DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / lirc / irw.1.en
IRW(1) User Commands IRW(1)

irw - Send data from Unix domain socket to stdout

irw [socket]

irw will connect to any Unix domain socket and print the received data to stdout. Without a socket argument it will watch /var/run/lirc/lircd. Useful for debugging.


Display usage summary
Display version

On receiving SIGUSR1 irw makes a clean exit.

Dumping the default socket while pressing one button:

myhost $ irw
0000000000f40bf0 00 KEY_POWER ANIMAX
0000000000f40bf0 01 KEY_POWER ANIMAX
0000000000f40bf0 02 KEY_POWER ANIMAX
0000000000f40bf0 03 KEY_POWER ANIMAX
0000000000f40bf0 04 KEY_POWER ANIMAX
0000000000f40bf0 05 KEY_POWER ANIMAX
myhost $
Note that the second counter is incremented for each new event generated
by the single key press. This is important for correct lircd operation.

Since the lircd socket supports multiple clients, irw can run in parallel with other applications.

irw does nothing more than dumps a unix-domain socket, a task which many standard tools also can do. E. g., the ncat(1) tool can be used instead of irw to provide more flexibility (but without a sane default socket):

ncat -U /var/run/lirc/lircd

The documentation for lirc is maintained as html pages. They are located under html/ in the documentation directory.

Last change: Sep 2015 irw 0.10.1