DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / allegro5-doc / al_identify_video_f.3alleg5.en
al_identify_video_f(3alleg5) al_identify_video_f(3alleg5)

al_identify_video_f - Allegro 5 API

#include <allegro5/allegro_video.h>
char const *al_identify_video_f(ALLEGRO_FILE *fp)

Tries to guess the video file type of the open ALLEGRO_FILE by reading the first few bytes. By default Allegro cannot recognize any file types, but calling al_init_video_addon(3alleg5) will add detection of the types it can read.

Returns a pointer to a static string with a file extension for the type, including the leading dot. For example “.ogv”. Returns NULL if the video type cannot be determined.


al_init_video_addon(3alleg5), al_identify_video(3alleg5)

Allegro reference manual