rename-flac - CLI tool to rename FLAC files
rename-flac [--verbose] <scheme> <directory> rename-flac (-h | --help) rename-flac --version
rename-flac is a command-line tool that takes the information from FLAC metadata to batch rename the files according to a filenaming scheme.
<scheme> filenaming scheme <directory> path to the directory containing the album
-h --help Shows the help screen --version Outputs version information --verbose Runs the program as verbose mode
These are the options you can use to define the filenaming scheme:
%a - Artist | %b - Album | %c - Composer | %d - Date %g - Genre | %n - Tracknumber | %t - Title
Bugs can be reported to your distribution's bug tracker or upstream at
Louis-Philippe Véronneau
2020 |