DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / proftpd-core / ftpstats.8.en
FTPSTATS(8) System Manager's Manual FTPSTATS(8)

ftpstats - FTP Log summarizer

ftpstats [options]

Ftpstats dissects the defined ftp log and reports various statistics as requested. This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution because the original program does not have a manual page.

Use filename rather than the default /var/log/xferlog
Include real users.
Include anonymous users.
Include report on hourly traffic.
Include report on domain traffic.
Report on total traffic by section.
Report on incoming traffic only (uploads).
Report on outgoing traffic only (downloads).
Report only on traffic from domain This option leads to problems with the local domain: e.g. is encountered under test and not recognized under com, -D com will give you only stats about com excluding! Use -A com for correct results.
Report only on traffic from addresses whose end matches address e.g. -A will report on address ending with
Depth of path detail for sections
Section to report on. e.g. -s /pub will report only on paths under /pub

No known bugs at this time. If you discover any bugs, please report at For help/support, try the ProFTPD mailing lists, detailed on


ProFTPD is written and maintained by a number of people, full credits can be found on

This manual page was written by Francesco P. Lovergine <> and other Debian developers, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Please use the most appropriate mailing list listed on for ftpstats related comments.

October 30, 2002 Debian GNU/Linux