xfaces - mail image display for X
xfaces [-toolkitoption ...] [-option ...]
XFaces version 3.0 is a program that will display an image
and optionally play a sound for each piece of mail in your mail box.
Additionaly, you can have a shell command executed. This lets you know at a
glance (or a listen, or a whatever) who you have mail from. XFaces
starts out (when you have no mail) looking like a color xbiff. As you
receive mail XFaces becomes a column (or a number of columns) of mail
XFaces can also be used to monitor other lists using the
-e option or the listCommand resource.
Xfaces accepts all of the standard X Toolkit command line
options as well as the following options designed to be compatible with Rich
Burridge's faces program:
- -c
- Specify the number of images that faces will allow before starting a new
row. This is also available as resource XFaces.frame.maxWidth.
- -e
- Run <command> and use output for faces list. This is also
available as XFaces.listCommand.
- -f <facedb
- This option set the default facedb search path to the colon separated list
of directories specified in <facedb path>. Also available as
resource XFaces.facedbPath.
- -h <image
- This option sets the height used internally by XFaces to layout
images in a tiled fashion. This is also available as the resource
- -p <update
- Specify the amount of time to wait between checks for new mail. Also
available as resource XFaces.update.
- -s <spool
- This option specifies an alternate mail spool file to watch. Also
available as XFaces.spoolFile.
- -w <image
- This option sets the width used internally by XFaces to layout
images in a tiled fashion. This is also available as the resource
- -C
- This option disables image compression. Image compression is used to only
show a particular image only once in the display. Also available as
resource XFaces.compressImages.
- -K
- This option insists that the order of the images in the display reflect
the order of the images in the spool file or those returned by a
<command>. Also available as resource
- -S
- This option says not to shape extra space added to images that are smaller
than the tile size.
- -pop
- This option specifies the host name to use for a POP3 mailbox. Also
available as XFaces.popHost.
- -top
- For backwards compatibility, use the RETR POP3 command instead of TOP to
check for new messages on the POP3 server.
The application class name is XFaces. For best results the
following Shell resource is suggested:
- XFaces.allowShellResize:
- This will allow the XFaces window to resize to be the exact size
that is required for the current images.
This program uses a very simple tiled layout widget to layout the
images. Each image is displayed in an Athena Label widget. The name of the
layout widget is frame and the following resources are available:
- XFaces.frame.tileWidth:
<tile width>
- This resource specifies the width of the children that the Tiled
widget is to manage. This size is enforced. The default is 64
- XFaces.frame.tileHeight:
<tile height>
- This resource specifies the height of the children that the Tiled
widget is to manage. This size is enforced. The default is 64.
- XFaces.frame.setWidth:
<force width>
- This resource forces the width of the Tiled widget to be
<width> tiles wide. If the value is zero then no width is
forced. The default is 0.
- XFaces.frame.setHeight:
<force height>
- This resource forces the height of the Tiled widget to be
<height> tiles wide. If the value is zero then no height is
forced. The default is 0.
- XFaces.frame.minWidth:
<minimum width>
- This resource specifies the minimum width in tiles that the Tiled
widget is allowed. If the value is zero then there is no minimum. The
default is 0.
- XFaces.frame.minHeight:
<minimum height>
- This resource specifies the minimum height in tiles that the Tiled
widget is allowed. If the value is zero then there is no minimum. The
default is 0.
- XFaces.frame.maxWidth:
<maximum width>
- This resource specifies the maximum width in tiles that the Tiled
widget is allowed. If the value is zero then there is no maximum. The
default is 0. Note that since the Tiled widget lays out its
children in row major order a value of 0 creates a horizontal list of
images. If the value is specified as 1 a vertical list is created.
- XFaces.frame.maxHeight:
<maximum height>
- This resource specifies the maximum height in tiles that the Tiled
widget is allowed. If the value is zero then there is no maximum. The
default is 0.
- XFaces.frame.vertSpacing:
- This resource specifies the spacing in pixels that the Tiled widget
places vertically between children.
- XFaces.frame.horizSpacing
- This resource specifies the spacing in pixels that the Tiled widget
places horizontally between children.
- XFaces.frame.internalWidth
- This resource specifies the spacing in pixels that the Tiled widget
places horizontally between its borders and its children.
- XFaces.frame.internalHeight
- This resource specifies the spacing in pixels that the Tiled widget
places vertically between its borders and its children.
Note: If you have specified a border width for
the children of the Tiled widget that is non zero then
you should specify the following resource values to be at least two
times the border width specified for the children:
• vertSpacing
• horizSpacing
• internalWidth
• internalHeight
XFaces also introduces the following application
- XFaces.spoolFile:
<mail spool file>
- This can be used to specify the mail spool file to watch. The default is
to append the users name onto the spoolDir resource.
- XFaces.spoolDir:
<mail spool directory>
- This resource specifies the directory that contains user mail spool files.
The default is /usr/spool/mail. On some machines (SVR4?) you may
want to set this to /usr/mail.
- XFaces.popHost:
- This resource specifies the name of a host to contact for a POP3 mailbox.
