DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / autodia / autodia.3pm.en
autodia(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation autodia(3pm)

autodia - a perl script using the Autodia modules to create UML Class Diagrams or documents. from code or other data sources.

AutoDia takes source files as input and using a handler parses them to create documentation through templates. The handlers allow AutoDia to parse any language by providing a handler and registering in in The templates allow the output to be heavily customised from Dia XML to simple HTML and separates the logic of the application from the presentation of the results.

AutoDia is written in perl and defaults to the perl handler and file extension matching unless a language is specified using the -l switch.

AutoDia requires Template Toolkit and Perl 5. Some handlers and templates may require additional software, for example the Java SDK for the java handler.

AutoDia can use GraphViz to generate layout coordinates, and can produce di-graphs (notation for directional graphs) in dot (plain or canonical) and vcg, as well as Dia xml.

Helpful information, links and news can be found at the autodia website -

"autodia ([-i filename [-p path] ] or [-d directory [-r] ]) [options]"
"autodia -i filename : use filename as input"
"autodia -i 'filea fileb filec' : use filea, fileb and filec as input"
"autodia -i filename -p .. : use ../filename as input file"
"autodia -d directoryname : use *.pl/pm in directoryname as input files"
"autodia -d 'foo bar quz' : use *pl/pm in directories foo, bar and quz as input files"
"autodia -d directory -r : use *pl/pm in directory and its subdirectories as input files"
"autodia -d directory -F : use files in directory but only one file per diagram" =item " -d directory -C : use files in directory but skip CVS directories"
"autodia -o outfile.xml : use outfile.xml as output file (otherwise uses autodial.out.dia)"
"autodia -O : output to stdout"
"autodia -l language : parse source as language (ie: C) and look for appropriate filename extensions if also -d"
"autodia -t templatefile : use templatefile as template (otherwise uses template.xml)"
"autodia -l DBI -i "mysql:test:localhost" -U username -P password : use test database on localhost with username and password as username and password"
"autodia -l Mason -i "/index.html" -p comp_root -G '\$c' : use HTML::Mason to fetch /index.html from comp_root and show all components in reach. -G corresponds to allow_globals."
"autodia -z : output via graphviz"
"autodia -Z : output via springgraph"
"autodia -v : output via VCG "
"autodia -s skipfile : exclude files or packagenames matching those listed in file"
"autodia -K : do not display packages that are not part of input"
"autodia -k : do not display superclasses that are not part of input"
"autodia -H : show only Public/Visible methods"
"autodia -m : show only Class methods"
"autodia -M : do not show Class Methods"
"autodia -a : show only Class Attributes"
"autodia -A : do not show Class Attributes"
"autodia -S : silent mode, no output to stdout except with -O"
"autodia -h : display this help message"
"autodia -V : display version and copyright message"
2022-11-02 perl v5.36.0