DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / open-infrastructure-container-tools / container-list.1.en

container-list - List container on the system

container list [OPTIONS] container ls [OPTIONS]

The container list command lists container on the system.

The following container options are available, defaults to --started --stopped:

-a, --all

List all available container (started, stopped, and other).


Specify custom CSV separator, defaults to ,.

-f, --format=FORMAT

Use format to list container. Currently available formats are cli (default), csv, json, nwdiag, shell, sh, yaml, or xml.

-h, --host=HOSTNAME

List only container that are enabled for automatic start on the specified hostname. Defaults to list containers of the local system only. Using all shows all container regardless of any automatic start configuration.


Specify custom nwdiag color for the host box, defaults to #3465a4.


Specify custom nwdiag label for the diagram, defaults to empty.

-o, --other

List only container that are not enable for automatic start on the current system.

-s, --started

List only started container.

-t, --stopped

List only stopped container.

List all started and stopped containers of the local system:

sudo container list

List all started and other containers:

sudo container list -s -o

Create a CSV export of all started and stopped containers:

sudo container list -f csv

Create a JSON export of all started and stopped containers:

sudo container list -f json

Create a nwdiag export of all started and stopped containers:

sudo container list -f nwdiag

Create a SVG image via nwdiag of all started and stopped containers:

sudo container list -f nwdiag | nwdiag -T svg -o cnt-list.svg -

Create a shell export of all started and stopped containers:

sudo container list -f shell sudo container list -f sh

Create a YAML export of all started and stopped containers:

sudo container list -f yaml

Create a XML export of all started and stopped containers:

sudo container list -f xml

compute-tools(7), container(1).

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compute-tools were written by Daniel Baumann <> and others.

20210101 compute-tools