DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / allegro5-doc / al_get_num_joysticks.3alleg5.en
al_get_num_joysticks(3alleg5) al_get_num_joysticks(3alleg5)

al_get_num_joysticks - Allegro 5 API

#include <allegro5/allegro.h>
int al_get_num_joysticks(void)

Return the number of joysticks currently on the system (or potentially on the system). This number can change after al_reconfigure_joysticks(3alleg5) is called, in order to support hotplugging.

Returns 0 if there is no joystick driver installed.

al_get_joystick(3alleg5), al_get_joystick_active(3alleg5)

Allegro reference manual