ktGetTaxIDFromAcc - explore hierarchical metagenomic data with
zoomable pie charts
- Translates accessions (from arguments or <stdin>) to NCBI taxonomy
IDs. The accession can be bare or in the fourth field of pipe notation
(e.g. "gi|12345|xx|ABC123.1|", ignoring fasta tag markers
[">"]). Inputs that are bare numbers will be assumed to be
taxonomy IDs already and preserved. Accessions with no taxonomy IDs in the
database will return 0.
- ktGetTaxIDFromAcc [options] [acc1 acc2 ...] [< acc_list] >
- Command line example:
- ktGetTaxIDFromAcc A00001.1 A00002.1
- Fasta tag example:
- grep ">" sequence
- -p
- Prepend tax IDs to the original lines (separated by tabs).
- -a
- Append tax IDs to the original lines (separated by tabs).