DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / netpbm / thinkjettopbm.1.en
thinkjettopbm(1) General Commands Manual thinkjettopbm(1)

thinkjettopbm - convert HP ThinkJet printer commands file to PBM

thinkjettopbm [-d] [thinkjet_file]

Reads HP ThinkJet printer commands from the standard input, or thinkjet_file if specified, and writes a PBM image to the standard output. Text and non-graphics command sequences are silently ignored.

The -d option turns on debugging messages which are written to the standard error stream.

Handles only a small subset of ThinkJet command sequences, but enough to convert screen images from older HP test equipment.

pbm(5), pjtoppm(1)

Copyright (C) 2001 by W. Eric Norum

03 April 2001