QTLtools-rep(1) | Bioinformatics tools | QTLtools-rep(1) |
QTLtools rep - Replicate QTL associations in an independent dataset
QTLtools rep --bed quantifications.bed.gz --vcf [in.vcf|in.vcf.gz|in.bcf] --qtl qtls_external.txt --out output.txt [OPTIONS]
This mode reads phenotype-genotype pairs that were identified in another dataset and checks association between the same genotype and phenotype in this dataset.
1 | The phenotype ID |
2 | The phenotype's chromosome |
3 | The phenotype's start position |
4 | The phenotype's end position |
5 | The phenotype's strand |
6 | The genotype ID |
7 | The genotype's chromosome |
8 | The genotype's start position |
9 | The genotype's end position |
10 | The p-value of the association |
11 | The slope of the association |
QTLtools website: <https://qtltools.github.io/qtltools>
Versions up to and including 1.2, suffer from a bug in reading missing genotypes in VCF/BCF files. This bug affects variants with a DS field in their genotype's FORMAT and have a missing genotype (DS field is .) in one of the samples, in which case genotypes for all the samples are set to missing, effectively removing this variant from the analyses.
Please submit bugs to <https://github.com/qtltools/qtltools>
Delaneau O., Ongen H., Brown A. A., et al. A complete tool set for molecular QTL discovery and analysis. Nat Commun 8, 15452 (2017). <https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms15452>
Olivier Delaneau (olivier.delaneau@gmail.com), Halit Ongen (halitongen@gmail.com)
06 May 2020 | QTLtools-v1.3 |