DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / avr-libc / GET_EXTENDED_FUSE_BITS.3avr.en
avr_boot(3avr) avr-libc avr_boot(3avr)

avr_boot - <avr/boot.h>: Bootloader Support Utilities

#define BOOTLOADER_SECTION __attribute__ ((section ('.bootloader')))
#define boot_spm_interrupt_enable() (__SPM_REG |= (uint8_t)_BV(SPMIE))
#define boot_spm_interrupt_disable() (__SPM_REG &= (uint8_t)~_BV(SPMIE))
#define boot_is_spm_interrupt() (__SPM_REG & (uint8_t)_BV(SPMIE))
#define boot_rww_busy() (__SPM_REG & (uint8_t)_BV(__COMMON_ASB))
#define boot_spm_busy() (__SPM_REG & (uint8_t)_BV(__SPM_ENABLE))
#define boot_spm_busy_wait() do{}while(boot_spm_busy())
#define GET_LOW_FUSE_BITS (0x0000)
#define GET_LOCK_BITS (0x0001)
#define GET_EXTENDED_FUSE_BITS (0x0002)
#define GET_HIGH_FUSE_BITS (0x0003)
#define boot_lock_fuse_bits_get(address)
#define boot_signature_byte_get(addr)
#define boot_page_fill(address, data) __boot_page_fill_normal(address, data)
#define boot_page_erase(address) __boot_page_erase_normal(address)
#define boot_page_write(address) __boot_page_write_normal(address)
#define boot_rww_enable() __boot_rww_enable()
#define boot_lock_bits_set(lock_bits) __boot_lock_bits_set(lock_bits)
#define boot_page_fill_safe(address, data)
#define boot_page_erase_safe(address)
#define boot_page_write_safe(address)
#define boot_rww_enable_safe()
#define boot_lock_bits_set_safe(lock_bits)

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/boot.h>

The macros in this module provide a C language interface to the bootloader support functionality of certain AVR processors. These macros are designed to work with all sizes of flash memory.

Global interrupts are not automatically disabled for these macros. It is left up to the programmer to do this. See the code example below. Also see the processor datasheet for caveats on having global interrupts enabled during writing of the Flash.


Not all AVR processors provide bootloader support. See your processor datasheet to see if it provides bootloader support.


From email with Marek: On smaller devices (all except ATmega64/128), __SPM_REG is in the I/O space, accessible with the shorter 'in' and 'out' instructions - since the boot loader has a limited size, this could be an important optimization.

API Usage Example

The following code shows typical usage of the boot API.

#include <inttypes.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
void boot_program_page (uint32_t page, uint8_t *buf)

uint16_t i;
uint8_t sreg;
// Disable interrupts.
sreg = SREG;
eeprom_busy_wait ();
boot_page_erase (page);
boot_spm_busy_wait (); // Wait until the memory is erased.
for (i=0; i<SPM_PAGESIZE; i+=2)
// Set up little-endian word.
uint16_t w = *buf++;
w += (*buf++) << 8;

boot_page_fill (page + i, w);
boot_page_write (page); // Store buffer in flash page.
boot_spm_busy_wait(); // Wait until the memory is written.
// Reenable RWW-section again. We need this if we want to jump back
// to the application after bootloading.
boot_rww_enable ();
// Re-enable interrupts (if they were ever enabled).
SREG = sreg; }

Check if the SPM interrupt is enabled.

Set the bootloader lock bits.


lock_bits A mask of which Boot Loader Lock Bits to set.


In this context, a 'set bit' will be written to a zero value. Note also that only BLBxx bits can be programmed by this command.

For example, to disallow the SPM instruction from writing to the Boot Loader memory section of flash, you would use this macro as such:

boot_lock_bits_set (_BV (BLB11));


Like any lock bits, the Boot Loader Lock Bits, once set, cannot be cleared again except by a chip erase which will in turn also erase the boot loader itself.


do {     boot_spm_busy_wait();                           eeprom_busy_wait();                             boot_lock_bits_set (lock_bits);             } while (0)
Same as boot_lock_bits_set() except waits for eeprom and spm operations to complete before setting the lock bits.


