clGetProgramInfo - Returns information about the program object.
cl_int clGetProgramInfo(cl_program program, cl_program_info param_name, size_t param_value_size, void *param_value, size_t *param_value_size_ret);
cl_program_info | Return Type and Info. returned in param_value |
CL_PROGRAM_REFERENCE_COUNT | Return type: cl_uint Return the program reference count. |
CL_PROGRAM_CONTEXT | Return type: cl_context Return the context specified when the program object is created |
CL_PROGRAM_NUM_DEVICES | Return type: cl_uint Return the number of devices associated with program. |
CL_PROGRAM_DEVICES | Return type: cl_device_id[] Return the list of devices associated with the program object. This can be the devices associated with context on which the program object has been created or can be a subset of devices that are specified when a progam object is created using clCreateProgramWithBinary(3clc). |
CL_PROGRAM_SOURCE | Return type: char[] Return the program source code specified by clCreateProgramWithSource(3clc). The source string returned is a concatenation of all source strings specified to clCreateProgramWithSource(3clc) with a null terminator. The concatenation strips any nulls in the original source strings. If program is created using clCreateProgramWithBinary(3clc) or clCreateProgramWithBuiltInKernels(3clc), a null string or the appropriate program source code is returned depending on whether or not the program source code is stored in the binary. The actual number of characters that represents the program source code including the null terminator is returned in param_value_size_ret. |
CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES | Return type: size_t[] Returns an array that contains the size in bytes of the program binary (could be an executable binary, compiled binary or library binary) for each device associated with program. The size of the array is the number of devices associated with program. If a binary is not available for a device(s), a size of zero is returned. If program is created using clCreateProgramWithBuiltInKernels(3clc), the implementation may return zero in any entries of the returned array. |
CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES | Return type: unsigned char *[] Return the program binaries (could be an executable binary, compiled binary or library binary) for all devices associated with program. For each device in program, the binary returned can be the binary specified for the device when program is created with clCreateProgramWithBinary(3clc) or it can be the executable binary generated by clBuildProgram(3clc) or clLinkProgram(3clc). If program is created with clCreateProgramWithSource(3clc), the binary returned is the binary generated by clBuildProgram(3clc), clCompileProgram(3clc), or clLinkProgram(3clc). The bits returned can be an implementation-specific intermediate representation (a.k.a. IR) or device specific executable bits or both. The decision on which information is returned in the binary is up to the OpenCL implementation. param_value points to an array of n pointers allocated by the caller, where n is the number of devices associated with program. The buffer sizes needed to allocate the memory that these n pointers refer to can be queried using the CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES query as described in this table. Each entry in this array is used by the implementation as the location in memory where to copy the program binary for a specific device, if there is a binary available. To find out which device the program binary in the array refers to, use the CL_PROGRAM_DEVICES query to get the list of devices. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the array of n pointers returned by CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES and array of devices returned by CL_PROGRAM_DEVICES. If an entry value in the array is NULL, the implementation skips copying the program binary for the specific device identified by the array index. |
CL_PROGRAM_NUM_KERNELS | Return type: size_t Returns the number of kernels declared in program that can be created with clCreateKernel(3clc). This information is only available after a successful program executable has been built for at least one device in the list of devices associated with program. |
CL_PROGRAM_KERNEL_NAMES | Return type: char[] Returns a semi-colon separated list of kernel names in program that can be created with clCreateKernel(3clc). This information is only available after a successful program executable has been built for at least one device in the list of devices associated with program. |
Returns CL_SUCCESS if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors:
OpenCL Specification[1]
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01/14/2021 | The Khronos Group |