DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / avr-libc / gm_sidereal.3avr.en
time.h(3avr) avr-libc time.h(3avr)


struct tm
struct week_date

#define ONE_HOUR 3600
#define ONE_DEGREE 3600
#define ONE_DAY 86400
#define UNIX_OFFSET 946684800
#define NTP_OFFSET 3155673600

typedef uint32_t time_t


time_t time (time_t *timer)
int32_t difftime (time_t time1, time_t time0)
time_t mktime (struct tm *timeptr)
time_t mk_gmtime (const struct tm *timeptr)
struct tm * gmtime (const time_t *timer)
void gmtime_r (const time_t *timer, struct tm *timeptr)
struct tm * localtime (const time_t *timer)
void localtime_r (const time_t *timer, struct tm *timeptr)
char * asctime (const struct tm *timeptr)
void asctime_r (const struct tm *timeptr, char *buf)
char * ctime (const time_t *timer)
void ctime_r (const time_t *timer, char *buf)
char * isotime (const struct tm *tmptr)
void isotime_r (const struct tm *, char *)
size_t strftime (char *s, size_t maxsize, const char *format, const struct tm *timeptr)
void set_dst (int(*)(const time_t *, int32_t *))
void set_zone (int32_t)
void set_system_time (time_t timestamp)
void system_tick (void)
uint8_t is_leap_year (int16_t year)
uint8_t month_length (int16_t year, uint8_t month)
uint8_t week_of_year (const struct tm *timeptr, uint8_t start)
uint8_t week_of_month (const struct tm *timeptr, uint8_t start)
struct week_date * iso_week_date (int year, int yday)
void iso_week_date_r (int year, int yday, struct week_date *)
uint32_t fatfs_time (const struct tm *timeptr)
void set_position (int32_t latitude, int32_t longitude)
int16_t equation_of_time (const time_t *timer)
int32_t daylight_seconds (const time_t *timer)
time_t solar_noon (const time_t *timer)
time_t sun_rise (const time_t *timer)
time_t sun_set (const time_t *timer)
double solar_declination (const time_t *timer)
int8_t moon_phase (const time_t *timer)
unsigned long gm_sidereal (const time_t *timer)
unsigned long lm_sidereal (const time_t *timer)

Difference between the Y2K and the NTP epochs, in seconds. To convert a Y2K timestamp to NTP...

unsigned long ntp;
time_t y2k;
y2k = time(NULL);
ntp = y2k + NTP_OFFSET;

One day, expressed in seconds

Angular degree, expressed in arc seconds

One hour, expressed in seconds

Difference between the Y2K and the UNIX epochs, in seconds. To convert a Y2K timestamp to UNIX...

long unix;
time_t y2k;
y2k = time(NULL);
unix = y2k + UNIX_OFFSET;

enum _MONTHS_

Enumerated labels for the months.

enum _WEEK_DAYS_

Enumerated labels for the days of the week.

The asctime function converts the broken-down time of timeptr, into an ascii string in the form

Sun Mar 23 01:03:52 2013

Re entrant version of asctime().

The ctime function is equivalent to asctime(localtime(timer))

Re entrant version of ctime().

int32_t daylight_seconds (const time_t * timer)

Computes the amount of time the sun is above the horizon, at the location of the observer.

NOTE: At observer locations inside a polar circle, this value can be zero during the winter, and can exceed ONE_DAY during the summer.

The returned value is in seconds.

int32_t difftime (time_t time1, time_t time0)

The difftime function returns the difference between two binary time stamps, time1 - time0.

int16_t equation_of_time (const time_t * timer)

Computes the difference between apparent solar time and mean solar time. The returned value is in seconds.

uint32_t fatfs_time (const struct tm * timeptr)

Convert a Y2K time stamp into a FAT file system time stamp.

Returns Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time, as seconds into the sidereal day. The returned value will range from 0 through 86399 seconds.

struct tm* gmtime (const time_t * timer)

The gmtime function converts the time stamp pointed to by timer into broken-down time, expressed as UTC.

Re entrant version of gmtime().

uint8_t is_leap_year (int16_t year)

Return 1 if year is a leap year, zero if it is not.

struct week_date* iso_week_date (int year, int yday)

Return a week_date structure with the ISO_8601 week based date corresponding to the given year and day of year. See for more information.

