DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / bio-tradis / Bio::Tradis::FilterTags.3pm.en
Bio::Tradis::FilterTags(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Bio::Tradis::FilterTags(3pm)

Bio::Tradis::FilterTags - Filter tags in a fastq file

version 1.4.5

Reads in a fastq file with tradis tags already attached to the start of the sequence Filters reads that contain the provided tag Outputs a file *.tag.fastq unless an alternative outfile name is specified

   use Bio::Tradis::FilterTags;
   my $pipeline = Bio::Tradis::FilterTags->new(fastqfile => 'abc', tag => 'abc');

  • "fastqfile" - path to/name of file to filter. This may be a gzipped fastq file, in which case a temporary unzipped version is used and removed on completion.
  • "tag" - TraDIS tag to match

  • "mismatch" - number of mismatches to allow when matching the tag. Default = 0
  • "outfile" - output file name. Defaults to "file.tag.fastq" for an input file named "file.fastq"

"filter_tags" - outputs all reads containing the provided tag to "outfile"

Carla Cummins <>

This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007
2020-01-11 perl v5.30.0