DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / tcllib / paths.3tcl.en
fileutil::paths(3tcl) fileutil::paths(3tcl)

fileutil::paths - Manage search path pools

package require Tcl 8.4

package require fileutil::paths ?1?

::fileutil::paths poolName

poolName method ?arg arg ...?

poolName add path

poolName clear

poolName paths

poolName remove path

Provides a snit class whose instances manage a pool of (search) paths.

The main command provides construction of search path pools:

::fileutil::paths poolName
Creates a new, empty pool of search paths with an associated global Tcl command whose name is poolName. It may be used to invoke various operations on the pool. It has the following general form:
method and arguments determine the exact behavior of the command.
If poolName is specified as %AUTO% a unique name will be generated by the package itself. The result of the command is the fully-qualified name of the instance command.

The following commands are possible for pool objects:

Adds the path to the pool. Nothing is done if the path is already known to the pool. The result of the command is the empty string.
Clears the entire pool. In other words, removes all paths from it. The result of the command is the empty string.
Returns the list of all paths known to the pool, in the order they were added.
Removes the path from the pool, if it is known to the pool. Unknown paths are ignored without error. The result of the command is the empty string.

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1 tcllib