(__extension__({                                               uint8_t __result;                                          __asm__ __volatile__                                       (                                                              "sts %1, %20t"                                           "lpm %0, Z0t"                                            : "=r" (__result)                                          : "i" (_SFR_MEM_ADDR(__SPM_REG)),                            "r" ((uint8_t)(__BOOT_LOCK_BITS_SET)),                     "z" ((uint16_t)(address))                            );                                                         __result;                                              }))
Read the lock or fuse bits at address.



The lock and fuse bits returned are the physical values, i.e. a bit returned as 0 means the corresponding fuse or lock bit is programmed.

Erase the flash page that contains address.


address is a byte address in flash, not a word address.


do {     boot_spm_busy_wait();                           eeprom_busy_wait();                             boot_page_erase (address);                  } while (0)
Same as boot_page_erase() except it waits for eeprom and spm operations to complete before erasing the page.

Fill the bootloader temporary page buffer for flash address with data word.


The address is a byte address. The data is a word. The AVR writes data to the buffer a word at a time, but addresses the buffer per byte! So, increment your address by 2 between calls, and send 2 data bytes in a word format! The LSB of the data is written to the lower address; the MSB of the data is written to the higher address.


do {     boot_spm_busy_wait();                           eeprom_busy_wait();                             boot_page_fill(address, data);              } while (0)
Same as boot_page_fill() except it waits for eeprom and spm operations to complete before filling the page.

Write the bootloader temporary page buffer to flash page that contains address.


address is a byte address in flash, not a word address.


do {     boot_spm_busy_wait();                           eeprom_busy_wait();                             boot_page_write (address);                  } while (0)
Same as boot_page_write() except it waits for eeprom and spm operations to complete before writing the page.

Check if the RWW section is busy.

Enable the Read-While-Write memory section.


do {     boot_spm_busy_wait();                           eeprom_busy_wait();                             boot_rww_enable();                          } while (0)
Same as boot_rww_enable() except waits for eeprom and spm operations to complete before enabling the RWW mameory.


(__extension__({                            uint8_t __result;                               __asm__ __volatile__                            (                                                 "sts %1, %20t"                                "lpm %0, Z" "0t"                              : "=r" (__result)                               : "i" (_SFR_MEM_ADDR(__SPM_REG)),                 "r" ((uint8_t)(__BOOT_SIGROW_READ)),            "z" ((uint16_t)(addr))                      );                                              __result;                                 }))
Read the Signature Row byte at address. For some MCU types, this function can also retrieve the factory-stored oscillator calibration bytes.

Parameter address can be 0-0x1f as documented by the datasheet.


The values are MCU type dependent.

Check if the SPM instruction is busy.

Wait while the SPM instruction is busy.

Disable the SPM interrupt.

Enable the SPM interrupt.

Used to declare a function or variable to be placed into a new section called .bootloader. This section and its contents can then be relocated to any address (such as the bootloader NRWW area) at link-time.

_define_GET_EXTENDED_FUSE_BITS___(0x0002)">">#define GET_EXTENDED_FUSE_BITS (0x0002)

address to read the extended fuse bits, using boot_lock_fuse_bits_get

_define_GET_HIGH_FUSE_BITS___(0x0003)">">#define GET_HIGH_FUSE_BITS (0x0003)

address to read the high fuse bits, using boot_lock_fuse_bits_get

_define_GET_LOCK_BITS___(0x0001)">">#define GET_LOCK_BITS (0x0001)

address to read the lock bits, using boot_lock_fuse_bits_get

_define_GET_LOW_FUSE_BITS___(0x0000)">">#define GET_LOW_FUSE_BITS (0x0000)

address to read the low fuse bits, using boot_lock_fuse_bits_get

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Fri Jan 7 2022 Version 2.0.0