tikzsvg - Render TikZ diagrams to SVG.
tikzsvg [OPTION]... INPUT_PATH
The tikzsvg(1) command renders TikZ diagrams to SVG.
If INPUT_PATH is set to - the input will be read from stdin.
-o, --output=OUTPUT_PATH
-p, --package=+PACKAGE
-q, --quiet
-h, --help
-v, --version
tikztosvg requires xetex and pdf2svg to be installed. Make sure any additional LaTeX packages are installed before using them in a diagram.
tikztosvg was written by Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria < <pablo-escobar@riseup.net>>.
pdf2svg was written by David Barton < <davebarton@cityinthesky.co.uk>> and Matthew Flaschen < <matthew.flaschen@gatech.edu>>.
Git source repository on GitLab: <https://gitlab.com/pablo-escobar/tikztosvg>
Copyright (C) 2020 Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria. Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GPL-3.0 License.
2020-08-16 |