wesnothd - Battle for Wesnoth multiplayer network
wesnothd [-dv] [-c path] [-p
port] [-t number] [-T number]
wesnothd -V
Manages Battle for Wesnoth multiplayer games. See
https://www.wesnoth.org/wiki/ServerAdministration on what commands the
server accepts via the wesnoth client (/query ...) or the fifo.
- -c path, --config path
- tells wesnothd where to find the config file to use. See the section
SERVER CONFIG below for the syntax. You can reload the config with
sending SIGHUP to the server process.
- -d, --daemon
- runs wesnothd as a daemon.
- -h, --help
- tells you what the command line options do.
- --log-level=domain1,domain2,...
- sets the severity level of the log domains. all can be used to
match any log domain. Available levels:
error, warning, info, debug.
By default the error level is used and the info level for
the server domain.
- -p port, --port port
- binds the server to the specified port. If no port is specified, port
15000 will be used.
- -t number, --threads number
- sets the maximum number of waiting worker threads for network I/O to n
(default: 5, max: 30).
- -T number, --max-threads number
- sets the maximum number of worker threads that will be created. If set to
0 there will be no limit (default: 0).
- -V, --version
- shows version number and exits.
- -v, --verbose
- turns debug logging on.
- key="value"
- key="value,value,..."
- allow_remote_shutdown
- If set to no (default), shut_down and restart requests are ignored
unless they come from the fifo. Set it to yes to allow remote
shutdown via a /query by an administrator.
- ban_save_file
- Full or relative path to a (gzip compressed) file that the server can read
and write. Bans will be saved to this file and read again on server
- compress_stored_rooms
- Determines whether the rooms file should be read and written to in
compressed form. Defaults to yes.
- connections_allowed
- The number of allowed connections from the same IP. 0 means
infinite. (default: 5)
- disallow_names
- Names/nicks that are not accepted by the server. * and ?
from wildcard patterns are supported. See glob(7) for more details.
Default values (used if nothing is specified) are:
- fifo_path
- The path to the fifo you can echo server commands into (same as /query ...
from wesnoth). If not specified defaults to the compile-time path
(default: /var/run/wesnothd/socket).
- max_messages
- The number of allowed messages in messages_time_period. (default:
- messages_time_period
- The time period (in seconds) message flooding is detected in. (default:
10 seconds)
- motd
- The message of the day.
- new_room_policy
- Determines who can create new rooms on the server. Available values are
everyone, registered, admin and nobody, and
give the permission respectively to everyone, registered users, admin
users or disables new room creation. Default value is
- passwd
- The password used to gain admin privileges (via /query admin
- replay_save_path
- The directory where the server stores game replays. (Don't forget the
trailing /!) Defaults to `' which means the directory wesnothd was started
- restart_command
- The command that the server uses to start a new server process via the
restart command. (Can only be issued via the fifo. See the
allow_remote_shutdown setting.)
- room_save_file
- Path to a file where the room info should be stored. This file is read on
server startup and written to later. If empty or not set, rooms are not
loaded and not saved.
- save_replays
- Defines whether the server will automatically save replays of games.
(default: false)
- versions_accepted
- A comma separated list of version strings to be accepted by the server.
* and ? from wildcard patterns are supported. (defaults to
the corresponding wesnoth version)
Example: versions_accepted="*" accepts any version
- user_handler
- The name of the user handler to use. Currently available user handlers are
forum (to connect wesnothd to a phpbb forum database) and
sample (a sample implementation of the user handler interface, if
you use this on anything real you are insane). The default value is
forum. You must also add a [user_handler] section, see
[redirect] A tag to specify a server to redirect certain
client versions to.
- host
- The address of the server to redirect to.
- port
- The port to connect to.
- version
- A comma separated list of versions to redirect. Behaves the same way as
versions_accepted in regard to wildcard patterns.
[ban_time] A tag to define convenient keywords for
temporary ban time lengths.
- name
- The name used to reference the ban time.
- time
- The time length definition. The format is: %d[%s[%d%s[...]]] where %s is s
(seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), D (days), M (months) or Y (years) and
%d is a number. If no time modifier is given minutes (m) are assumed.
Example: time="1D12h30m" results in a ban time of 1 day,
12 hours and 30 minutes.
[proxy] A tag to tell the server to act as a proxy and
forward the connected client's requests to the specified server. Accepts the
same keys as [redirect].
[user_handler] Configures the user handler. Available keys
vary depending on which user handler is set with the user_handler
key. If no [user_handler] section is present in the configuration the
server will run without any nick registration service. All additional tables
that are needed for the forum_user_handler to function can be found
in table_definitions.sql in the Wesnoth source repository.
- db_host
- (for user_handler=forum) The hostname of the database server
- db_name
- (for user_handler=forum) The name of the database
- db_user
- (for user_handler=forum) The name of the user under which to log into the
- db_password
- (for user_handler=forum) This user's password
- db_users_table
- (for user_handler=forum) The name of the table in which your phpbb forums
saves its user data. Most likely this will be <table-prefix>_users
(e.g. phpbb3_users).
- (for user_handler=forum) The name of the table in which wesnothd will save
its own data about users. You will have to create this table
- db_game_info_table
- (for user_handler=forum) The name of the table in which wesnothd will save
its own data about games.
- db_game_player_info_table
- (for user_handler=forum) The name of the table in which wesnothd will save
its own data about the players in a game.
- db_game_modification_info_table
- (for user_handler=forum) The name of the table in which wesnothd will save
its own data about the modifications used in a game.
- db_user_group_table
- (for user_handler=forum) The name of the table in which your phpbb forums
saves its user group data. Most likely this will be
<table-prefix>_user_group (e.g. phpbb3_user_group).
- mp_mod_group
- (for user_handler=forum) The ID of the forum group to be considered as
having moderation authority.
- user_expiration
- (for user_handler=sample) The time after which a registered nick expires
(in days).
[mail] Configures an SMTP server through which the user
handler can send mail. Currently only used by the sample user handler.
- server
- The hostname of the mail server
- username
- The user name under which to log into the mail server.
- password
- This user's password.
- from_address
- The reply-to address of you mail.
- mail_port
- The port on which your mail server is running. Default is 25.
Normal exit status is 0 when the server was properly shutdown. An
exit status of 2 indicates an error with the command line options.
Written by David White <davidnwhite@verizon.net>. Edited by
Nils Kneuper <crazy-ivanovic@gmx.net>, ott <ott@gaon.net>,
Soliton <soliton.de@gmail.com> and Thomas Baumhauer
<thomas.baumhauer@gmail.com>. This manual page was originally written
by Cyril Bouthors <cyril@bouthors.org>.
Visit the official homepage: https://www.wesnoth.org/
Copyright © 2003-2018 David White
This is Free Software; this software is licensed under the GPL version 2, as
published by the Free Software Foundation. There is NO warranty; not even