DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / arc / marc.1.en

marc - archive merger

marc tgtarc srcarc [ files ... ]

Reads files from the arc archive srcarc and add them to the arc archive tgtarc.

Arc has been in use in the CP/M and MSDOS world for many years. Thom Henderson developed the original version, but it is important to note that arc is based on the file compression theories developed by Huffman, Welch, Knott, Knuth, and many other scientists. This implementation is based on version 5.21 of the MSDOS program.

Arc behaves just like the PC version of the program; all functions of the "usage" display are working. Full compatibility with PC ARC files is maintained, the price for which is that arc doesn't like long filenames, and can only archive files with names of up to 12 characters. It will *sometimes* do The Right Thing with them, but I suggest you put long-winded filenames in a "shar" before arcing them.

There shouldn't be any problems, (hah!) but if you find any, please send them to me at:

Original MSDOS program by Thom Henderson
COPYRIGHT(C) 1985-87 by System Enhancement Associates. You may copy and distribute this program freely, under the terms of the General Public License.

Original Lempel-Zev code derived from compress 4.0. Modified to support Squashing by Dan Lanciani ( Ported from MSDOS by Howard Chu, with help from John Gilmore (hoptoad!gnu), James Turner (daisy!turner) and others.

25 Nov 1992 Howard Chu@JPL