python-muranoclient - python-muranoclient
This is a client for the OpenStack Application Catalog API. There's a Python API (the muranoclient module) and a command-line script (installed as murano).
In order to use the python api directly, you must first obtain an auth token and identify which endpoint you wish to speak to. Once you have done so, you can use the API like so:
>>> from muranoclient import Client >>> murano = Client('1', endpoint=MURANO_URL, token=OS_AUTH_TOKEN) ...
In order to use the CLI, you must provide your OpenStack username, password, tenant, and auth endpoint. Use the corresponding configuration options (:option:--os-username, :option:--os-password, :option:--os-tenant-id, and :option:--os-auth-url) or set them in environment variables:
export OS_USERNAME=user export OS_PASSWORD=pass export OS_TENANT_ID=b363706f891f48019483f8bd6503c54b export OS_AUTH_URL=
The command line tool will attempt to reauthenticate using your provided credentials for every request. You can override this behavior by manually supplying an auth token using :option:--os-image-url and :option:--os-auth-token. You can alternatively set these environment variables:
export MURANO_URL= export OS_AUTH_TOKEN=3bcc3d3a03f44e3d8377f9247b0ad155
Once you've configured your authentication parameters, you can run murano help to see a complete listing of available commands.
The murano client is the command-line interface (CLI) for the Application Catalog service (murano) API and its extensions.
This chapter documents murano version 0.13.0.
For help on a specific murano command, enter:
$ murano help COMMAND
usage: murano [--version] [-d] [-v] [--cert-file OS_CERT] [--key-file OS_KEY]
[--ca-file OS_CACERT] [--api-timeout API_TIMEOUT]
[--os-tenant-id OS_TENANT_ID] [--os-tenant-name OS_TENANT_NAME]
[--os-region-name OS_REGION_NAME]
[--os-auth-token OS_AUTH_TOKEN] [--os-no-client-auth]
[--murano-url MURANO_URL] [--glance-url GLANCE_URL]
[--glare-url GLARE_URL]
[--murano-api-version MURANO_API_VERSION]
[--os-service-type OS_SERVICE_TYPE]
[--os-endpoint-type OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE] [--include-password]
[--murano-repo-url MURANO_REPO_URL]
[--murano-packages-service {murano,glance,glare}] [--insecure]
[--os-cacert <ca-certificate>] [--os-cert <certificate>]
[--os-key <key>] [--timeout <seconds>]
[--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL] [--os-domain-id OS_DOMAIN_ID]
[--os-domain-name OS_DOMAIN_NAME]
[--os-project-id OS_PROJECT_ID]
[--os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME]
[--os-project-domain-id OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID]
[--os-project-domain-name OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME]
[--os-trust-id OS_TRUST_ID] [--os-user-id OS_USER_ID]
[--os-username OS_USERNAME]
[--os-user-domain-id OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID]
[--os-user-domain-name OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME]
[--os-password OS_PASSWORD]
<subcommand> ...
usage: murano app-show [-p <PATH>] <ID>
List applications, added to specified environment.
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
usage: murano bundle-import [--is-public] [--exists-action {a,s,u}]
<FILE> [<FILE> ...]
Import a bundle. `FILE` can be either a path to a zip file, URL, or name from repo. If `FILE` is a local file, treat names of packages in a bundle as file names, relative to location of the bundle file. Requirements are first searched in the same directory.
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
usage: murano bundle-save [-p <PATH>] [--no-images] <BUNDLE>
Save a bundle. This will download a bundle of packages with all dependencies to specified path. If path doesn't exist it will be created.
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
usage: murano category-create <CATEGORY_NAME>
Create a category.
Positional arguments:
usage: murano category-delete <ID> [<ID> ...]
Delete a category.
Positional arguments:
usage: murano category-list
List all available categories.
usage: murano category-show <ID>
Display category details.
Positional arguments:
usage: murano class-schema [--package-name PACKAGE_NAME]
[--class-version CLASS_VERSION]
Display class schema
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
usage: murano deployment-list [--all-environments] [<ID>]
List deployments for an environment or multiple environments.
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
usage: murano env-template-add-app <ENV_TEMPLATE_ID> <FILE>
Add application to the environment template.
Positional arguments:
usage: murano env-template-clone <ID> <ENV_TEMPLATE_NAME>
Create a new template, cloned from template.
Positional arguments:
usage: murano env-template-create [--is-public] <ENV_TEMPLATE_NAME>
Create an environment template.
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
usage: murano env-template-create-env [--region <REGION_NAME>] <ID> <ENV_NAME>
Create a new environment from template.
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
usage: murano env-template-del-app <ENV_TEMPLATE_ID> <ENV_TEMPLATE_APP_ID>
Delete application from the environment template.
Positional arguments:
usage: murano env-template-delete <ID> [<ID> ...]
