DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / systemtap-doc / tapset::indent.3stap.en

tapset::indent - systemtap indent tapset

returns an amount of space with the current task information
See function::thread_indent(3stap)
for details.
returns the nested-depth of the current task
See function::thread_indent_depth(3stap)
for details.
returns an amount of space to indent
See function::indent(3stap)
for details.
returns the global nested-depth
See function::indent_depth(3stap)
for details.

function::thread_indent(3stap), function::thread_indent_depth(3stap), function::indent(3stap), function::indent_depth(3stap), stap(1), stapprobes(3stap)

November 2020 SystemTap Tapset Reference