DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / libupsclient-dev / upscli_ssl.3.en

upscli_ssl - Check SSL mode for current connection

#include <upsclient.h>

int upscli_ssl(UPSCONN_t *ups);

The upscli_ssl() function takes the pointer ups to a UPSCONN_t state structure. It only returns 1 if SSL support has been compiled into the upsclient(3) library, and if it was successfully enabled for this connection.

The upscli_ssl() function returns 1 if SSL is running, and 0 if not. It returns -1 in the event of an error.

upscli_fd(3), upscli_get(3), upscli_readline(3), upscli_sendline(3), upscli_strerror(3), upscli_upserror(3)

03/02/2016 Network UPS Tools 2.7.3.