DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / altree / altree-convert.1p.en
ALTREE-CONVERT(1p) User Contributed Perl Documentation ALTREE-CONVERT(1p)

altree-convert - Title...

altree-convert [options]

    --version             program version
    --short-help|h        brief help message
    --help                help message with options descriptions
    --man                 full documentation
    --first-input-file|i  input file 1
    --second-input-file|j input file 2 (not mandatory)
    --output-file|o       output file
    --case-control-output|c  output containing the nb cases/controls
    --data-type|t         DNA|NUM
    --phylo-prog|p        PAUP|PHYLIP
    --reconstruct-prog|r  PHASE|FAMHAP
    --data-quali|q        Type of data: qualitative or quantitative
    --nbind-threshold|s   Minimum number of individuals ecquired to keep an haplotype

Print the program version and exits.
Print a brief help message and exits.
Print a help message with options descriptions and exits.
Prints the manual page and exits.
Input file 1 (output of the haplotype reconstruction program)
Input file 2 (second output of famhap or file containig the disease status)
Output file
Output file containing the number of cases and controls carrying each haplotype
Type of data: DNA (ATGCU) or SNP (0-1)
Phylogeny reconstruction program
Haplotype reconstruction program
Type of data analyzed
Minimal number of individuals carrying an haplotype recquired to keep it for further analysis. If you want to keep all haplotypes, you must affect 0 to this variable

This program will read the given input file(s) and generate an input file for the phylogenetic reconstruction software paup or phylip/paml

2022-10-20 perl v5.36.0