SEETXT(1) | Seetxt/Seeman | SEETXT(1) |
seetxt/seeman ‐‐ GUI text file and manual page ("manpage") viewer for X windows.
seetxt [textfile] [-x search term]
seeman [manpage] [-s section] [-x search term]
Seetxt and seeman (collectively: "see") are the same program, but the name used to call it indicates whether a man page or a regular text file is being loaded. Subsequently, the invocation name is irrelevant ‐‐ the GUI can always be used to view both kinds of files. See maintains document "meta‐data" independently for each user, allowing you to keep bookmarks and highlights for read‐only system files (including man pages) in a simple and intuitive manner. See also does layered finds, hyper‐linked apropos searches, and can be set to monitor an existing file (such as a log) for changes.
By default, see runs in "server mode": command‐line requests will be sent to the running server rather than starting a new instance. This helps facilitate integration with file browsers, most of which allow you to register a command to use when viewing a text document.
See uses the titlebar to issue some program messages. You can drag n' drop a text file from another application window into the text area to view it (this does not move or copy the file anywhere, and is not applicable to man pages).
To start "see" (or to send a request to the existing server), use either seetxt or seeman, then the file name, then any options. The filename must be before the options. If no filename is given, a new instance of see is launched, even if there's a server running. If the filename itself begins with a dash, make sure to use the full path or "./". You can also view out‐of‐path manual pages by using the full pathname or "./". See will refer to such pages (in the filelist, etc.) as belonging to section "***".
All options are a single character preceded by a dash.
NOTE ABOUT SYMLINKS IN FILE PATHS: If you load a file in your current working directory with no path, see uses the real path to that file. However, if that directory is also symlinked, and you later load the file using a full path to the file with a symlink somewhere in it, see will use that path. This matters with regard to the filelist and seedata (bookmarks/highlighting), since that information is saved by file name including the path, and a symlinked path will not match "the real one".
Top left on the GUI are three buttons: a "Back" button, a button containing the name of the current file, and a "Forward" button. The middle button will present the Filelist. This is a list of previously viewed files, in "last in, first out" order. You can select a file from this list by double left clicking on it (which moves that file to the top of the list). You can also use the Back and Forward buttons, with or without the Filelist window open, to skip through the list (files loaded this way do not change position). When you switch files, the last position of the cursor is recorded, so you can switch back and forth between files and maintain a line position without bothering to place a bookmark. This information is saved for all files in the list, even between invocations, and is shared between instances. The Filelist is kept on disk and you should define a location for this in your configuration (see below); if not, see will use a global list from its runtime directory.
You can edit the Filelist on disk manually if desired. Note that the format changed between 0.61 and 0.70, and your old Filelist will not be compatible. To correct it: all file and manpage names must be followed by a |, then the (section) in parentheses for man pages. Optionally, there is then a $NUM where "NUM" is an integer ‐‐ this is the character position of the cursor on load. The bar itself (|) is mandatory as is a section for manpages. You will be warned about invalid entries. Also read the NOTE ABOUT SYMLINKS IN FILE PATHS under INVOCATION OPTIONS, above.
There are five toggle buttons along the bottom of the see interface, two of which look like little round lights that blink green when set. Click directly on the light to toggle it. The left light toggles the server on and off (see SERVER MODE, below). The right light sets a watch on the current file, which means it will be reloaded at an interval to include any new changes. The default for this interval is ten seconds (see CONFIGURATION, below).
NOTE: Files over a default 1 Mb are not reloaded ‐‐
they are tailed. This means if the file size has increased, an amount equal
to the difference will be taken from the end and added to the display. That
works fine if "the change" was an addition to the end (such as
occurs with a normal log). But if you want to monitor a very large text file
for other (random) changes, you will have to adjust the default 1 Mb limit,
see CONFIGURATION. This does not apply to man pages. If the cursor is at the
end of a watched file, the display should remain there even if the file has
The three buttons in the center, around the text entry, are controls for text searching. If you type something into the text entry and press enter, see will perform a "find all" style search, highlighting the term in yellow where found and moving the view to include the first instance. You can now advance the cursor to the next instance with ctrl‐n, and back to the previous instance with ctrl‐p. If you toggle "push" and enter a new search term, all the instances of the last search will change to a purple highlight and the new term will be yellow. Reloading, or setting a watch which causes reloading, will erase the highlights. Don't worry, there's a command history, making it easy to repeat searches by using the arrow keys in the text entry (this history is not shared or saved between invocations).
Normally, searches are case‐insensitive. To make the search
case‐sensitive, toggle "case". To process the search term
as a regular expression, toggle "regexp" (eg: to find
"for" but not "foreach", search for "\bfor\b"
as a regexp). These are POSIX style regular expressions, as with the
"grep" command. The number to the left of the text entry shows the
number of instances found in the last search. You can use
"ctrl‐/" to set focus to the text entry instead of clicking
in it with the mouse.
There are a few key combinations that may be useful in navigating the text area: alt‐left or Home moves to the beginning of a line, alt‐right jumps 27 characters at a time, End moves to the end of the line. Ctrl‐home moves to the very beginning of the document, ctrl‐end to the very end.
The main menu is invoked with the right button when the mouse pointer is in the main text area. All the entries have ctrl macros or "hotkeys" which work anywhere, if appropriate. There can be as many as twenty items on the menu if you have a seedata file and "copy to" directory defined in ~/.seeconfig. Some items (eg. copy, help, quit), are self‐explanatory and not included here.
The only way to load a new file into a running instance of see (unless it's in the "file list", above) is to use drag n' drop, an apropos search (for manpages), or the server.
"Server mode" allows you to send remote commands to see, primarily so that it can be included in the user menu of a file browser, operated by some other application, or operated from a command‐line. EXAMPLE: To use see with GNOME's nautilus file browser, click "open with" on a text file in nautilus, select a custom command, and type "seetxt". From now on, nautilus will offer you the option of viewing text files with seetxt.
While the server is running, a green light on the left will be blinking, and any command line invocation which includes a filename or manpage will go to it (including requests from other applications such as your file browser). Most web browsers work this way ‐‐ if you click on a link in your email client, it will appear in the running web browser and not launch another one.
The server uses a local socket which defaults to ~/.seesock but it can be set in the configuration file. If the server refuses to start for some reason, quit see and erase this socket file (it should only exist when a server is running).
There can only be one server running at a time. You can turn the server off by clicking the flashing indicator on the left side of the interface.
See does not require any configuration to work, although without it you may not be able to use all features. An example configuration file is installed into INSTALLDIR/share/seetxt‐runtime (INSTALLDIR is set at build time, probably /usr/local if you built from source and didn't choose anything different, or /usr if you installed from a pre‐built package). Copy .seeconfig into your home directory and adapt it to your needs. Field names are case insensitive and lines beginning with a # are ignored. Configuration can affect the following:
With or without a config file, the first time you use see, it will create a seedata file for you (defaulting to ~/.seedata). This is the only permanent file automatically created in your home directory. Also read the NOTE ABOUT SYMLINKS IN FILE PATHS under INVOCATION OPTIONS, above.
Incorrect values in your .seeconfig file may cause a malfunction o_O
Most error messages, either in the titlebar or a pop‐up, should be self‐explanatory.
Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010 Mark Thomas Eriksen. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation (
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December 2010 | Version 0.72 |