DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / samtools / samtools-phase.1.en
samtools-phase(1) Bioinformatics tools samtools-phase(1)

samtools phase - call and phase heterozygous SNPS

samtools phase [-AF] [-k len] [-b prefix] [-q minLOD] [-Q minBaseQ] in.bam

Call and phase heterozygous SNPs.

Drop reads with ambiguous phase.
Prefix of BAM output. When this option is in use, phase-0 reads will be saved in file STR.0.bam and phase-1 reads in STR.1.bam. Phase unknown reads will be randomly allocated to one of the two files. Chimeric reads with switch errors will be saved in STR.chimeric.bam. [null]
Do not attempt to fix chimeric reads.
Maximum length for local phasing. [13]
Minimum Phred-scaled LOD to call a heterozygote. [40]
Minimum base quality to be used in het calling. [13]
Do not add a @PG line to the header of the output file.

Written by Heng Li from the Sanger Institute.


Samtools website: <>

22 September 2020 samtools-1.11