qw( Str ); use Function::Parameters; method set_name (Str $name) { $self->{name} = $name; }
Both Kavorka and Function::Parameters require a relatively recent version of Perl. Attribute::Contract supports older versions by using a lot less magic.
You want Attribute::Contract 0.03 or above.
use Attribute::Contract -types => [qw/Object Str/]; sub set_name :ContractRequires(Object, Str) { my ($self, $name) = @_; $self->{name} = $name; }
Attribute::Contract also includes support for type checking of the returned value.
Type::Params is not really a drop-in replacement for Params::Validate; the API differs far too much to claim that. Yet it performs a similar task, so it makes sense to compare them.
Whatsmore, Type::Params doesn't just work with Types::Standard, but also any other Type::Tiny type constraints.
Params::ValidationCompiler does basically the same thing as Type::Params.
state $check = compile(Object, Optional[Int], slurpy ArrayRef);
state $check = validation_for( params => [ { type => Object }, { type => Int, optional => 1 }, { type => ArrayRef, slurpy => 1 }, ], );
Here's your next step:
Type::Tiny in non-object-oriented code.
Toby Inkster <tobyink@cpan.org>.
This software is copyright (c) 2013-2014, 2017-2021 by Toby Inkster.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
2021-02-24 | perl v5.32.1 |