XVIER(6) | Games Manual | XVIER(6) |
xvier - a X11 board game.
xvier [ -display displayname ] [ -geometry geometry ] [ -fn fontpattern ] [ -iconic ] [ -rows rows ] [ -columns columns ] [ -prog programpath ] [ -level levelnumber ]
Xvier is a board game where you and the computer alternately throw stones into free columns. The stones pile up in the columns, and the goal is to get four stones in a row, in a column or diagonally. You can choose various board sizes and levels of difficulty.
During the game you click with the mouse onto the column where you want to put your stone. Another possibility is a lower case letter in the range 'a' to 'm' (maximally) where 'a' is the left column. If you want to change the level of difficulty, you must use the keyboard. Simply type the number of the desired level. These levels correspond to the search depth of the game program. The meaning of the command line options and buttons is given below.
While the game program computes a move, everything besides Change and Quit is blocked.
The keyboard equivalents of the buttons are given in brackets.
Norbert Jung jung@dia.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de
21 April 1992 |