watch-multiple-mimdefangs.tcl - Keep an eye on a cluster of MIMEDefang machines
watch-multiple-mimdefangs.tcl [-n] [-r] [-s] [-t] [-archive] machine-1 machine-2 ... machine-N
watch-multiple-mimdefangs.tcl is a Tk script that graphically displays the status of mimedefang-multiplexor(8) on a cluster of machines. Note that Tcl/Tk 8.4 or higher is required to run watch-multiple-mimdefangs.tcl.
If you supply the -archive command-line option, then watch-multiple-mimdefangs.tcl logs the output of md-mx-ctrl rawload for each machine. The output for machine_name is logged in:
If you supply any of -n, -r, -s or -t options, then watch-multiple-mimdefangs.tcl uses the rawload1 command rather than rawload command to read performance data. Do not use these options unless all monitored machines are running MIMEDefang 2.74 or newer!.
The -n, -r, -s, and -t options enable monitoring of scan times, filter_relay times, filter_sender times and filter_recipient times, respectively.
To use watch-multiple-mimdefangs.tcl to monitor a cluster of machines, you need the following prerequisites:
For each machine specified on the command line, watch-multiple-mimdefangs.tcl creates a chart with five columns. The columns are:
If you click on a machine name, a menu with three options pops up:
If you need to add a machine to the display, simply type the name of the machine in the "Add Machine:" box and press Enter.
watch-multiple-mimdefangs.tcl was written by Dianne Skoll., mimedefang-filter(5), mimedefang(8), mimedefang-protocol(7), md-mx-ctrl(8), watch-mimedefang(8)
12 January 2007 | 4th Berkeley Distribution |