DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / aspcud / aspcud.1.en
aspcud(1) USER COMMANDS aspcud(1)

aspcud - solve dependencies between packages


aspcud solves package installation/removal/upgrade problems expressed in the CUDF format. It is intended to be called by package installers, but may also be used independently.

If the tool is not able to find a solution, then it writes "FAIL" to the output file.

The following command-line arguments are accepted:

is the pathname of the file containing the problem specification in CUDF format (both the universe and the request). If absent, the specification is read from stdin.
is the pathname of the file into which the solution will be written in CUDF output format. If the file does not exist it will be created, if it does already exist it will be overwritten without warning. If absent, output is written to stdout.
selects the optimization criterion. To get a list of supported criteria, see the -c option of cudf2lp(1). If absent, the paranoid criterion is used. Note that the criterion can be passed via option --criterion as well.

aspcud supports the following options:

print help text, and default configurations and paths
print version and license information
set the optimization criterion
append clasp option OPT (can be given multiple times); if at least one clasp option is given, then default search options are not used
append gringo option OPT (can be given multiple times)
append encoding ENC (can be given multiple times); if at least one encoding is given, then the default encoding is not used
append cudf2lp option OPT (can be given multiple times)
path to solver (clasp)
path to grounder (gringo)
path to cudf preprocessor (cudf2lp)
set the verbosity level
do not cleanup temporary files

aspcud uses temporary files. These are put into the folder indicated by the environment variable TMPDIR or, if not set, by the POSIX constant P_tmpdir.

aspcud has been written by Roland Kaminski and Martin Gebser.

cudf2lp(1), gringo(1), clasp(1), and <> for the specification of the CUDF format.

May 1, 2022 Version 1.9.6