DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / allegro5-doc / al_draw_justified_ustr.3alleg5.en
al_draw_justified_ustr(3alleg5) al_draw_justified_ustr(3alleg5)

al_draw_justified_ustr - Allegro 5 API

#include <allegro5/allegro_font.h>
void al_draw_justified_ustr(const ALLEGRO_FONT *font,

ALLEGRO_COLOR color, float x1, float x2,
float y, float diff, int flags, const ALLEGRO_USTR *ustr)

Like al_draw_justified_text(3alleg5), except the text is passed as an ALLEGRO_USTR instead of a NUL-terminated char array.

al_draw_justified_text(3alleg5), al_draw_justified_textf(3alleg5).

Allegro reference manual