teem-miter(1) | User Commands | teem-miter(1) |
teem-miter - A simple but effective little volume renderer
teem-miter [@file ...] [-i <nsin>] [-vi <nvin>] [-ti <ntin>] \fR
-txf <nin ...> -fr <eye pos> [-at <at pos>] [-up <up dir>] [-rh] [-or] \
-dn <near> -di <image> -df <far> [-ar] [-ur <uMin uMax>] [-vr <vMin \
-vi <nvin> = input vector volume to render (nrrd); default: ""
-ti <ntin> = input tensor volume to render (nrrd); default: ""
-txf <nin ...> = one or more transfer functions (1 or more nrrds)
-fr <eye pos> = camera eye point (3 doubles)
-at <at pos> = camera look-at point (3 doubles); default: "0 0 0"
-up <up dir> = camera pseudo-up vector (3 doubles); default: "0 0 1"
-dn <near> = distance to near clipping plane (double)
-di <image> = distance to image plane (double)
-df <far> = distance to far clipping plane (double)
-ur <uMin uMax> = range in U direction of image plane (2 doubles)
-vr <vMin vMax> = range in V direction of image plane (2 doubles)
-fv <field of view> = angle (in degrees) vertically subtended by view window
-am <ambient> = ambient light color (3 floats); default: "1 1 1"
-is <image size> = image dimensions (2 ints); default: "256 256"
-ads <ka kd ks> = phong components (3 floats); default: "0.1 0.6 0.3"
-sp <spec pow> = phong specular power (double); default: "30"
-vp <verbose pixel> = pixel for which to turn on verbose messages (2 ints);
-nt <# threads> = number of threads hoover should use (int); default: "1"
-o <filename> = file to write output nrrd to (string)
The full documentation for teem-miter is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and teem-miter programs are properly installed at your site, the command
should give you access to the complete manual.
December 10, 2008 | 1.10.0 |