Re-entrant version of iso-week_date.

The isotime function constructs an ascii string in the form

2013-03-23 01:03:52

Re entrant version of isotime()

Returns Local Mean Sidereal Time, as seconds into the sidereal day. The returned value will range from 0 through 86399 seconds.

struct tm* localtime (const time_t * timer)

The localtime function converts the time stamp pointed to by timer into broken-down time, expressed as Local time.

Re entrant version of localtime().

time_t mk_gmtime (const struct tm * timeptr)

This function 'compiles' the elements of a broken-down time structure, returning a binary time stamp. The elements of timeptr are interpreted as representing UTC.

The original values of the tm_wday and tm_yday elements of the structure are ignored, and the original values of the other elements are not restricted to the ranges stated for struct tm.

Unlike mktime(), this function DOES NOT modify the elements of timeptr.

time_t mktime (struct tm * timeptr)

This function 'compiles' the elements of a broken-down time structure, returning a binary time stamp. The elements of timeptr are interpreted as representing Local Time.

The original values of the tm_wday and tm_yday elements of the structure are ignored, and the original values of the other elements are not restricted to the ranges stated for struct tm.

On successful completion, the values of all elements of timeptr are set to the appropriate range.

uint8_t month_length (int16_t year, uint8_t month)

Return the length of month, given the year and month, where month is in the range 1 to 12.

int8_t moon_phase (const time_t * timer)

Returns an approximation to the phase of the moon. The sign of the returned value indicates a waning or waxing phase. The magnitude of the returned value indicates the percentage illumination.

Specify the Daylight Saving function.

The Daylight Saving function should examine its parameters to determine whether Daylight Saving is in effect, and return a value appropriate for tm_isdst.

Working examples for the USA and the EU are available..

#include <util/eu_dst.h>

for the European Union, and

#include <util/usa_dst.h>

for the United States

If a Daylight Saving function is not specified, the system will ignore Daylight Saving.

Set the geographic coordinates of the 'observer', for use with several of the following functions. Parameters are passed as seconds of North Latitude, and seconds of East Longitude.

For New York City...

set_position( 40.7142 * ONE_DEGREE, -74.0064 * ONE_DEGREE); 

Initialize the system time. Examples are...

From a Clock / Calendar type RTC:

struct tm rtc_time;
rtc_time.tm_isdst = 0;
set_system_time( mktime(&rtc_time) );

From a Network Time Protocol time stamp:

set_system_time(ntp_timestamp - NTP_OFFSET);

From a UNIX time stamp:

set_system_time(unix_timestamp - UNIX_OFFSET);

Set the 'time zone'. The parameter is given in seconds East of the Prime Meridian. Example for New York City:

set_zone(-5 * ONE_HOUR);

If the time zone is not set, the time system will operate in UTC only.

Returns the declination of the sun in radians.

time_t solar_noon (const time_t * timer)

Computes the time of solar noon, at the location of the observer.

A complete description of strftime() is beyond the pale of this document. Refer to ISO/IEC document 9899 for details.

All conversions are made using the 'C Locale', ignoring the E or O modifiers. Due to the lack of a time zone 'name', the 'Z' conversion is also ignored.

time_t sun_rise (const time_t * timer)

Return the time of sunrise, at the location of the observer. See the note about daylight_seconds().

time_t sun_set (const time_t * timer)

Return the time of sunset, at the location of the observer. See the note about daylight_seconds().

Maintain the system time by calling this function at a rate of 1 Hertz.

It is anticipated that this function will typically be called from within an Interrupt Service Routine, (though that is not required). It therefore includes code which makes it simple to use from within a 'Naked' ISR, avoiding the cost of saving and restoring all the cpu registers.

Such an ISR may resemble the following example...


reti(); }

time_t time (time_t * timer)

The time function returns the systems current time stamp. If timer is not a null pointer, the return value is also assigned to the object it points to.

uint8_t week_of_month (const struct tm * timeptr, uint8_t start)

Return the calendar week of month, where the first week is considered to begin on the day of week specified by 'start'. The returned value may range from zero to 5.

uint8_t week_of_year (const struct tm * timeptr, uint8_t start)

Return the calendar week of year, where week 1 is considered to begin on the day of week specified by 'start'. The returned value may range from zero to 52.

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