DOKK / manpages / debian 11 / transmission-gtk / transmission-gtk.1.en

transmission-gtka bittorrent client

transmission-gtk -?

transmission-gtk [-pqm] [torrent-file ...]

transmission-gtk is a fast and easy BitTorrent client.

BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file transfer protocol which uses a metainfo file (usually with the .torrent file extension) and a central tracker to distribute file data amongst a group of peers. For more information on the BitTorrent protocol see

-? --help
Show help options
Start with all torrents paused
Start minimized in notification area
--config-dir directory
Where to look for configuration files. This can be used to swap between using the cli, daemon, gtk, and qt clients. See for more information.

Multiple .torrent files may be added at startup by appending them on the command line. If transmission-gtk is already running, the torrents will be added to the running instance.

Sets the default config-dir.
libcurl uses this environment variable when performing tracker announces. If set, this overrides the GNOME proxy preferences.

The config-dir used when neither [TRANSMISSION_HOME] nor [-g] is specified.

transmission-gtk was written by Charles Kerr, Josh Elsasser, Eric Petit, Mitchell Livingston, and Mike Gelfand.

transmission-create(1), transmission-daemon(1), transmission-edit(1), transmission-gtk(1), transmission-qt(1), transmission-remote(1), transmission-show(1)

May 20, 2008 Debian