DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / pkg-perl-tools / dpt-salsa.1.en
dpt-salsa(1) Debian Perl packaging Tools dpt-salsa(1)

dpt-salsa - manage repositories and members of the perl-team on

dpt salsa [--help|--man|--json|--all|--attic] subcommand [parameters]

dpt-salsa is basically a wrapper around GitLab::API::v4, similar to gitlab-api-v4(1), with various variables regarding and the modules subgroup of the perl-team group already preset and typical method calls encapsulated.

It offers subcommands to manage repositories and members of the modules subgroup with hopefully less typing then calling the API manually each time.

Make sure to check the "CONFIGURATION" section below if you use dpt-salsa for the first time.


Creates a new repository in the modules subgroup (with "createrepo()" and "configurerepo()") and pushes the local repository.

createrepo repositoryname

Creates a new empty repository in the modules subgroup and calls "configurerepo()".


Name of the repository to be added; usually the package name. Required.

configurerepo repositoryid|repositoryname

Sets up the default webhooks and services for one repository.


The repository to be configured. Either its id (\d+) or name (\w+). Required.

configurerepo --all [--attic]

Sets up the default webhooks and services for all active (or, with "--attic", archived) repositories.

changerepo repositoryid|repositoryname "name"|"description" "parameter"

Changes the name (and the path) or the description of a repository.


The repository to be configured. Either its id (\d+) or name (\w+). Required.
What should be changed? The "name" or the "description" of the repository. Required.
The new name or description. Required.

listrepos [--json] [--attic]

Show all active (or, with "--attic", archived) repositories in the modules subgroup.

If used with "--all", returns repository ids and does not output anything; for internal use.

kgb repositoryid|repositoryname|--all [--attic] --on|--off

Install ("--on") or remove ("--off") the KGB IRC notification webhook for the given, all active ("--all"), or all archived ("--attic") repositories.

If a KGB notification webhook is already present, "--on" does nothing.


The repository to be configured. Either its id (\d+) or name (\w+). Required unless "--all" is used.

toattic|fromattic repositoryid|repositoryname

Moves a repository to/from the attic sub-group of the modules sub-group. Useful when a package is removed from the archive or added back.

Probably needs appropriate permissions.

adduser username|userid [access_level]

Adds a user to the modules subgroup of the perl-team group.


The user to be added. Either their id (\d+) or their username (\w+). Required.
One of GitLab's access levels: no_access, guest, reporter, developer, maintainer, owner. Optional, defaults to "maintainer".

removeuser username|userid

Removes a user from the modules subgroup of the perl-team group.


The user to be removed. Either their id (\d+) or their username (\w+). Required.

changeuser access_level username|userid|--all

Change the access level of one or all user(s) in the modules subgroup of the perl-team group.


One of GitLab's access levels: guest, reporter, developer, maintainer, owner. Required.
The user whose access level is to be changed. Either their id (\d+) or their username (\w+). Required, unless "--all" is used.

listmembers [--json]

Show all members of the modules subgroup of the perl-team group.

If used with "--all", returns user ids and does not output anything; for internal use.

mrconfig [--parallel N] [-j N]

Helper for creating

  • a .mrconfig.packages file in the local clone of "meta.git" for all active packages of the modules subgroup of the perl-team group. Also writes to stdout which can be included from .mrconfig.
  • .lastactivity/PKGNAME files in the local clone of "meta.git" for all active packages of the modules subgroup of the perl-team group which are then used by compare-lastactivity in .mrconfig.

With "--parallel" Parallel::ForkManager is employed for parallelism.

Additionally, the option will also output a list of repositories that potentially have not been configured with dpt-salsa.

current_user [--json]

Outputs information about the user whose GitLab token is used.


Same as option --help.

version [--json]

Returns the version of the GitLab instance running on

This subcommand is pretty useless, the only excuse for its existence is the ability to test if everything is working fine.

Show short help.
Show complete manpage.
Act on all users or repositories, not a single named one. Only for specific subcommands, as noted in their description.
Act on archived repositories instead of active ones. Only for specific subcommands, as noted in their description.
Format output as JSON instead of human-targeted text. Only for specific subcommands, as noted in their description.

dpt-salsa uses the following environment variables, set either directly or via ~/.dpt.conf / ~/.config/dpt.conf:

required, no default, obviously

These tokens are created at <>.

optional, default:
optional, default: perl-team
optional, default: 2663
optional, default: perl-team/interpreter
optional, default: 2664
optional, default: perl-team/modules
optional, default: 2665
optional, default: perl-team/modules/packages
optional, default: 2666
optional, default: perl-team/modules/attic
optional, default: 2667
optional, default: perl-team/modules/meta
optional, default: 13881
optional, default: perl-team/
optional, default: 11266
optional, default: perl-team/scripts
optional, default: 13429
only used by the mrconfig subcommand, no default; most probably already set for use with other dpt commands.

Cf. dpt-config(5).




Copyright 2018-2020, gregor herrmann <>

Released under the same terms as Perl itself, i.e. Artistic or GPL-1+.

2021-03-27 pkg-perl-tools 0.64