Delete an environment template.
Positional arguments:
usage: murano env-template-list
List the environments templates.
usage: murano env-template-show <ID>
Display environment template details.
Positional arguments:
usage: murano env-template-update <ID> <ENV_TEMPLATE_NAME>
Update an environment template.
Positional arguments:
usage: murano environment-action-call --action-id <ACTION>
[--arguments [<KEY=VALUE> [<KEY=VALUE> ...]]]
Call action `ACTION` in environment `ID`. Returns id of an asynchronous task, that executes the action. Actions can only be called on a `deployed` environment. To view actions available in a given environment use `environment-show` command.
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
usage: murano environment-action-get-result --task-id <TASK> <ID>
Get result of `TASK` in environment `ID`.
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
usage: murano environment-apps-edit --session-id <SESSION_ID> <ID> [FILE]
Edit environment's object model. `FILE` is path to a file, that contains jsonpatch, that describes changes to be made to environment's object-model. [ { "op": "add", "path": "/-", "value": { ... your-app object model here ... } }, { "op": "replace", "path": "/0/?/name", "value": "new_name" }, ] NOTE: Values '===id1===', '===id2===', etc. in the resulting object-model will be substituted with uuids. For more info on jsonpatch see RFC 6902
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
usage: murano environment-create [--join-net-id <NET_ID>]
[--join-subnet-id <SUBNET_ID>]
[--region <REGION_NAME>]
Create an environment.
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
usage: murano environment-delete [--abandon] <NAME or ID> [<NAME or ID> ...]
Delete an environment.
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
usage: murano environment-deploy --session-id <SESSION> <ID>
Start deployment of a murano environment session.
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
usage: murano environment-list [--all-tenants] [--tenant <TENANT_ID>]
List the environments.
Optional arguments:
usage: murano environment-model-edit --session-id <SESSION_ID> <ID> [<FILE>]
Edit an environment's object model.
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
usage: murano environment-model-show [--path <PATH>]
[--session-id <SESSION_ID>]
Display an environment's object model.
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
usage: murano environment-rename <NAME or ID> <ENVIRONMENT_NAME>
Rename an environment.
Positional arguments:
usage: murano environment-session-create <ID>
Creates a new configuration session for environment ID.
Positional arguments:
usage: murano environment-show [--session-id <SESSION_ID>] [--only-apps]
<NAME or ID>
Display environment details.
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
usage: murano package-create [-t <HEAT_TEMPLATE>] [-c <CLASSES_DIRECTORY>]
[-f <full-name>] [-a <AUTHOR>]
[--tags [<TAG1 TAG2> [<TAG1 TAG2> ...]]]
[-u <UI_DEFINITION>] [--type TYPE] [-l <LOGO>]
Create an application package.
Optional arguments:
usage: murano package-delete <ID> [<ID> ...]
Delete a package.
Positional arguments:
usage: murano package-download <ID> [file]
Download a package to a filename or stdout.
Positional arguments:
usage: murano package-import [-c [<CATEGORY> [<CATEGORY> ...]]] [--is-public]
[--package-version PACKAGE_VERSION]
[--exists-action {a,s,u}]
[--dep-exists-action {a,s,u}]
<FILE> [<FILE> ...]
Import a package. `FILE` can be either a path to a zip file, url or a FQPN. You can use `--` to separate `FILE`s from other arguments. Categories have to be separated with a space and have to be already present in murano.
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
usage: murano package-list [--limit LIMIT] [--marker MARKER]
[--include-disabled] [--owned]
[--search <SEARCH_KEYS>] [--name <PACKAGE_NAME>]
[--type <PACKAGE_TYPE>]
[--category <PACKAGE_CATEGORY>]
[--class_name <PACKAGE_CLASS_NAME>]
[--tag <PACKAGE_TAG>]
List available packages.
Optional arguments:
usage: murano package-save [-p <PATH>] [--package-version PACKAGE_VERSION]
Save a package. This will download package(s) with all dependencies to specified path. If path doesn't exist it will be created.
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
usage: murano package-show <ID>
Display details for a package.
Positional arguments:
usage: murano package-update [--is-public {true|false}]
[--enabled {true|false}] [--name NAME]
[--description DESCRIPTION]
[--tags [<TAG> [<TAG> ...]]]
Update an existing package.
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
usage: murano static-action-call [--arguments [<KEY=VALUE> [<KEY=VALUE> ...]]]
[--package-name <PACKAGE>]
[--class-version CLASS_VERSION]
Call static method `METHOD` of the class `CLASS` with `ARGUMENTS`. Returns the result of the method execution. `PACKAGE` and `CLASS_VERSION` can be specified optionally to find class in a particular package and to look for the specific version of a class respectively.
Positional arguments:
Optional arguments:
OpenStack Foundation
October 16, 2020 |