DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / bali-phy / trees-bootstrap.1.en
trees-bootstrap(1) trees-bootstrap(1)

trees-bootstrap - Compare support for partitions between different files.

trees-bootstrap file1 [file2 ... ] --predicates predicate file [OPTIONS]

Compare support for partitions between different files.

Produce help message.
Number of trees to skip.
Read until this number of trees.
Thin tree samples down to this number of trees.
Factor by which to sub-sample.
Predicates to examine.
Minimum value of predicates to consider interesting..
Output more log messages on stderr.

Do block bootstrapping to get a CI on the posterior probabilities.
Number of bootstrap samples.
Extra 0/1 to add to bootstrap samples.
Block size to use in block boostrap.
Random seed.

Only report trees/partitions if they differ by this many LODs
Width of confidence intervals
Write the partitions LOD10's to a file.

BAli-Phy online help: <>.

Please send bug reports to <>.

Benjamin Redelings.

Feb 2018