DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / 0install-core / 0launch.1.en

0launch — download and run programs by URL

0launch [OPTION]... PROGRAM [ARG]...

0launch runs the given program. PROGRAM is either a URL in the form `http://site/program.xml' or a local path name like `/path/to/program.xml'.

If the program is not already on your computer, 0launch downloads information about which versions are available, and lets you choose one to download. It will also (automatically) do the same for any libraries the program needs.

Note that much of the functionality that was originally in 0launch has now moved to 0install(1).


is roughly equivalent to

0install run PROGRAM ARGS

See the 0install(1) man-page for more information.

When a program is available using 0launch, it will have an associated URL. To run the program, simply invoke 0launch with this as an argument:


The first time you do this, details about the program are downloaded and cached, and you will be prompted to confirm the versions to use. In future, the program will run directly from the cache without confirmation.

To check for new versions:

0launch --refresh

To avoid having to keep typing the full URI, use the `0install add' command to create shortcuts to run your programs.

0launch takes the same options as "0install run".

To debug 0launch itself, use the --verbose and --console options. For example:

$ 0launch -vvc http://myprog

To trace or debug programs run by 0launch, use the --wrapper option. For example, to run myprog --help, displaying all calls to open(2):

$ 0launch --wrapper="strace -e open" http://myprog --help

If your program is interpreted (e.g. a Python program), and you wish to debug the interpreter running it, you can do it like this:

$ 0launch --wrapper="gdb --args python" http://myprog --help

Configuration files (see basedir spec):

Global configuration settings.

List of trusted keys.

Per-interface settings, and extra feeds.

Cached data (can be re-downloaded if lost):

Downloaded cached feed files.

Downloaded cached implementations, indexed by manifest digest.

See the 0store(1) man page for more information.

Copyright (C) 2011 Thomas Leonard.

You may redistribute copies of this program under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.

Please report bugs to the developer mailing list:

Zero Install was created by Thomas Leonard.

0install(1), 0store(1)

The Zero Install web-site:

2011 Thomas Leonard