Note that in order for this to work you need to create a file called
.popauth in your home directory. The file needs to contain one line
that contains your pop host login id followed by white space followed by
your pop host password. Since this file contains a clear text password it
is not the most secure method. I currently do not have access to a pop
server that supports any other type of authentication.
- XFaces.popPort:
<port number>
- This specifies what port number to use for POP. The default is the
standard POP3 port 110.
- XFaces.popTop:
- Specify whether or not to use the newer TOP POP3 command, rather than the
RETR command (which may have the side-effect of marking the mail read on
the POP3 server). This also reduces the amount of network traffic to the
POP3 server, so is enabled by default.
- XFaces.listCommand:<usercommand>
- This resource specifies a user command that will be executed instead of
looking at the spool file. If this resource is specified then value
specified in the spoolFile is ignored. See the USER
COMMANDS section for a description of the data format that
XFaces expects from user commands.
- XFaces.imagePath:
<image path>
- This resource specifies a colon-separated list of directories that specify
the default directories to use for image files. The default is
- XFaces.soundPath:
<sound path>
- This resource specifies a colon-separated list of directories that specify
the default directories to use for sound files. The default is
- XFaces.facedbPath:
<facedb path>
- This is a list of directories that contain a multi-level directory
hierarchy. The first few levels are the host name where each part of the
host name is a new directory level. Inside this is another directory using
the users name. And finally, inside of this directory are the actual image
and sound files for this user. The root of the face (for images and for
sounds) is face. This file can be in any of the supported
image/sound formats. See the description of the facedb search type
under the imageSearch resource.
- XFaces.machine:
<machine file>
- This resource specifies the name of a file that is used to alias machine
names. Each facedb tree is allowed to contain one of these. The default is
machine.tab. Any blank lines and lines starting with the #
character are ignored. All other lines are expected to look like:
- XFaces.people:
<people file>
- This resource specifies the name of a file that is used to alias user
names for specific hosts. Each facedb tree is allowed to contain
one of these. The default is people.tab. Any blank lines and lines
starting with the # character are ignored. All other lines are
expected to look like:
- XFaces.update:
<update time>
- How often to check for new mail in seconds. The default is 60.
- XFaces.volume:
- The volume at which to play sounds. The default is 33.
- XFaces.fromField:
- This resource specifies which mail header to use as the from header. The
default is the old uucp "From_" header. (the _ is really a space
- XFaces.noMailImage:
<empty image>
- The image to use when you have no mail. The default is "nomail".
The imagePath is used to locate this file.
- XFaces.noMailSound:
<empty sound>
- The sound to use when you have no mail. The default not to play a sound
with no mail. The soundPath is used to locate this sound.
- XFaces.lookupHostname:
- If this resource is True then the host name part of the from
address will be looked up and translated to the real hostname. The default
value is False.
- XFaces.keepOrder:
- This boolean resource controls the image ordering in faces. For
performance reasons the default is False. When scripts are being
run you will usually want to specify this as True.
- XFaces.compressImages:
- Only show each image once in the image display. The default is
True. When scripts are being run you will usually want to specify
this as False.
- XFaces.useSound:
- Play sounds. The default is True. A user can disable sounds for his
XFaces by setting this resource to False in his resources.
- XFaces.useShape:
- Use shaped images if available. This will also cause the background of the
XFaces main window to become transparent where there is no image.
This defaults to True.
- XFaces.useCommands:
- This resource tells XFaces if it needs to search for shell commands
to run in addition to image and sounds. The default is False.
- XFaces.useContentLength:
- This resource enable code to use a Content-Length: mail header to specify
how large the mail body is. After the headers this many bytes are
- XFaces.shapeBorders:
- This resource, when set to True will cause the borders of the Label
widgets to be shaped out. The default is True.
- XFaces.shapeInternal:
- This resource when set to True will cause the internal width and
height margins of the Label widgets to be shaped out. The default
is True.
- XFaces.closeness:
<closeness value>
- This resource controls how close a color must come to the actual color for
the XPM library to accept it. The default is 40000.
- XFaces.imageTypes:
<image type list>
- This resource specifies the default image types that are used to attempt
to load an image file. The list also specifies the order the types are
attempted. Valid types are:
- xpm-shaped
- This is a shaped color image. Shaped xpm files should be named
- xpm
- This is a non shaped color image. These files should be named
- xbm-shaped
- This a an monochrome shaped image. The image file and mask are stored in
separate files called face-shape.xbm for the image data and
face-shape.xbm-mask for the shape mask.
- xbm
- This is a non shaped monochrome image. These files should be called
the default value for this resource is:
- XFaces.imageSearch:
<search specs>
- XFaces.soundSearch:
<search specs>
- XFaces.commandSearch:
<search specs>
- These resources have complete control of the search type , image types for
images and path arguments for locating images, sounds and commands. The
search spec is a multi line resource. Each line represents a new search.
Each line is constructed as follows:
<search type> [<format list> [<search
The <format list> is currently ignored for the
soundSearch resource. Both the <format list> and the
<search path> are (except if you use the facedb search) for the
commandSearch resource. If the <format list> is empty
then the list in the imageFormats resource is used. If the
<search path> is empty then the facedbPath is used for
facedb searches for both sounds and images and one of the
soundPath or imagePath is used for the other search types.
The valid search types are:
- beforeImage
- The beforeImageBindings resource is used as a set of regular
expression to match lines in the mail header. beforeSound The
beforeSoundBindings resource is used as a set of regular expression
to match lines in the mail header. beforeCommand The
beforeCommandBindings resource is used as a set of regular
expression to match lines in the mail header.
- resource
- The user name and host name are looked up in the X resources for a match.
The resources attempted are:
Where type is one of:
- u@h
- The user name and host name is combined and looked for as a file name. The
names attempted are:
- facedb
- This is the search that is used in Rich Burridge's faces program.
The search attempts the following for the address
- x-face
- This looks for an X-Face: header and extracts a 48 pixel by 48
pixel monochrome image.
- afterImage
- The afterImageBindings resource is used as a set of regular
expression to match lines in the mail header.
- afterSound
- The afterSoundBindings resource is used as a set of regular
expression to match lines in the mail header.
- afterImage
- The afterCommandBindings resource is used as a set of regular
expression to match lines in the mail header.
The default value of the imageSearch resource is:
The default value of the
soundSearch resource is:
The default value of the
commandSearch resource is:
- XFaces.beforeImageBindings:
- XFaces.afterImageBindings:
- XFaces.beforeSoundBindings:
- XFaces.afterSoundBindings:
- XFaces.beforeCommandBindings:
- XFaces.afterCommandBindings:
- These resources specify regular expressions that can be matched against
the mail headers to locate an image or sound. These are multi-line
resources. Each line is constructed as:
<field name> <regexp><:>
<file> <label><:><anno>
If the <field name> is specified as * then all headers are
tested. If the <field name> begins with a (like Subject:
or *) then the search is case insensitive. The <label>
field is only used for image and if specified, it will be used in the
annotations at position <anno> if <anno> is not
supplied then it defaults to 1.
- XFaces.ignoreMessageBindings:
- These resources specify regular expressions that can be matched against
the mail headers to locate an image or sound. These are multi-line
resources. Each line is constructed as:
<field name> <regexp>
If the field name is specified as * then all headers are tested. Any
match found will cause the message to be ignored, no sound, no image, no
- XFaces.annotationCount:
<number of annotations>
- XFaces.unknownAnnotationCount:
<number of annotations>
- This resource specifies the number of annotations that the user is
specifing. The unknown annotations are applied on faces that were located
via the facedb search when substituting "unknown" for the
user name. For each annotation the following resources will be retrieved
where N runs from 1 to annotationCount (or
- XFaces.mail.annotationN:
- XFaces.mail.unknownAnnotationN:
- This specifies what is to be placed into this annotation position for mail
items. The values for type are:
- none
- An empty string.
- user
- The user part of the From address.
- host
- The host part of the From address.
- user@host
- The user and host parts of the From address.
- count
- The number of messages represented by this face.
- *<header>
- Any value beginning with a '*' is expected to be a header name and the
contents of that header will be displayed. For instance
"*subject:" will display the subject line.
- XFaces.annotationAbove:
- This really should be called something else! Anyway, when this resource is
true and the image found is smaller than the tile size the extra space
allocated will be placed on teh top instead of the bottom. The default
value is False.
- XFaces.background:
- This is the color of any extra image space allocated.
- This, if true, will cause any extra image space allocated to be shaped
- XFaces.xbm.foreground:
- This is the foreground color for loaded X bitmaps.
- XFaces.xbm.background:
- This is the background color for loaded X bitmaps.
- XFaces.xpm.noneColor:
- This is the color used to represent the transparent pixels when the
overrideNoneColor is True.
- XFaces.xpm.overrideNoneColor:
- When this value is set to true the transparent pixels in a Xpm image are
replaced bu the color specified in the noneColor resource. The
default value is False.
- XFaces.xpm.filterCount:
- This resource specifies the number of external filters to look for. The
filters are specified with the following resources:
These commands add a very powerful feature to XFaces. They
allow almost anything to be monitored visually and audibly. When a value is
specified for the listCommand resource XFaces will run the
command and read the commands standard output. The following is
- The first line consists of two tokens. The first is expected to be a user
name and the second a host name. They are intended to describe the image
that should be displayed by XFaces in an iconic state.
Note: This is currently not implemented though the line
is still expected.
- The second line is expected as
where <columns> is the number of columns and <rows>
that faces should display. These values are used to set the setWidth
and setHeight resources on the Tiled layout widget.
- Each line following is expected to contain two to six TAB separated
fields. The fields are: user, host, annotation1, annotation2, annotation3,
annotation4. See the annotationCount resource to see how to specify
how and where each of the annotations are displayed.
Steve Kinzler maintains a distribution of scripts that can be used
to generate faces lists in cs.indiana.edu:pub/faces/scripts.tar.Z.
Christopher B. Liebman (liebman@zod.clark.net)
Special thanks to Rich Burridge. A lot of the concepts that now
exist in XFaces came from faces first.
Thanks also go to James Ashton for the X-Faces header face
compression / decompression code.